Hundreds of Teachers Protest Budget Cuts

Hundreds of Teachers Protest Budget Cuts

Hundreds of teachers in Baltimore County packed a Board of Education meeting urging the full funding of public schools

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7 thoughts on “Hundreds of Teachers Protest Budget Cuts

  1. if the cost to join trump's golf resorts has doubled i would imagine
    stating that % the wages at that resort for regular workers has
    increased would be a great example of how the tax plan only helps the

  2. if the cost to join trump's golf resorts has doubled i would imagine
    stating that % the wages at that resort for regular workers has
    increased would be a great example of how the tax plan only helps the

  3. Yes the teachers need a pay raise for doing a woefully poor job. Give a teacher that shows progress and her students achieve….fire the ones that do not. This system of automatic raises and a lifetime job no matter if you are successful at it or not is not going to cut it. People are waking up to what our public education has devolved into.

  4. When I was young, my parents chose to send me to a private school because the public schools were dysfunctional in Anaheim CA in the 1980s.
    I had heard that the causes were twofold:
    The proximate cause was that the district super-intendant was 97 years old, and the root cause was that all resources were shunted away from my area due to it being an area heavily settled by Mexican immigrants.
    The results were class sizes above 40 in elementary school, my next door neighbors learned how to read at ages 8-10, by being taught by me, a child, and a beginning of my understanding that our society has failed to provision the bare minimum of education necessary for Democracy to function properly.
    As I learned more, I concluded that the Republican party in particular dehumanizes millions of childrens by their anti-intellectualist extremism.
    I also learned from my own psychic scarring due to attending private schools ran by Mormons & the Catholic Church that religious extremism is a very harmful force in America, but thankfully they did provide the education that my parents overworked themselves to pay for.
    I wish we could give the public schools half of what we fund the millitary with.

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