Indian Summer – Everything Law and Order Blog

Stir Crazy! Episode 85: Today we are joined by journalist, organizer, and founding executive director of Crushing Colonialism Jen Deerinwater, Miwok journalist and community organizer Desiree Kane, and journalist and community builder Johnnie Jae. Hosted by Kim Brown.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


8 thoughts on “Indian Summer”
  1. September 10, 2020

    NCRC (National Community Reinvestment Coalition)


    📢 There is a higher prevalence of COVID-19 risk factors in historically “redlined” neighborhoods


    The goal of this study was to determine if historic redlining, as measured by HOLC residential security maps, was associated with a range of current indicators of COVID-19 vulnerability in 142 urban centers across the United States. Our results show that greater historic redlining was associated with historic redlining score was associated with higher current levels of socioeconomic disadvantage, increased social vulnerability and adverse health outcomes that are 📢 risk factors for COVID-19, illustrating the lasting impact of government supported practices of redlining on neighborhood health and characteristics 80 years after their deployment. These findings are consistent with other recent studies.

    📢 Racial inequities in COVID-19 infection and severity of illness have been observed (CDC, 2020; Kullar et al, 2020; Oppel et al., 2020). Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated existing racial inequities in chronic disease burden, access to healthcare and other social conditions that drive poor health outcomes (Artiga, 2020; Abrams & Szefler, 2020; CDC, 2020). The patterned distribution of risk factors, both socioeconomic and health, for COVID-19 infection and prognosis presented by our study provides evidence that current health disparities are a symptom of deep societal inequities generated by racist policies, such as historic redlining, resulting from structural racism.

    Structural racism represents “the totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, earnings, benefits, credit, media, 📢 health care, and criminal justice” 📢 which in turn, reinforce racism in values, belief systems and resource distribution (Bailey et al., 2017; Reskin, 2012). Our results are in line with a growing literature that has documented structural racism as an upstream driver of racial health inequities (Bailey et al., 2017; Hardeman et al., 2018; Williams et al., 2019; Pabayo et al., 2019; Lukachko et al., 2014; Wallace et al., 2017; Wallace et al., 2016; Krieger et al., 2013; Krieger et al., 2014; Chambers et al., 2019). Additionally, recent studies have specifically documented historical government sponsored redlining policies as a structural determinant of individual and neighborhood level health (Huggins, 2017; Jacoby et al. 2018; McClure et al. 2019; Namin et al., 2020; Transgenstein et al., 2020; Hoffman et al., 2020; Nardone et al., 2020; Krieger et al., 2020; Krieger et al., 2020). Our study adds to this literature by documenting structural racism, represented by HOLC residential security risk, as an upstream determinant of numerous neighborhood health outcomes in cities across the nation.


    September 10, 2020

    NCRC (National Community Reinvestment Coalition)

    Mapping Inequality: There Were No Dog Whistles, 📢 The Racism Was Loud And Clear.


    In the latter half of the 1930s, a now defunct federal agency, the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), executed a program to categorize the “residential security” of neighborhoods in U.S. cities and towns with populations of 40,000 or more.

    The phrase “residential security” referred to the security and relative riskiness of mortgages. But the supposed security of mortgages was premised upon another kind of residential security: 📢 the security of White neighborhoods remaining White.

    This kind of racism, antisemitism and nativism is ubiquitous in these materials. It wasn’t just prejudice. 📢 It was policy. These maps were produced by the federal government, and they were an important part of decades of government action that preferentially aided native-born, White families in becoming homeowners and building intergenerational wealth through homeownership. The segregation in them was a state-sanctioned and state-advanced segregation. In that way, the HOLC archive is a clear exemplar of the structural and institutional nature of racism.


    Agelbert: Thank you for this excellent, scientifically objective report. I will pass it on.

