Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? In February, veteran journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell report detailing how President Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.

Seymour Hersh joins The Chris Hedges Report to explain his report, and why corporate media and the US government are so intent on dismissing him.

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By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “How America destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines w/Seymour Hersh | The Chris Hedges Report”
  1. European and their American relatives are the most EVIL people on earth. Every negative narrative or depiction of their enemies is exactly a reflection of themselves. When they accuse you of corruption, barbarism or blood thirst, lazy, weak, less attractive or all together stupid, its because that is what they're and they know it ,feel it. They actual envy your superior qualities. And they don't want you to assume your moral and intellectual high ground.

  2. That's unbelievable ..these German protests were kept out of western Europe's press. It's obvious U.S. media didn't report it, but also Europe's vassal states ??
    The current German chancellor forbids to discuss Nordstream in the German parliament on grounds of "National Security".. Recently a bunch German pensioners were arrested on grounds of planning a military coup because they dared to ask questions about Germany's independence and the second world war fraud when the Nazis could count on the 1918 allied conglomerate.
    The state department and its think tanks are of the opinion Europe is ready for one of her long overdue existential crises that always were so beneficial to Uncle Sam. Who needs enemies with such 'friends'……..?
    Victoria N……"Teach these smartass Europeans a bit of humility again".

  3. The vast bodies of water surrounding our planet are, at times, an unforgiving environment. All sorts of infrastructure are vulnerable to it (including fiber optic cables). Maybe laying this infrastructure on the open floor of any body of water isn't such a good idea.🤔🧐🤨

  4. It’s unbelievable how anyone could vote for Democrats or Republicans when the information is available how they, in control of the US government, have killed 20 million innocent people around the world since WWII. Given the information that is easily available to Americans, they deserve to happen to them what they have not offered any resistance happening to others. And it will, and the morons don’t see it happening while it’s happening.

  5. Pace as faca cine a inceput acest nenorocit de razboi cu mii de drone,cu milioane de bombed cu milioane de euro sa se retraga in liniste si sa huzureasca pe banii cetatenilor planet,pace sa faca cine umbla liber cu milioane de euro"ghiata"Merita si acest om,PUTIN care a fost si este ahaituit ca un animal care merita sa fie impuscat,pace as faca cei care l-au acuzat si-l acuza ca a fost tortionarul copiilor,pace as faca cei care au venit cu tancurile la poarta dar si mai aproape de Rusia!Pace as faca cei care l-au condemned acum cateva zile gasindu-l vinovat de omori pe care nu le-a facut copiilor parintilor din Ucraina!Cum ii reabilitati voi onoarea de parinti ca ar fi putut sa fie tortionarul copiilor lor?Oare un Tribunal ar fi capabil sa-l "reabiliteze" el fiind curat ca lacrimi dar si despagubit cu miliarde pe care nu le-a mai avut PUTIN ptr.ca i-a-ti pus voi vinovatilor poprire aproape si pe cei de subsistenta?

  6. It's weird, when I was 12 I already didn't trust the russians. I am now 45, almost 46 so the way I see it is that many parents or adults are hiding everything away and saying that it is bad to talk bad about others, which is true but I always stood by what I said. Now 33 years later hell breaks loose and since my father is not here anymore, I still wonder how he would react now when I say the same as when I was 12 and I would ask him why older people alway's hiding things away while the truth will alway's follow. Now I am older I do understand why it's bad to say these things but kids are mostly very honest in those cases. Sure kids steal some candy in stores and lie about it to their parents but that's a small thing… so what….
    Looking back to those day's now I am 45, I am very proud of myself holding on to that while actually stuffing it away from others because IF I would say that to everyone then yea, it's not gonna be good. But now we all are here in 2023 and wonder what all people has to say about this.
    As a kid you see things, you hear things and sometimes things stick with them.
    It's kinda hard to give it a place in my mind that I reacted not the way I really wanted to for all those years now I know that I was right all the time and stuffing that away while now everyone is saying what I said when I was 12. That's pretty harsh.

    All these things makes a person not trust anyone which is now the case for many years. But I am glad that the truth has shown itself and it confirms my thoughts I have.
    It's a bit harsh to say that well, now you all see what is gonna happen when you stuff things away and no one is actually care. It's a hard thing to say but it turned out to be a fact.
    And I think more people had this feeling. But what can they do, just as I could do nothing 🙁

  7. why should the president even have to ask for a study? what study? by who and will it be truthful or accurate? wow. so that means right off the bat, that alot of agencies are busy doing huge things, like arranging the destruction of other nations billion dollar infrastructure WITHOUT presidents knowledge?? wow and PAYING for all of the logistics etc. with [probably] the famous black budget. the users of which answer to no one. just who our fake impotent presidents and who or what groups are really running our country? and who appoints them?

  8. richard Gage "9/11 blue print for truth" architects & engineers for 9/11 truth. get the CD if you can. also "9/11 the myth and the reality" by griffin.

