Immigration Detention Center Conditions Cause Massive Outcry – Everything Law and Order Blog

The revelation of extreme immigration detention center conditions for exhausted asylum seeking children, who are separated from their relatives, sparked outrage nationwide. In Phoenix, Arizona, Jews for Justice demonstrated, demanding permanent medical staff for Border patrol’s Provisional Detention Centers

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By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Immigration Detention Center Conditions Cause Massive Outcry”
  1. See if I was white I could protest US invasion of the middle east and not labeled a traitor and complain about immigrant detention with out being asked to leave Unired States. That, my friends is called white privilege.. Both are examples of savagery and injustice against humanity. Now there come get me. I dare you!👎

  2. Okay so nobody told them to come. What is America suppose to do? Roll out the red carpet and serve them a five star meal? Serve our own the poor and the military. When you see some of these asylum seekers social media they have nice stuff. Let’s be honest their coming because they know they will be let go. As a someone who knows illegals word spreads fast and are using “asylum” for quick way into the u.s.

  3. Now why is it that everyone thinks that those with greater education deserve greater income? For logically, those having greater education have the greatest opportunity to achieve happiness and should be willing to have less income in order for equality of happiness to be achieved. Why, it's almost as if planet earth was created to reach the ultimate conclusion of an intelligence dictatorship.

  4. Empire USA, a paradise for ingrates, where everyone is allowed to enrich themselves upon the misery of those who have less education, less wealth or less whiteness of skin.

  5. The camps are private prisons and paid on how many are incarcerated

    at any given time is it any wonder that this has flourished during the

    Trump administration. Go online and look at who one of the biggest

    share holders is and that's Donald’s friend Betsy DeVo
    This editorial is about our Dictator President and the DeVos family

  6. I've been trying to figure out why your videos don't have more views and I think it's the rather sedate (not animated) nature of the narration. The narrator on this video has a lovely voice, lovely tone, in fact that's often the case in all of the RNN videos, but he is speaking at the same speed the whole time with little inflection.

    One way to improve this is to read the script a few times before recording and highlight or circle some words and phrases to emphasize. You really need to almost talk like a cartoon for YouTube. I don't make the rules, people tend to play videos in the background and if the speaker doesn't sound emotionally invested in what they are saying people will drift away.

    Also try to trim the script to the absolute minimum and consider adding music.

    My comment may seem crass given the serious topic but I want millions to watch your videos. You have good content and visuals and graphics and clear speakers so you are almost there.

    Even if you ignore my feedback thanks for the videos. The content is great. Hope it gets the audience it deserves.

  7. Ok report, but the young woman speaking starting at around 1:00 doesn't seem to know much about the so-called Liberals. Unfortunately, the US isn't better either way, liberal or conservative, and these terms are regularly misused when it comes to politics, as if liberal is always better than conservative, when that's pure bs and shouldn't be sheepishly believed. I'm liberal about accepting that people can grow, sell and consume cannabis, including in public places outdoors, and I'm conservative about this, for I think it's my right to be tolerant of benign things. Not only that, but if I'm walking the street and smell what seems to be decent cannabis, then I can liberally ask the "toker" for a "toke" or two. Iow, I know when it's fitting to be so-called liberal and when it's fitting to be conservative in my views ; f.e., wrt (with respect to) environmental health, human rights, …. So-called Libs and Cons in the US often seem to NOT know what they're really talking about. Oh well, voters, so people who really cast votes, continuously repeat the same damn errors; and, it doesn't seem to matter whether it's for the Dem. or the Repub. Party. he US is constantly committing injustice(s) either way. We're "screwed" either way, and Canada, a small country in terms of population, doesn't have a good political record, either. It's downright annoying, frustrating, ….

  8. These are the first pics and video of the inside of current facilities that I have seen. There has been a block to the media of any pics/video and the only pics we are seeing are the ones from Obama era. If these videos are truly current, please add some links and more current time coverage.

  9. This is nonsense and fake news. AOC was crying in front of an empty parking lot. .ministers went and said it was bunk. Not to mention the fact that all of these people opposing the wall are endorsing sex trafficking by the coyote scum. Good job

  10. … why did this not cause an outcry when Obama did the same thing? Most of this problem is underfunding which was caused by the Democrats. Even the liberal NY Times editorial board urged the dems to give Trump his funding which was for humanitarian aid. I've never voted any way but Democrat yet I'm ashamed of the behavior of AOC and Big Pharma's own Cory Booker the human trafficker. Why don't they run for office in Mexico? By humoring these lying monsters, you make yourself less credible. Where's Medicare For All? Why is Julian Assange being targeted? Where are your videos about ending censorship called for by fascists in Congress like Elizabeth Warren? Why don't you ask the Dems why there is still no clean water in Detroit? Why don't you call out the dems on their unending regime change wars? Why do you care more about criminals trying to break into our country than our own homeless and veterans? You're willing puppets for the corporate fascists and intelligence community.

  11. Sorry, Father Barreras
    The idea that the United States sends men and women to fight in other countries 'for justice, for equality, for better ways of life' is laughable.
    We should condemn the harsh and cruel treatment of people fleeing the consequences of US destabilization of Central and South America, but let's keep it real.

  12. Can't provide a bed that isn't there… They are being used as a political football… CONGRESS has control over MONEY needed to provide for these people – NOT TRUMP… The president NEVER has power over finances… That is the function of CONGRESS… Funding for the border MOSTLY includes providing for these people… Obama separated more families at the border than Trump before these mass caravans of people started showing up… This "hate Trump" frenzy is more important than helping these people… In the Juarez area, there is massive gang activity and kidnapping of children and the bad people are having a PARADICE!! If I was the leader I would simply get a saw and make beds and a roof over their heads from the plants that grow abundantly in the area – but the government doesn't work that way… Plant material is VERY comfortable…
    Deception here has been successful… The reason people don't know Obama separated more families than Trump before the mass caravans is simply because the MEDIA CHOOSES what to tell and not tell you all… You are good people who are misinformed and uninformed… If I control your information, I control your opinion… That is why we need to get rid of this Deep State and fake news organizations… If our warfare overseas was to free people and spread human rights and freedom in the world, WHY HAVE WE BEEN FRIENDS WITH SAUDI ARABIA for so many years?!!

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