In 2000 We Had Hanging Chads, Now We Have Hanging Apps

In 2000 We Had Hanging Chads, Now We Have Hanging Apps

The caucuses raised a lot of questions: Should Iowa continue to be first? Who is the Shadow company that developed the failing app? Are the Democrats Imploding?

Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley
Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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40 thoughts on “In 2000 We Had Hanging Chads, Now We Have Hanging Apps

  1. Iowa isn't the first primary state. It is the first caucus start. There is actually a law insuring no other state can hold a primary before NH.

  2. Mark, I love ya, but please get your facts straight. You talk down about the Iowa Caucus by claiming it discriminates against working people because it takes place in the evening. That, however, was the explicit purpose of the satellite caucuses that were introduced this year and gave working people and minorities a chance to attend the caucus earlier in the day which was not the case in the past.

  3. Please Mark, when there are obviously suspicious "coincidences" happening and people are wary that wrongdoing may be taking place, don't refer to them as conspiracy theorists. That label has become a pejorative and seeing that "Conspiracy Theorist" is a term created by the CIA to smear those whose opinions that don't match the people in power — I would use that term more carefully.

  4. I stopped at 6 minutes in I'm very disappointed in this no nothing coverage with two so-called journalists that don't seem to know anything and have little to contribute to the discussion. What a waste of time. Very sad to see the real News Network going down this toilet.

  5. host and your guests sound breathtakingly naive, and are giddy because our democracy has collapsed. The level of corruption and incompetence is banana republic level standards; that Buttigieg's campaign donated to the app and someone involved in the company is part of his campaign, as well as filled with obama and clinton alums- this is breathtaking level of democrat corruption and incompetence- a relatively small state caucus think of the cheating that goes on in large states

  6. The guest was bad. Tired of people bending over to not see reality in fear of being a "conspiracy theorist" … especially when THIS CHANNEL went hook line and sinker for the media conspiracy that Russia influenced the 2016 election. Which was due to DNC rigging as well.

    Clear the blockage in your thought process. Went down a notch once again.

  7. What kind of 'experts' are these two women? The moderator provides more nuance than both of them! The woman on the video link sounds a little more sensible than the other who is just a lot of 'um..oh..ah..'!

  8. Why is the host so proud to say he's not a conspiracy theorist. Hasn't anybody who's been watching seen enough conspiracies in the voting process to be past that attitude. If things aren't believable then accept the logical explanation. Yes, the thing that makes the most sense is another Clinton/Obama corporate Dems stealing the election from Bernie. Why is that so hard to believe when we've seen it before. Wake up and accept what you see.  It's a sad day when Fox beats the liberal press in informing us what's happening. Not hard to see. Wake up.
    Corey Lewandowski: Iowa caucus conundrum was 'a scam'.

  9. Always remember – Confusion and turmoil always favors the establishment. When will the DNC finish "Counting" the remaining votes? “If You Are Not a Conspiracy Theorist Then You Are an Idiot” – Charles Pigden, PhD Director of Philosophy Politics and Economics at University of Otago

  10. Falling app-art.
    Shadow sounds shady.
    All decisions leading to this farce need to be investigated and the deciders held to account.
    But then rigging elections is apparently not a crime in the USA, it's the norm.

  11. Both guest were incredibly uninformed and only repeated the DNC narrative. Unfortunately the two folks
    were not in the know. Questions: who funded this app? Who owns Shadow Inc? who is Seth Klammer?
    And it is obviously clear Tom Perez's nominations for the 2020 Convention consist primarily of war profiteers, corporatist, and former Hillary and Obama officials that are against Bernie Sanders.
    Please Marc, consider interviewing Caitlin Johnstone for an informed analysis

