How Presidential Debates Frame Issues to Support Moderate Candidates

How Presidential Debates Frame Issues to Support Moderate Candidates

A FAIR study of the democratic presidential debates clearly shows that questions for progressive candidates such as Sanders and Warren were always framed critically, while those for moderate candidates were neutral.

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20 thoughts on “How Presidential Debates Frame Issues to Support Moderate Candidates

  1. The Horrible U.S Corporate Cable News Media have All been Lying, Misleading and Manipulating the thoughts and Reality of Average Working American People though its Targeted and Scripted Misinformation for Decades!!! It's Damn Unforgivable!!!

  2. Great interview! 👏👏👏👏 EVERYONE should be spamming CNN & msnbc's twitter with this video! 😌😏

  3. Why are we down to only two candidates in March????
    and both are old white men, sigh. The DNC changed the rules for 60B worth Bloomberg to get on the debate stage yet Tulsi earned the right to be on the next debate stage so the DNC changed their rules to shutter her out 😤 The Democratic Party and the Republican Party should be the mortal enemies of most Americans. They are both corrupt to their cores.

  4. What do you expect of a show like this?
    It’s just an ugly show …. an alibi to nominate a certain person.
    Don’t forget … the USA is not a democracy … it has a constitution, made by rich, old, white man for rich, old, white man.
    And btw. who is watching CNN ?

  5. i always love these discussions on framing. It takes a lot of skill to be able to knife someone without it being detectable to the average viewer. Pls have her on more.

  6. Why are you talking about "moderate" candidates? Biden et al are only "moderate" in the extremely truncated political space of the Democratic-Republican duopoly, which covers center right to bat shit crazy right. Sanders, and his understudy Gabbard, are centrists, at least superficially. Unfortunately, they are merely wolves in sheep's clothing, distracting the disaffected from considering our only real hope – slim as it is – the Green Party.

  7. You have to think that it's impossible to be really impartial if you live American politics today. Even people from other countries are very interested in the outcome of American politics. If personally affects everyone.

    I assume the panel is sponsored by someone with defined interests and they themselves have their own interests.

    It's up to the audience to make their own mind. At least today everyone can give their own feedback through social media.

  8. Bernie's first question to Biden at the debate : Joe , what will you do on your first day in office if you are elected president ?
    —– Biden : " dahhhhhhh "

  9. If true African-Americans (ADOS) do not receive Reparations2020 in restitution for the venial crimes committed and continuing to be committed by this Government, then there will be four more years of Donald J. Trump. Now that your swamp is being drained, you don't like it.

  10. Corporate media and DNC are working together to propagandize the people to pick the establishment candidate…. Joe Biden has one of the worst records in history of voting against the people…
    He voted for the Iraq War, and he voted for free trade…. He has been on the wrong side of most things that would have benefited the people
    He now says he would veto a health care for all bill……
    And yet, corporate media is able to convince their viewers to actually vote against themselves…..
    Bernie Sander's policies are for the people….. Vote for him.

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