  9. no wonder they dont bother to assassinate that old investigative journalist; he mumbles so much and losses his train of thought…his behavior alone will cast doubt on what he is trying to say

  10. The US Government Is Full Of Sh*t Along With The Mainstream Media!!! I Don't Trust These Sapsucker's At ALL!!!🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🗽‼️

  11. You are speaking about war crimes. Let's not forget agent orange! Twelve (12) generations of Vietnamese babies will be dealing with agent orange! Biden and his administration reminds the world of US war crimes worldwide. Let's not forget about the tens of thousands of children killed in countries not involved in the Vietnam war, or the American War as they call it, like Cambodia and Laos. Concerning the Danes and the Swedes and others, they seem to be distancing themselves further and further from the US almost daily.

  12. Americans need to spend their next vacation in Ukraine to see the level of corruption there. The beaches are open there. The issue is if they get shot at it is most likey to be by the Ukraine neo Nazis. They were getting away with murdering other Ukrainians during the many times I was there. I certainly did not go around the Zelensky neo Nazis.

  13. did u notice I had a hard time getting this vid to play; they kept trying to interfere by playing some blues music so I had to keep downloading until it finally started so someone dont want it played someone mustve of paid someone. im still getting interference i won'r be here long im fed up with u tub have lot of woke people here

  14. it was the same people who bombed the 3 three towers in new york 2001.did anyone get the black boxes from the 3 planes oh sorry i mean 2 planes

  15. American citizens need too get rid of the politicians by a REVOLUTION. REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS have made so rich, they don’t care about the people, they want to keep us poor and uneducated. We should do it with kindness this works……..wink wink

  16. The U.S bomb the pipe line because President biden is backing up China. He invested in rare metal that China has abundant of it. That is why he wants the US to drive electric vehicles

  17. So the U.S. dictates to Europe, in this instance Germany, when they have to change their oil policy & then destroy Germany’s ability to get their normal supply of oil from Russia. Europe needs to wake up. Right now they’ve become collateral damage & no one’s going to have an ounce of sympathy if they don’t stop subjugating themselves to the U.S.

  18. US forces in Europe should start to think of all moving out of it before people start running after them to kick them out. Sorry guys. Too much is too much. Until the US puts its house in order, Americans should stay at home… the world does not want them around any more. People like Seymour Hersh excepted of course…

  19. The western media learnt a lot from Joseph goebbles control the media you control most people’s minds, what is true is a lie what is a lie is the truth

  20. Because Hersh tells the truth he will be labelled a communist by the American Hun-class. He's a very poor speaker. In fact a mumbling irritating digressive.

  21. So this is just another trade war…
    Europe was a competitive threat to the US as outlined in the 1997 unofficial "Project for the New American document". The plan to hammer Russia relentlessly using the Ukraine was an open secret in diplomatic communities.

    The smart choice for the EU would be to get closer the Asian heartland and take part in the rise of Asia and Africa… The US could not allow this, hence the destruction of Nord Stream 2.

    China's sensible defense is to destroy the Dollar in an effort to marginalize the US…

  22. Thanks, Seymour is an absolute legend. The ongoing insistence that Nordstream is an unsolvable mystery is one of the most bizarre examples of 2+2=5 I have witnessed in my lifetime. It is truly mystifying that the Europeans are so cuckolded by the US. With friends like the US you really don't need enemies.

  23. Still any doubts about who commit this horrendous crime against humanity and against, mostly Germany , Russia and the basic interests of all the Europeans! Our so-called "very democratic" leaders should stop lying, speculate, and start to investigate and punish the responsible parties: the USA and their European acolytes! There are lots of evidence and it's clear to many, except the usual hypocrites, lying media and the obtuse Western European governments! More studies? No need for more studies! The truth is clear and apparent to all!

  24. That’s hope Russia never ever forget what the way evil criminals done to the gas pipeline they will take revenge when is the right time maybe china America war maybe Iran war or even North Korean Russia will be there to support and supply anything the American enemy’s want they will get it from Russia 🇷🇺

  25. My v Európe máme zlé skúsenosti s UKRAJINOU.Boli to neplatiči a tak navrtali potrubie a okrádali nás keď im Rusko zastavilo dodávky . Mysleli si že im to prejde a že my to zaplatíme . Lenže my za hranicami máme stanice ktoré registrujú tok do Európy a tak Ukrajina pohorela😂 Ten nápad s poškodením potrubia bol plán ZELENSKÉHO a navrhol ho BIDENOVI😅
    Dôvod jednoduchý Ukrajina stratila financie a plyn a Biden financie 😂😂😂

  26. at least somebody from America can say truth. unless u guys speak up the truth or in the coming time american name will be synonymous to abusing somebody.

  27. USA USA USA our way or the highway. The great Satan strikes again. We are your masters take a knee and tremble at the sight of our power or feel the breath of the dragon that fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  28. In all honesty the idea the USA doesn't engage in hybrid warfare is the height of foolishness… You could end world hunger for 330 billion and make that food security predicated on following policy but the US wants to rule with a dollar and from the barrel of a gun. The only thing that the enemies of America needs to do is keep pushing America to keep doing what they are doing.

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