  12. @The Real News Network : That the Dem. Party is failing is not a real surprise, for it's been f*cked up for a LONG time, BUT " Hanging Chads "? Those could very well be rather meaningless. Remember the 2000 Presidential campaign between Al Gore and G W Bush? There apparently was plenty of bs about "hanging chads", BUT Robert Parry, now deceased, but formerly a well recognized journalist and who produced enough good articles about that so-called election tells enough in those ; only needing to do a Web search using, without the quotes, " Gore Bush 2000 ", maybe adding the word "election", if not successful without it, at I've lost PC's, hard disk drives, … so can't and won't immediately provide links, for readers of this comment now have all of the info. needed to do as I've done multiple times, due to losing PC's, etc. If not minding Google https search though, then here's a link,

    Gore actually won, so democracy in the USA was shot out the window ; surely nothing new, but repeats definitely aren't welcome. Was set against both, but Gore won and the US shouldn't have elections if they're going to be rigged, etc. May as well just tell the population the truth, instead of constantly working to try to DECEIVE EVERYONE. Some dufus YouTubers bitch saying that the US isn't a democracy and is, instead, only a republic, without saying what kind of republic, for republics normally, if not always are, officially, that is, democratic, aristocratic, oligarchic, " or a mix thereof ", That provides evidently more info., but there's also the following page, f.e., Canada officially is democracy, but in practice it isn't really one and this is in part due to the electorate regularly " screwing up ". It's been in part happening in the US for a long time, besides more/other bs with US elections.

  13. This is abominable coverage from the real news. A f**** intelligence officer turned mayor is brazenly attempting to defraud democracy in the heart of the United States, obviously complicit with the Hillary Clinton machine. If this were any other country, we would call it what it is. Don't be naive and never have this guest on again.

  14. Overall ok, not exciting at all, not fun, … ; but, video report begins, shortly, with Elizabeth Warren calling Trump " the most corrupt US President in history ", and she's seriously off mark with that claim, for, sure, he's very corrupt, but as much as I despise him, I wouldn't say the worst President. She seems to be quite forgetful, but am not sure if she realizes this. If she does, then she's again lying, for it wouldn't be the first time : " CNN Attacks Sanders in Iowa Dem Debate " (35:43), TRNN, 15 Jan 2020, Beginning at roughly 10:00, we quickly to see that Warren blatantly lied about men, maybe meaning men in the Dem. Party, not sure about that, but that men never supported women running for political leadership in the USA, like we believed or believe that women couldn't possibly win, and Bernie had just stated that he indeed had prompted for women to run for this, as well as having suggested to Warren to run for I think it's the 2016 race, which, if Warren was truly bright and not become awfully forgetful, she would remember ; but, instead, she spoke as if none none of this had been said, and it was said very clearly just before she spoke (Bernie's words evidently FELL ON DEAF EARS). It's unfortunate for her, for it makes her an oddly flippant person. I couldn't support such candidates, " No way, José ".

  15. Well im in New Zealand and im calling vote rigging against Bernie.
    Frankly if you cant see that, your in the wrong game, or you want Bernie to lose it any cost.
    The cost of this will be higher than you can possibly imagine………..for the planet and all life. wake up America it's now or never.

  16. This is depressing. TRNN used to be one of the best. Oh well… we still have Jimmy Dore, The Grayzone, Consortium News, The Hill, Real Progress in Action, Michael Tracy, Rational National, Michael Brooks, Humanist Report, Secular Talk, Tim Black, Useful Idiots, Michael Moore’s new show, Status Coup, RT and lots more.

  17. Even though the caucus in Iowa is under the Democratic Party of Iowa state still the DNC can riggers the election, they will do anything to stop Bernie. The Iowa party had a lack of preparation because buttigeg had his plan.

  18. As noted below, nothing about the 42K Buttigieg gave to shadow. And also the idea that MAYBE something is not quite right. MAYBE?!!! This is not a conspiracy theory at work, the fact show that this was a carefully planned attempt by the DNC to derail the momentum Sanders had going into Iowa, starting with a poll showing Sanders lead increasing that the Buttigieg camp insisted be taken down due to "irregularities."

    I now know why Aaron Mate left The Real News Network. They're hacks posing an honest actors.

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