Dr. Francisco Sanchez-Bayo explains that, if current trends persist, insects could be essentially wiped out within 100 years

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By elboriyorker


40 thoughts on “Insect Apocalypse: New Study Reveals Stunning Decline in Insect Populations”
  1. Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK, previously spoke with CNN about the importance of insects to our world.

    “Three-quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators,” he said. “Crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries. We can’t feed 7.5 billion people without insects.”

    P.S. Why go to great lengths to feed an overpopulated species responsible for wiping out other species?

  2. Lifestyle changes to help:
    1. eliminate or reduce outdoor lighting
    2. leave dead tree trunks standing and brush piles on your property for habitat
    3. replace your lawn with a pollinator garden
    4. grow some food organically
    5. install a wildlife pond or shallow birdbath
    6. don't use chemicals
    7. create a compost pile
    8. don't mow any more often than you absolutely must
    9. don't use plastic cloth for weed suppression. use cardboard and paper beneath your mulch.
    10. have a tree service dump woodchips on your property rather than buying mulch. they will dump for free as it saves them landfill costs.

  3. Please come to Australia and get rid of the bush flies. They crawl in the eyes, mouth and ears seeking moisture. There are billions of them and that's just on one horse. There are not as many little golden beatles as there were before and I'm glad. It was impossible to walk across the floor at a dance without cruncing them under foot.

  4. Another major fixable cause, but hardly talked about, of insect extinction is light pollution. Interesting article about how light pollution is contributing to extinction and what to do (It's pretty easy but not at all well-known, and not politicized much if at all; darksky.org also offers specific lighting solutions): https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/22/light-pollution-insect-apocalypse?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fenvironment%2F2019%2Fnov%2F22%2Flight-pollution-insect-apocalypse

  5. Cockroaches outlasted the dinosaurs, survived the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, survived the Chernobyl fallout, been around for 300 million years, and will never go extinct. That's just depressing and unfair. Why couldn't it be them of all insects to die off as well.

  6. I had a praying mantis on the back of my house. He was there 3 days. I petted him a few times. Then I took him off the house after 3 days and tried to get him to fly. He couldn't so I put him in the undergrowth. He was the first one I had seen in 5 years. Before that I always had several around constantly. I also had butterflies and bees which I don't anymore.

  7. If you DO NOT MOW or fertilize the yard leave flowers for the insects! I had super sized bumble bees and monarch this summer because I did not mow.

  8. Thats BS. This is part of what MON SANTOS WANT. Example…. Puerto Rico now has MonSantos Since Maria hit the Island 2017, But 2 yrs after Maria LoCUST have been introduced thru HAARP. to all of the Carribean. But.. How ironic that MON SANTOS is the only plants to survive. It is mathematically impossible. Besides. BEES- when tje fake zika virus that NEVER hit the PR. fake news report 128 victims. I work in the ER of SJ and we have never seen 1 case. But tje spread for "mosquitos " killing the BEES. The Devil is a lie. But el cordero de Dios esta con nosotros. 🙏

  9. Read entomologist Doug Tallamy’s book Bringing Nature Home and The Living Landscape and he’ll show you how to help insects by planting native plants.

  10. No mention of the biggest pollutant that has been introduced over the years since the early 80's. That would be pulsed microwave radiation emitted by the wireless telecommunications industry. It is invisible , silent has no odor yet has been classified as a general biohazard. Funny how the decline seems to coincide with the increase in wireless technology. This is something people should take very seriously and not believe what the industry says but do your own research, this is often overlooked because no one wants to believe their technology is destroying nature and making them sick. People also make no comments on this subject like it is taboo or something, but it is not a conspiracy theory with many governments now demanding much more testing be done before rolling out this totally untested technology any further.

  11. What will the weight ratio be when you add not just bodies but also the amount of material used in construction by the various species ? (Point being: it likely shows how extreme humans dominate, which is likely to lead to catastrophe.) If weight should be an indication of biological impact, it makes sense to add the construction that a species undertakes, especially in the case of humanity where the construction usually means other species can no longer live there. Compare a beaver, who also constructs things, but in that case also creates habitat. If 100 humans live in a village that is some 500 kg humans. If there are 100 deer in the area, that is 500 kg deer (say). The impact however is not comparable, because the humans lay hundreds of tons of hardened roads and build dozens of fixed sterile houses. You could argue that all land that human use for agriculture also counts as human infrastructure to for example a depth of about one fist or say a 100 kg per square meter (just to put a number on it). Some website claims the average house weighs some 100 tonnes or much more (one says 1 ton per square foot). 100 humans * .2 humans per house * 100 tonnes houses = 2000 tonnes humans. Let's say roughly that roads will cost the same as houses and the same as agricultural land used. So that goes times 3 (just a very rough first try with the math): 6000 tonnes for 100 humans, or to put it differently: every human costs 60 tonnes in weight (60 000 kg). This is the same as a large whale. Only the Fin whale and two other species have that kind of weight. The estimate for human weight at 60 000 kg per individual human is 1200 times larger than if you took something like 50 kg per human as an average body mass.

