Leading Bay activists take on Big Ag, developers, politicians and establishment environmental orgs, warning the Bay is dying while they’re talking

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “‘Inconvenient Truth’: Without ‘Bold Measures’ the Chesapeake Bay Is in Dire Trouble (Pt 1/2)”
  1. It will have to get much, much worse before the movement becomes potent and productive. The sad fact the majority is focused inwards, "I'm OK Jack, stuff you". Once the water is undrinkable, many are buying bottled water now, guess why that is and whose idea was to rob us from the most important natural resource? And they are making a killing while poisoning aquifers, and developing a habit we will never be able to break. Unfettered Capitalism. It will kill us all.

  2. Wtf? Call these corrupt corporate politician bastards out & the corporate polluters!!! Say their names out loud! Being polite will not save anyone or anything from these money grubbing psychopaths!!!! That’s what they count on. It’s time for us to put on the Yellow Vests!!!!! Jeezus, we are living in an insane culture where $800 billion is perfectly ok for the industrial military complex but not for our real safety!

  3. I agree this world is in desperate need of assistance. Have we the people changed the ecosystem?? Yes anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear and willing to accept not deny the damages caused.
    Who is at fault? Who should be held accountable??
    Big Energy Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuclear, Big Agra, When the suppression of green, free, renewable energy for profit of the select few is accepted by the uninformed population. Should the people be made to pay for the cost of cleaning up the damages caused by Profit hungry Corporation's??
    We The People of this World have paid and continue paying with not only Our Wealth with but the Health of this Earth!!!
    The Corporation's that have produced these toxic chemicals will as has happened so many times Repaint Their Logo, Change a Name and continue . They may just fold up their tents ..Avoiding Liability!!!
    In the end the People Pay.
    Am I responsible as a person who uses these harmful devices, chemicals, technology?? Yes!! I have Knowledge of the damages being caused and will continue Standing Yup, Learning More, and not only informing You but Everyone that can hear or see. We can change this. We Will Correct this NEED FOR GREED and allow Earth to Heal.
    Our focus should be directed not toward Selfishness, Separatism​ and Greed but towards Unity and Growth!!

  4. Focus on the arctic or time's up, game over. An ice free Arctic in 2019 or 2020 ensures an abrupt spike and temperatures, deadly heat waves, wildfires, droughts and super storm, crop losses, already down 20% to 30% worldwide, global famine, industrial collapse, already in progress and extinction when skilled labor stops maintaining 1,600 nuclear facilities and 100,001other toxic facilities already leaking and soon-to-be spewing radioactive ionizing gas and chemicals that wipe out entire ecosystems. You have months not years.

  5. Congratulations for covering this Real Threat to our life sustaining habitats rather than corporate CO2 diversion. Plenty of harmful, non-CO2 pollution from burning fossil fuels & the easiest wells for the most potent crude are drying up. That's why we have dangerously polluting frack & deep water drilling techs and Arab Monarchies wanting to diversify their economies. Peak Oil has come and is draining cleanest wells down. So lots of good reasons to move away as much as feasible from oil based economy, but CO2 is pushed by propaganda magicians to disguise Sun's role in Climate Change & our Corporate Technocratic Masters' utter failure in dragging humanity down an unsustainable & dreadful deadend.

  6. In the 1980s it was clear that corporate oligarchy was taking over National Environmentalist groups & they push CO2 as only pollutant worth paying attention. CO2 didn't pollute the Bay! Indentured Chicken Farmers did under economic blackmail from BIG CHICKEN Lords.

  7. BIG CHICKEN is more powerful than American people, U.S. &/or State Governments. BIG CHICKEN controls pols & regulators to allow their untreated shit to flow freely into the Bay. And why not? Corporations are People – huge, rich, powerful People whose interests are obviously paramount over mere breathing entities. BTW I thought Obama Fixed this – darn.

  8. The Real News Network can only avoid this important issue for so long before one starts to wonder why?

    "The study, published in the journal Science, created a huge dataset based on almost 40,000 farms in 119 countries and covering 40 food products that represent 90% of all that is eaten. It assessed the full impact of these foods, from farm to fork, on land use, climate change emissions, freshwater use and water pollution (eutrophication) and air pollution (acidification).

    “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use,” said Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. “It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car,” he said, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions." https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth

  9. 1 out of 3 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. The most important part of "the cure for cancer" is a toxic-low environment. Human toxic overload provides a breading ground for cancerous cell mutations.

  10. Thanks for covering this important subject. As usual follow the money. Big Agriculture, Big Pharma and Big Oil own the government and therefore have a free pass to do whatever they want to increase their profits and power. They draft the legislation to suit their own agendas and since corporations have no soul and no morals and don't give a damn about the environment nothing will improve. If you want change begin with your government and the broken capitalist economic system which prioritises continual GDP growth above any other considerations.

  11. Eat crabs & mussels at your own risk. Hepatitis will be epidemic. I live at DE beach, we had red algae in surf last summer. Due to over -building, more sewage is being pumped into ocean – it is dangerous. Plan a mountain vacation before they frack more of those. State governments are responsible, hold them accountable – Vote Green Party

  12. The problem is that organised environmental groups have been taken over by corporate donors. They set up these fake protest groups which are literally designed to fool citizens into believing that something is being done and so they don't have to actually do anything. Hence why men like Maurice Green, a Canadian oil and gas industry executive director, was appointed to be the head of a United Nations environmental protection agency!!! This is what is being done throughout the entire environmental protection movement.
    They make citizens think that handing over their hard earned cash to these organisations is helping and so they have done their bit. This is entirely wrong. The only way we can get a cleaner environment is to elect politicians who are more interested in maintaining life on the planet than they are in making money and retaining power.
    Both Republicans and Democrats are equally at fault for allowing the billionaire corporate donors who pay for their electioneering to dictate to the rest of the planet. We have to realise that full employment is a myth. Mechanization and rationalization of production as well as outsourcing low skilled manufacturing jobs to developing countries means that we will never see full employment, however, we could harness all those people who want to work and employ them to clean up the environment and to build clean energy infrastructure.
    The American government is able to find billions of dollars to fund foreign invasions and to support Israel and Saudi Arabia whenever they like so I'm sure that they could find the money to pay for environmental clean up
    They don't and they won't because both parties are in bed with the billionaire corporate donors like Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers, Devos Prince clan, Sheldon Adelson and a host of UAE, Qatari, Saudi, Iraqi and other foreign dictators and religious zealots who produce oil. It's a simple oil for weapons of mass destruction swap and this is the reason why nothing ever changes in the Middle East. Obviously the more weapons that we sell the Saudis the more weapons that the Iranians and Syrians buy from Russia. It's quite clear that what one side has the other will want and so the Middle East is now just a high stakes arms race which makes Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and many other American and European arms dealers lots and lots of cold hard cash.
    The EU is trying to make member states stop selling weapons of mass destruction to human rights abusers and that is one very good reason why the British are now about to Brexit. The other reason is that the EU is trying to close down the British run tax havens where the billionaire corporate class hide their massive profits from the taxman. The city of London financial services sector is the fraud capital of the entire planet and Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers and Putin and Oleg Deripaska put so much money and effort into Brexit in order to maintain their tax avoidance vehicle.

  13. Politicians? They use the pockets of the Corporations for election!! This is not just about our beautiful Chesapeake Bay!
    The whole political process has been compromised by Corporations and their lobbies

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