The Trump’s administration’s Kenneth Cuccinelli rewrites Emma Lazarus’s words on the Statue of Liberty, telling the poor and oppressed they’re no longer welcome. This comes right after Trump proposes to limit legal migration to the US. We speak to Michael Paarlberg of IPS

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By elboriyorker


31 thoughts on “Immigrants Welcome to the US as Long as They Are White and Wealthy”
  1. yes come for handouts. That's what America is all about. not only that here's the keys to my car, you can have my wife too, taken everything and then some, we aim to please and we'll do so on our knees.

  2. That's a bad thing? Always using the Ellis Island give me your poor and your tired speech. The Ellis Island era is long over. The Industrial Age is over. No sensible country lets the whole 3rd world just flood in willienillie. A sensible immigration policy is based on compatibility not diversity. The immigration act of 1965 should be repealed.

  3. Hanno tutte le stesse facce di merda che ci sono a montecitorio i cognomi poi non lasciano dubbi, che Cristo ci salvi questi ci faranno precipitare all'inferno

  4. Minimum level of education to apply for a green card should be a high school diploma. Then a Toefl test and a SAT type of test to see if you could go to university if you chose to. If you pass those tests you can migrate to the US. More points if you are white of european descent. Because there is nothing wrong for keeping the european roots of the original settlers of the US.

  5. About time we added positives instead of negatives. About time. Immigration is different when you have welfare. Totally reasonable.

  6. People who are well off in their own countries do not go to the US nor Canada nor Australia and such countries. As far as white people are concerned it proves my point that Trump is a NAZI RACIST A HITLER STYLE OF AN EVIL PERSON.

  7. It's NOT the proper role of government to care for foreign poor. If Mark (Marc?) Steiner and the untenured assistant at a third-rate public university wish to help those unfortunate people, they should themselves do what many of us already do: spend their OWN time and money — not others' money (cheap "virtue") — and help those people in their own homelands. There's no need to bring people who'll never assimilate into an already over-populated country like the United States.

  8. No. It's not a white issue, it's a CLASS issue. Immigration makes sure the sponsor can AFFORD the immigrant so no social services will go to them. President can't change immigration law, only congress can do that. Hello. This has already been the case. So yeah, this is on the verge of BS.

  9. Oh yeah, it's definitely time to abolish this failed experiment and reformulate a new plan. It's working too much as intended and that's not good for us at all. How arrogant do ya have to be to colonize a massive portion of a continent, kill the inhabitants of, then turn around and try and keep others out?

    "Death to all those who stand in the way of the working people."

  10. Please. The only reason there is too much immigration of those that do not stand on their own feet and who will wipe out what little is left of a working middle class (which powers a nation) by working (CHEAP LABOR) for less, is because both the GOP and the DEMS are proxies for the 1%. Cheap labor for the 99%. Dems couldn't care less for workers rights anymore, and GOP never did; even though their greed will only reduce the conservatives' chances for a POTUS to zilch for the forseeable future if Open Borders has sway. 
    All leading to the obvious conclusion that liberals are being manipulated by age-old leftist tactics by some pie in the sky ideology that will bring their country down when totalitarian power steps in and assumes full state control. Divide and conquer.

  11. Sensible AMERICAN people have done enough (backroom) fussing, bickering, & debating regarding this egregious flooding of the USA with rude, uncouth, semi-literate central/south american ILLEGAL immigrants. They don't belong in our country. Period. If you have any "run-ins" with any of them, if you witness them violating the law (even running a stop sign), if you have valid reason to believe that a business in your area is knowingly employing multiple ILLEGALS; THEN CONTACT YOUR LOCAL/REGIONAL ICE FIELD OFFICE & report their asses.
    Homeland Security Tip Form

  12. Many nations have much more strict immigration requirements than the USA. For example, both Australia & NZ require more than $1 million + other assets if an American wants to retire there. The Statue of Liberty is merely an image; it is not a federal law. The US has the sovereign right to determine its immigration policies, though Neo-Marxists would tear down the borders & destroy our country.

