Globalization sociologist William I. Robinson explains how global capitalism has been mired in a structural crisis since the 1970s, but especially since 2008, which has also led to a crisis of legitimacy, giving rise to neo-fascism around the world.

Director: Will Arenas
Audio Engineer: Adam Coley
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “How Capitalism’s Structural and Ideological Crisis Gives Rise to Neo-Fascism”
  1. You talk about a global working class groundswell, but don't most of them vote for guys like Trump? Populism seduces the uneducated and the desperate. You also have a duplicitous Liberalism which cynically makes footballs of minorities masquerading as Left radicalism. Hardly anyone has much idea of what Socialism is any more.

  2. This has nothing to do with capitalism, and everything to do with the fraud of fiat currency and plank number 5 of communism: Central banks.

  3. Had me in the first half, not gonna lie; but then you start conflating being pro-labor and opposing mass immigration for the same reason that I'd oppose strikebreakers with being racist, and you lose me. How can you oppose trans-national capitalists while advocating for the policies which benefit them at our expense? If you support the agenda of my enemy, then It's fair of me to assume that you and my enemy are allied against me.

    And you yourself call the despondent masses of the 3rd world a "surplus". Tell me, what happens when you introduce a large surplus of labor into an already over-saturated market? Likewise, say we end capitalism right now; what are you gonna replace it with that's gonna solve resource scarcity and stop competing groups from being at eachothers' throats? Especially culturally disparate groups who are likely to self segregate and mutually despise one another; one feeling oppressed and deprived and the other feeling taken advantage of and displaced?

    I mean, it's otherwise a great video and definitely on point; but not wanting to get fucked over or cannibalized isn't racist. If you can stop using that kind of loaded language then you'd convince more people. Likewise, if you could propose viable alternatives to transnational capitalism that won't lead to the exact same kind of regression in standards of living, I'm all ears.

    and our standards of living, btw, aren't privilege, they're the norm; our way of life; the result of what our ancestors and predecessors built, through their own labor (and no small degree of conquest and exploitation, sure, but that goes for every nation or society anywhere at any point in history, and none of them so egalitarian or having as high a standard of living as contemporary western civilization; and I think that a lot of people who want to virtue signal, usually the most privileged, the white upper class college kids and their corporate ass-kissing managerial class parents, take that for granted while they throw us under the bus in favor of cheap foreign labor and a gig economy resembling a feudal hierarchy of royalty, servants, and peasants).

  4. It is a good discussion but how capitalism gives rise to a reactionary left and an ideological crisis on the left is equally important if not more.
    There is a constant rehashing in the left of the big abstract and general issues but no focus on the concrete ways people to channel their anger and rage at the forces of oppression.
    How the left conspires with the right to exclude the people or a people's movement is just as much a valid discussion as how capitalism gives rise to far right extremism.
    Exclusion is never resolved or brought to a conclusion and the left moves onto another subject, a lot of multitasking that accomplishes nothing concrete.
    There is no tolerance on the left for discussion on changing the conditions of a particular kind of oppression.
    Just as a hypothetical case, for instance, if 3/4s of the population is straddled by debt, the left prevents the people from coming together in a movement for a debt moratorium.
    No asssistance no facilitating. Its all about putting everyone's energy in voting out the bad guy. But something like Real News Network should counter that effort by touring various towns and cities for people to attend and make contact with the people. 

    Fascism may be extreme but the fascists are not the ones stopping the working class from actively and independently making its appearance on the world stage. The fasicst use that anger and give an outlet to the working class and this is the problem with the left, they facilitate the far right.

  5. capitalism works. Over taxation does not. The reason the poor can't get ahead is because of the taxation of nearly everything under the sun. Soon, you will be taxed for the very air you breathe .

  6. Fascism: "A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."
    Neo-Fascism: "An Italian political movement that seeks to reestablish Fascism."

  7. i.e. "We haven't gotten Capitalism to work completely for us yet in stomping out White American working class social solidarity, but it's getting there as we combine Corporate wealth and the police state together more solidly for our bidding."

  8. When challenged, capital always “swings fascist” because private capital, private property, and market processes constitute the instruments of structural violence that enable the ethnocentrism, monotheism, and ultra-nationalism of human tribalism to maintain hegemony in politics, economics, and authoritarian institutions, and which tribal characteristics are ubiquitously integrated into right-wing politics and populism such as white Christian nationalism.

