How Public Officials Milk the Healthcare System for Private Gain

How Public Officials Milk the Healthcare System for Private Gain

An in-depth look at a series of local scandals shows how politicians game the healthcare system for private benefit, raising the costs for everyone.

Producer: Taya Graham
Producer/Editor: Stephen Janis
Director: Adam Coley
Audio Engineer: David Hebden
Camera Operator: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Will Arenas

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27 thoughts on “How Public Officials Milk the Healthcare System for Private Gain

  1. I do not like the masons – here which sold out their basis for the racecard and the josef stiglitz agenda… but here they are right… what a foolish neofeudal malthusian construction – the usa in full decline… with tzars and korrupts all over the place… jeffrey sachs made it possible…

  2. With reagen the first homeless were calculated in.. All the neolibtards promised to reduce the state… And the depth.. What happened was.. These crooks helped to create black holes.. On never to pay back depth..

    The richest County on earth.. A complete ponsi scream.. But the money lies on the accounts of the few.. Which stole even the Ford Knox gold, or the immense libian gol treasure. The gold from Ukraine in the Obama first shot of worlwar.. To wipe us from map..
    Stolen and hidden.. Perhaps in Haiti.. Wasted by the Clinton globale Epstein initiative..

    Scince Friedman Kohl Thatcher reagen.. The investors and no surplus creators running in third generation out of genes.. Get celebrated by presstitutes like saviors.. It's fashism pur..
    Do not call them fashists they call you Antisemit..


  3. Malthusian evil feudalists in status of progressive decline and corruption blow out the last Kapital of the middle class and the former industrial workers out of the window to selve enrichment and Desaster.. Look at your numbers.. The people die like in the middle age.. It has system. All comes from the asshole scene of inszesterd around that lying scum Paul Ehrlich.. The mafia state..

    Look the creepy Film with the dancing vampire Robert de Niro.. From 2019.. What they say on dead of the brothers Kennedy.. And the never investigated dead of the union guy Hoffa.. Fiction no longer can topple reality..

    You are a konkurse system.. With a destitution of wealth like endtime Marx Desaster.. And instead of redistribution. Suck out the little bourgeois es.. Bring in from failing states the caravans for cheaper labor.. Get the way of fony automation.. Even on the roads.. Or in military..
    And suck out money on every level of service and production.. With a tzarsystem.. Zionist agenda.. Wait for the single korrupt Messias.. This got drive with reagen Thatcher Kohl.. And the asshole Chicago school with the talmut oeconomic slaves stem og Friedman.. Good for taking out the Sowjetunion.. Jeffrey asshole Sachs created in this phase the mainly Jewish Olligarchs in Russia.. Bowder and other exceptional bloodsuckers.. Kicked out of Russia.. With stolen money.. Like once that maasmurderer Trotzki.. With the money for the pervert neocons..

    White collar.. Hides a kind of genocide.. And your investigator is naive.. Because.. We deal here with the order out of chaos and crisis gang.. Which work for their fony world hegenomy Desaster..

    Yes sell to highest prices copter from irak and other Desasters to the security state.. See the same with the for civil war weaponized police.. As we saw in Obamas Boston bombings.. He allowed it to happen.. And the dumbed down in war on terror after the nine eleven neocon Zion Coup masses.. Applaud even. If material art appears in their cities.. The makers and shakers drive it to the tipping point..

    The fish stinks down From head to bottom.. Piece of maamurderous shit Clinton's books.. Or them from her skeleton or Obamas and Michael Obamas out of nowhere appeared.. Books.. For millions.. Coverup for making them rich, if they gave the military industrial complex.. Noone reads thi tax cheating crap.. Written by nobody ghostwriters..

    A devastated country short before agony.. Look at this book itch on Valium and oxinokotton.. You cannot invent this stuff..

    Your lefties agenda stinks to heaven.. Other masons with basicly the same matrix.. And they play the Jewish forced bnai broth racecard..

    You lost your Marxist high ground.. Your basis..