    I just want to inform readers (📢 medical doctors in particular) here of something they should ponder when they read advice (or 📢 participate in publishing it) from medical web sites:

    According to webmd, the following (among others like air pollution you and your parents were, and are, subject to) are Asthma Risk Factors:

    > Your genes 🙄

    > Your race. 🙄 Asthma is more common in people of African American or Puerto Rican descent. 🤔

    If you are Doctor, such as an Asthma specialist, also known as a pulmonologist, it is time for you understand that "genes/race" is NOT the reason that African Americans or Puerto Ricans in the USA are high risk for Asthma and COVID-19 (It's the 80 YEARS of the REDLINING RACISM, STUPID!). If you wish to pretend you are being "scientific", rather than racist, by believing the lie you were taught in medical school about the "genetic predisposition" of African Americans or Puerto Ricans to Asthma, you are carrying racist, pseudo-scientific water by blaming the victim, rather than addressing the actual cause. You doctors who are doing this need to stop adding unscientific, bigoted insult to racist injury.

    First, DO NO HARM! YOU MUST FIRST ask patients where they live BEFORE assuming the validity of a "genes/race" link when making a diagnosis. 📢 DOCUMENT all patients that live in polluted areas, no matter how much the "Heath" Insurance Corporations try to force you to not write this down.

    You must also TAKE ACTION NOW, through your influence as 👨‍🔬👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🩺🔬 pillars of the community, to reduce pollution levels in redlined areas. Don't tell me "you 🤷‍♂️ don't know where they are". The above report makes that excuse unacceptable. 📢 Tell all the the medical 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🩺 professionals you know about this and urge them to join you in reversing this grievous harm to minorities.

    If you act to reverse 80 years of racism, that YOU benefited from and is now causing hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 deaths, you are a credit 🌞 to the medical profession. Be part of the 🌿 human health fostering solution, not the ☠️ racist abuse of minorities.

  2. I love this Panel, this is a very good discussion Ladies, thank you> Hey from an Old Nanna in Montana!
    "Your favorite President, me, …" lol he always has to tell everyone WHO their favorite President IS> we might Not know…so he tells us …ME?
    Unfortunately, No, He is Mini only in his Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, & Courage> As far as Trump, I think he has done as much damage to this Nations Democracy as a Massive Earthquake of Violence & Division can to spread Fascism throughout Our Nation towards Citizens of Color, Immigrates & American's in Poverty & Homelessness!
    I completely agree about the Warren Nickname and the results of these racist tropes!

  3. Full Native Sovereignty (I write in every poll that asks "Other") It would be wonderful and LONG Overdue!
    Native Language & Histories, Black History Languages & Histories, EVERY "AMERICAN" REPRESENTED in Our Real American History Books with People from ALL Over the World… something to be proud of> America has a long and Rich Cultural History with the Indigenous First Americans History Keepers & Story Tellers, there were many visitors on this Continent and it is long past time for the Smithsonian to RELEASE AMERICA'S TRUE & LONG HISTORY!
    A Native Culture email shared a program, explaining that with Virtual Education they have a World Sharing of Indigenous Cultures and started a Competition for the Students to learn from each other.
    I thought this was a wonderful idea and suggested it to our School Board to possibly have Our Students help to set up a Program reaching Out to Other Communities in America and Around the World to Learn ABOUT each other, what do you ladies think about schools reaching out to each other in America too?

  4. This reminds me of the other native people whose official title have been similarly treated with contempt by the white man; and that is the Eskimos whose correct title is Inuit. I was surprised to learn that they never called themselves Eskimo, the invaders did; as a matter of fact, they also find that title very offensive. So yes, I too wish to concur with these three ladies about not accepting any disrespect; and if you truly respect someone you are going to address them appropriately.

  5. Tyrants should never be celebrated, while I agree with some that you could put these statues in museums. I won’t shed a tear if their toppled either.

  6. It's cringe worthy having a women who never lived on the Rez talk about the problems on the Rez smh. And all these white people who claim they native American is getting old

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