  13. Racist racist racist! Asylum seekers is baloney. They come for one reason: for the Yankee dollar, which when
    sent home, becomes a fortune, more money than they can make in 10 years in Mexico. They build new houses
    which Am workers could never dream of owning. And yes, why do we have to have all Latino immigrants, and

    none from Europe? Why don't mestizos emigrate south to Latino countries? All the US and Trump have to do,
    is devalue the dollar against the peso, and there would be a huge sucking sound of Mexicans and Latinos heading
    south. Latino lebensraum overrunning borders propagandized as the greatest thing since fascists did same in Europe.

  14. Can we deport the first lady and her family now she is an illegal immigrant by trumps standard he hired her when she didn't have a work Visa. And she definitely takes advantage of public housing now.

  15. Only Tax Chattel Need Apply! The Ruling Class Needs More MONEY! It is a F'ing POEM not Law!
    Here are some Solutions to Government!
    01. Reduce the Size of Government by 10% a year for the Next 20 Years
    02. End all of the Warmongering around the world
    03. Close 800 of the 1000 Foreign Military Bases
    04. End All the "Aid" to Foreign Countries (No Buying off Governments)
    05. Get out of NATO and all Global Political Associations
    06. End all Tariffs and Sanctions
    07. Eliminate the "Tax Code" and Tax everyone and every company at 10% (Amounts above 50k) until the National Debt is Paid in Full then cut the rate to 5% (No Exemptions, No Subsidies, No BS)
    08. The FED shall be Abolished and the USA will go back on the Gold Standard
    09. Set a term limit of 2 terms in Congress without all of the "Benefits" (It is a Part Time Job)
    10. Eliminate All the "Bonuses" in Government Employment/Service
    11. Sell Amtrak or Close it
    12. The US Post Office shall NOT receive any more Government Funding or Government Rules/Regulations (It shall operate as an Independent Business or Close… the private sector will pick up the slack)
    13. All Federal Laws and Regulations shall be made by Congress (No Government Agency shall make Regulations or Laws)
    14. The Federal Government shall NOT provide Funds to any State (the States shall remain sovereign and Independent without Federal Pressure and shall pay the Federal Government NOTHING)
    15. A Federal Criminal LAW shall be enacted with a Mandatory Minimum for the Government Violating a Citizens Civil Rights… 5 Years in Prison and 5M Fine for each rights violation/stacked charge plus all attorney fees and expenses. (This shall apply to all Government)

    I am sure there should be more but this should take care of the vast majority of Federal, State, and Local Government Abuses!
    Why I'm finally speaking out against the world's most dangerous religion (Carey Wedler) –

  16. Love the title. It is so true. Peter Theil got citizenship in NZ for no reason other than he was wealthy. Corruption in our socialist society exists!

  17. Give me your hungry, your tired your poor I'll piss on 'em
    that's what the Statue of Bigotry says
    Your poor huddled masses, let's club 'em to death
    and get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard

    Lou Reed

  18. well look at mexico. are they letting in poor south americans? or are they stopping them with the mexican army. in fact, i think maybe you are getting america welcoming in only white wealthy mixed up, i think you are talking about mexico. yes, we are arresting lots of illegals but we still legally let in many more south americans than mexico. dont get it twisted, mexico wouldnt even dream of letting in as many poor immigrants as the US, the mexican people or the government, they will send the army and shut that shit borders isnt really smart and no country does it.

  19. Guys its good to be nice but there comes a point when it becomes stupid. It is not in the countries interest to take anyone in that could be seen as a burden. If you think about this logically for more than a few seconds you would realize if (which you guys have since the 60s) you say anyone can come in, countries will just offload citizens they see as a burden to themselves. Get back to building a good country for yourselves and helping the people already with messed up lives in your country because you have been bringing in millions a year already, help them, not the world as that is impossible and naive. Immigration should always be a privilege and never a right as no country needs immigration only big business does to keep wages down or property owners to keep house prices up. If you look at immigration from an honest not idealistic perspective you will see very quickly there is almost nothing good about it, I'll just remind you this is to point out the act and not the individual but even they are being used in the supposed 'humanitarian' process. The process needs to be strict as it can possibly be.

  20. Very simple, I am rich but not rich enough, you are poor and you are not poor enough. Now, give me your money! —Trump and his criminal class friends.

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