    Capital always swings fascist, because the institution of growth-model economics such as capitalism serves an institutional function in the ubiquitous institutional hierarchy of church-state systems, which hierarchy demonstrates militarism, religion, politics, economics, and culture, where militarism and religion always remain prioritized, protected, and subsidized institutions, and where the institutional hierarchy of church-state systems is an evolved integrated biological phenomenon that enables human tribalism to compete in the evolutionary arms race.

    This is one reason why every sovereign state and the nation-state (human tribalism) is defined by a sovereign currency, and a sovereign army. History repeats itself because Homo sapiens state of nature and biological determinism of tribalism remain steadfast, and refuses any cognitive-based cultural evolution that challenges the status quo of instinct, tribal organization, and growth-model competition in the evolutionary arms race, despite this autocatalytic process repeatedly ending badly through Lifecycle Empire.

  9. Israel is NOT ‘against’ the Palestinians. The surrounding Levantine countries want to wipe out Israel simply for being Jewish. Please include Arab, Muslim influence in 21st C fascism in your talks. Jews who have a brain want Democratic governance. They know the danger of fascism.

  10. It’s a fake fight. It’s Kabuki Theater. Pelosi and McConnell agreed to the screenplay before the impeachment process got started. The ruling class is merely giving us the appearance of two political parties, but is only for show. All the politicians are millionaires. All the media players are millionaires. They only want to get their palms greased.

    The ruling class is happy to pay off the crooks. Bernie Sanders has them soiling their pants.

  11. Fascinating differences between the two eras of fascism. I'm not sure whether my hopes for a better future are raised or dashed! Thanks for presenting the fuller picture for context.

  12. Really appreciate this important discussion. The depravity of capitalism inevitably leads to this. Thank you for this clear explanation. Miss Jenny

  13. Weird. Can't recall hearing about antiblack discrimination and racism, outside of the flirtatiously vague. Seems We're deliberately made invisible even in spaces of liberalism, being locked into the pink elephants cage in the room, silently trumpeted by the voices of all others silent.

  14. But Aaron Mate promotes facism so your the guys always screaming trumps bombings are irrelevant Trump civilian casualty count are all jist fake deepstate Obama numbers Obama invaded Iraq not Bush Tulsi wants to go to war with Iran which = piece

  15. Age-old ruling class tactic: keep 'em fighting amongst themselves, and scared shitless. This underlies so-called "identity politics" and other covertly-funded elite projects both "right" and "left", from Neo-nazis in Ukraine and Charlottesville to Greta Thunberg and the climate catastrophists.

  16. Neoliberalism is fascism in drag.
    Neoliberalism is the Trogen Horse of fascism. It doesn't take long to trace back the origins of 21st century fascism.
    The Mont Pelerin Society set up in 1947 to push back big government and to 'create an army of intellectuals' to influence public opinion based on private property rights. Attendees and subsequent members include Hayek, Friedman, and others of similar ilk.
    They went on to form think tanks, institutes and foundations (google US think tanks) to formulate write and distribute the neoliberal public policies and promote these through colleges universities and global corporate consultancy firms that are contracted by local and central governments around the world to replace sacked public servants. In this role they change policies and restructure management to allow a smooth transition of ownership of public assets and income streams from the public to the private sector through privatizations, Public Private Partnerships, and Council Controlled organisations where the assets are publicly owned but managed as private businesses.
    Global corporate consultancy firms when you read their homepages, Deloittes, URS, PWC each have over 100,000 professionals that provide the services of what was the public service. They could easily be seen as private shadow governments. Their clients are public and private. While contracted to the public sector they are privy to sensitive information useful to private clients and can influence public organizations to benefit private clients.
    There are revolving doors between think tanks, universities, corporate consultancy firms and local and central governments.
    There are various definitions of fascism but put simply it is when private business controls government, which has been our governance model for decades with hardly a raised eyebrow.

  17. The economy doesn't need consumers to keep itself going, because it's awash in illegal drug money. Watch some of Catherine Austin Fitts' youtube videos.

  18. Ok well since your guess has the answers and many like him why do we have these issues? Political junk leaders are collage educated and bad minded when Hitler tried to take over some European countries, American England and others faught them,when Europeans invaded Africa the Americas and all the other countries and islands no one stopped them! Your talking pure shit cause you are the same b/s.

  19. No doubt that Brexit had right-wing and fascist supporters, but the multiethnic working class of England needs to see that it is NOT foreign rulers but their own ruling class who are imposing the austerity on them. That's a necessary step for us (the working class). Down with the EU, let it fall apart!

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