How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (2/2)

How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (2/2)

In part two, Antero Pietila, author of “The Ghosts Of Johns Hopkins,” discusses recent protests by students, community members and Hopkins employees over the institution’s relationship with Baltimore

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7 thoughts on “How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (2/2)

  1. Hopkins gives nothing for free. That must be proven. They only say they do. Their goal has been to take. The megalopolis does not live up to it's ficticious mythological reputation as the " greatest hospital in the world". What a joke.

  2. Oh so true! Hopkins has been a hugely negative force in the city of Baltimore adversely impacting the inner city of East Baltimore primarily. Despite the fact that it is a major employer, the negative racist actions over shadow the good that the hospital does in the community.

    When my father died from cancer at the hospital, Hopkins tried to take our home for payment when dad was fully insured.

    Historically, Hopkins has mistreated the inner city community in numerous ways to get their homes to add to their tremendous wealth. I do not trust the Hospital at all and I worked there a long time ago as an intern.

  3. This all sounds like a very good reason and time for Universal healthcare where the Govt. pays the healthcare bill and the people ALL OF THE PEOPLE have healthcare with no deductibles and no fixed ceiling, if you're sick they fix you and it cost 1/2 the price for much better care and no stress about money. PS. it works everywhere else so why don't Americans feel that they deserve it?

  4. 30 years ago I lived in Bmore town and 20 years ago I had businesses there. I remember when Bush daddy started bombing Iraq in January 1991, I was there in the ruins of Bmore thinking to myself that these ruins looked like the aftermath of an American bombing raid over there in Iraq. Hundreds of buildings and thousands of rowhouses were in various stages of collapse. Bread lines on Park Avenue. . 20 years ago I could not beleive the gritty, third world conditions and the police abusiveness of Bmore. But when you went over to east 33rd street towards johns Hopkins, or Charles street from the harbor all theway northfor miles, or the U. of MD campuses downtown, or the Jewish neighborhoods, then youre back in the white first world. The segregation was intense .
    As for the workforce, theyre not prepared to do anything, thats why most employers prefer immigrants, legal or not.

  5. Very good and I'ld only like more about this overall topic from Antero, and of course TRNN. Antero definitely seems to be a very honest person who happens to also know what he's talking about. It's all very appreciable and I'ld only like more. Of course people can download and join the two clips or files, to make a full length one, and this could be good; but, it'ld be good to hear more of what Antero has to say about the topic. I'll wish success with this struggle, for U. of Baltimore teaching faculty AND students. Anyway, fine interview and I'ld just like extension of it, svp.

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