How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (Pt 1/2)

How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (Pt 1/2)

Antero Pietila, author of “The Ghosts Of Johns Hopkins” charts the rise of the influential Baltimore-based university while the city embraced segregation

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9 thoughts on “How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (Pt 1/2)

  1. I’m a medical campus Hopkins employee and Baltimore resident. The 1970 quote by Dr Price remains true 50 years later in 2020: A hostile black community…make the area uncongenial for employees, staffs, and students. I don’t understand why the locals don’t embrace re-gentrification and work with Hopkins and the city to improve the neighborhood. It would benefit everyone, including the locals. Instead, they’d rather be “generational victims” of crimes from decades ago and continue to elect corrupt officials who continue telling them that they are nothing, can accomplish nothing, it’s all other people’s fault (oppressors), and only the politicians can save them. They continue the toxic learned helplessness/victim narrative bc it keeps these corrupt officials in office. I want to see a thriving black community; the current state of things break my heart.

    Disclaimer: these are my personal opinions and not reflective of Johns Hopkins University schools or Hospital.

  2. I didn't hear one word about how John Hopkins got filthy rich from Stealing Henrietta Lacks cells. Henrietta Lacks was a poor African American woman. John Hopkins Medical Center STOLE and Sold and became filthy rich from the theft and sales of that Black Woman's cells.

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