  4. You are dealing with an aggressive elitist biased prejudiced discriminating violent brutal  class, clan (of related families), minority (less than 10% of the population) and organized regimented titled ranked certified oligarchy of plain-out parasites (parent, issue, siblings, cousins, spouses, and in laws to one another) who have propagated the myth that they are superior people with superior intellect, superior educations, superior knowledge, superior wisdom, superior D.N.A. and superior human, social and economic rights.  Like their kind in the past, they, confused by their Mosaic-Sharia-Puritan philosophy of "Mammon" ("Capitalism)  and its myths, superstitions and pseudo-science, the confusion of which is compounded by the fraudulent Greenspan-Rand Professional-Capitalist Anti-Christ theories and postulations, rote memorization of programmed robotic indoctrination, which restricts and limits their mental abilities, their ability to think, to deduce, and to figure things out, are very confused regarding what is right, wrong, good, evil, economic, uneconomic, social and antisocial.  The adamantly oppose full employment, full pay and full benefits, and any regulation of their monopolies and ever increasing extorted costs for the necessities of life,  and they as adamantly insist upon assuring "at least a five percent unemployment rate" (an ambiguous figure based upon a comparison with nothing), as they call the poverty, homelessness,  suffering, early deaths, desperation , violence, crime, riots and wars that they create to become rich and millionaires, alternately, for deception:  inflation then recession then depression then panic then  belt-tightening then austerity and then economic crisis, as they raid the National Treasury to support their "Ponzi" and "Pyramid" "SYSTEM" inevitable ever-recurring "collapses" as the richest hoard all the wealth even from their "lower class" cousins and in-laws.  The increase prices, fines, fees, taxes, usury, seizures, attachments, evictions, foreclosures, privatizations, imminent domains, criminalizations, demonizations, incarcerations, summary executions, ritual human sacrifices, low-paid benefit-less jobs, free prison slave labor, police brutality, malicious prosecutions, violations of human rights, obstruction and perversion of justice, to maximums, then resort to wars, always calling for "freedom" and "justice" and calling on "Jesus" and "God" (blaspheme), demonizing foreign nations and people, to take their natural resources, to enslave them to "capitalism" and "debt" as they continue to destroy the legitimate egalitarian universally representative democracy, government and republic, to install their elitist Mosaic-Sharia-Puritan "imperialism" and professional-capitalist Judeo-Christian "paradise".  Jesus would turn over in his grave if he could see what they do in his name.  
    They have a giant fear of a simple solution, which offer even the innocent among them some hope, as they destroy the nation and accomplish their own class and family genocides.

  5. The medical doctors, and the lawyers, have become parasites, and their contribution to society is now a big NEGATIVE sum.  Their inferior subordinates, the other titled ranked and certified professionals, who are all  parents, issue, siblings, cousins, spouses and in-laws to each other, follow their lead in becoming richer and millionaires by causing poverty suffering and death.  I was driving through Maryland and something got in my eye, so, on the advice of someone at a stop, I went to Harbre de Grace Hospital. To look at my eye and maybe run a cotton swab, the lady wanted $350.00 in advance.  I said to her, "That's insane."  She immediately reached for the telephone and called the police.  The whole class of parasites need to be isolated, restrained and dealt with.

  6. Cape coral Florida here ft Myers Florida area its a component of gang stalking. Quite prevalent here. Corruption big time. Use of illegal surveillance and sattelite surveillance going on. We are never alone. Criminal.

  7. Jump to the point quicker. Is it legal? Who should be prosecuting it? Why and who is not executing a prosecution? Or why isn’t it illegal?

  8. When there is no clear delineation between government and companies, and no clear and swift punishments or accountability, the system becomes corrupt. Our system has collapsed.

  9. It is all corrupt, no wonder a con man like Trump got elected. People know the system is corrupt and rigged, so they vote for a known fraud and con man. Since most people don't have anything to lose, they don't care if they elect a fraud like Trump who will crash the system.

  10. This is Why We Must Vote Out All these Republican Traitors Out of Washington this Upcoming Presidential Election! Make All Religious Organizations and So Called Nunprofits Pay Taxes!

  11. There's a movie called "The Long Kiss Goodnight," starring Gena Davis and Samuel Jackson……this movie exposes the truth about how political snakes create chaos to fool the public into believing funds will be used for one thing, when in fact it is actually being used for their own greedy agendas.


  13. This POST is TALKING about the WORST SIN in MIND any MAN or WOMAN WHOM walks this EARTH can AFFLICTED with in LIFE . REGUARDLESS of RACE ,CREED , ORIGIN or ANYTHING else is LIFE . The CHURCH I was RISE in and still BELONG to HEART 💓 it ONE of the SEVENTH DEADLY SINS of the CHURCH , I was TALKING too a COUSIN of MIND not long ago and in MIND It should ELEVATED to ONE of thie UNFORGIVABLE SINS of the CHURCH itself which MEANS YOUR SOUL should CONDEM.yp HEL itself for it. LOOK at what's going on in this NATION and SOCIETY at PRESENT DAY and TIMES . INDIVIDUALS supposedly MORAL CHARACTER, the BACK BONES and PILLARS of this NATION.snd SOCIETY itself being DESTORYED by NOTHING but GREED the ONE of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS which has nnw become a UNFORGIVABLE SIN. PERSONAL , PROFFSINAL , LIVES of others ALL RUINED to the POINT of NEVER being able to REBUILD them . ALL of US supposed to SIT BLINDLY by and say NOTHING and DO NOTHING even CONDONE PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR whether WE APPOVE or not . , in ESSENCE TELLING OUR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN this the way YOU are supposed to be in NATION and SOCIETY too. It's BAD ENOUGH WE let it FALL this POINT bit them it's alright YOU go ahead and FINISH US OFF as s NATION and SOCIETY in the WORLD . I have NOTICED and others have NOTICED it if WE CONTINUE to do NOTHING as MAN I KNOW says WE ALL are in SERIOUS TROUBLE. For to STAND UP and say SOMETHING WE are WRONG to CONTINUE to go with FLOW and DESTORY everything WE TRYED to BUILD in this NATION and SOCIETY is RIGHT in there MIND'S which will TRY and DO.

  14. Taya Graham, and Stephen Janis, and the TRNN, hit hard like the Ravens! I also see it seem like they come to kick ass and maybe chew gum, and it seem like they all out of gum so only thing left is to kick ass just like the Ravens doing! ADOS, LOVE TRNN!!!

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