    If you did the same for insects, one could first ask if their infrastructure disturbs habitat for other species. In some cases it probably does like ants. A lot of insects do not seem to build that much. I cannot make the estimate but I doubt very much that the total insect weight would go 1200 times higher too if we take into account that infrastructure that hurts the habitat of other species. Does a dangling bee hive hurt infrastructure for other animals ? I doubt it. Even if you estimate that insect total weight goes 10 times higher if one takes into account their otherwise mostly sterile infrastructure and species displacing building stuff (which is all 100% organic and does no harm and often a lot of good in the end because everything is adapted to it), insects do not outweigh humans 17 times as the documentary says, but human are still the order of some … 17 times heavier insects * 10 = 170 times heavier; humans about 1000 times heavier than mere body estimation: 170 versus 1000, and humans outweigh all insects with a factor of 5-10 or more. You may want to check this math for accuracy 😉 The estimates are of course very rough, but then again that is inherent here. This is estimated for the western world, things might be less extreme elsewhere, but they are developing in the same direction.

    A mere glance at my country the Netherlands is all that you need to know that humans are absolutely dominating and destroying everything else. Most of them have even adapted to it, and call a bundle of trees wild nature, and an acre of it a forest. It is one big factory with a few cracks in the floor, especially our northern Province (one of the worst).

    P.S. This year I have no fruit flies on my kitchen cuttings. Still nothing the whole year ! Highly unusual, they are normally a regular nuisance.

  12. What is of significance for human survival is when insect losses impact food production.
    My best guess is that is right now and only getting worse. There are no words for what we have done to the life forms sharing this planet with us.

  13. Some 4 or 5 years ago in 2014/5 ,John Butter, an English entomologist,who in his early ninties, invited me to take a look at my car's windscreen the next time I made a long journey and to note what I see. On a three hundred mile round trip to Hampshire from Devon ,I found my windscreen clear of any insect. I then thought back to a time 28 years earlier whilst doing a similar journey every two weeks to see my daughter, how I would have to wash away the large number of insects that I crashed into along the way, before I made my return trip. It was an awakening to something very concerning which I would not have had,had it not been for John Butter's invite to check my windscreen. A simple observation giving profound insight !

  14. We are the frog being boiled in gently heated water croaking in denial of Reality. Damage to micro cellular tissue by resonant Microwaves is a FAKT, no fiction. Microwaves killing Insects by starvation of Oxygen in the Mitochondria (Ca++ oxidation). Hope the fear and public discussion about 5g helps to understand what we are doing when switching on our cell-phones !

  15. One thing that is not mentioned in the study is the acidification of the earth and how that might have affected the soil biome. We have an idea of what is happening in the oceans from acidification and the ocean dilutes CO2. The soil, I don't really know but intuitively I have to think that the impact of soil acidification is both real, worldwide, and impactful to the soil biome. Even if we start studying it now we have no idea of what the 'baseline' was.

  16. In the West and Middle East, it is the religious fundamentalists of all Abrahamic sects that seek the end of the world to justify their horrific narrative. It is their belief system (dominion) that allows the obviously illogical wars, continual extraction of all resources, application of nerve toxins to crops, and extreme burning of fossil fuels to continue. They also worship money as the supreme evidence that their God favours them. I am not familiar with the belief systems of the East, whether supernaturally based or human-centric. Perhaps their worldview too is at the heart of what appears to be a desire to end all life.

  17. Ohm my gooood AOC was right, the world ends in 12 years!.. Im old enough to remember folks in 1990 saying world will end in 10 years. It's funny the progressives left socialists want people to stop eating farting cows and instead eat insects! Thinking on commie level will always end in disasters.

  18. Has this platform documented man made GeoEngineering? Dane at GeoEngineering watch talks about this topic almost weekly. You guys should have him on to talk about the issue. Because it is a direct correlation to what is happening to the insect populations here in the United States and around the world. When did it become the norm that we have named winter storms? How are cloud systems forming 90 degree angles?

  19. Mass use of Microwave Technology killing the Insects !!! We know it, but don't want to know it. What's wrong with us? Hope the fear and discussion about 5g is helping to acknowledge the danger of resonant microwaves in cellular tissue, spez. the Ca++ oxidisation …. get real News ! And if the current trend persists – (70% since 1974 of them 89% since 1992 !) we can get rid of the Bees within two more decades ! If the Bees vanish Men will follow soon (A. Einstein)

  20. Glad to see this getting some attention. I can remember as a child driving with my parents and the car windows constantly being covered in dead bugs. Now, it's a minor annoyance if at all. All the chemicals used have been wiping out insects for a long time. And the chemical companies have bougt off our Congress to do as they wish.

  21. I'm sure the capitalists will forgo profits and close their businesses to save the insects and prevent a mass extinction.

    That's all the comedy I have today, folks.

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