Iraqi Protesters Storm the American Embassy in Baghdad — But There’s More to the Story

Iraqi Protesters Storm the American Embassy in Baghdad — But There’s More to the Story

Tens of thousands of people in Iraq are demonstrating against the government there, the United States, and Iran. York University’s Thabit Abdullah explains that at the heart of the story is Iraq torn asunder by the United States.

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29 thoughts on “Iraqi Protesters Storm the American Embassy in Baghdad — But There’s More to the Story

  1. And from what I know iran mainly just wanted Power. Or atleast USA backing… not iraq or Israel. And power, but I think with regime change and somehow get proxies to chill. There was amazing opportunity. I'm American but seriously upsets me.

  2. I finally thought trump was going to do atleast 1 just one good thing finally. Just wanted see new government get set up, and I was hoping if Israel iraq iran Afghanistan all could sit down and have peace, and Iran regime change.

  3. I think Iranian people deserve what they got from America because when I think from my past because I'm from Iraq but at the same time I think America/Donald Tump needs something bad for him because he really ruined us

  4. Whoever is, or where ever is the next U.S. target. Everyone should just get up and leave. Flood the countries that are instigating this abhorrent greed/death machine! Worldwide! Then we will see what they really are. They will continue on agsinst their own. We are facing a world wide cartel of tyranny. Simples.

  5. Hmmm?

    I’ve seen reports that the constant threat of the USA on Iraq and Iran, and this assignation of Solimani is uniting Iraq and Iran against the USA. Wasn’t general Solimani killed (along with Iraqi brass) while he was on a peace talk mission to Bagdad?

    An effective form of solidarity seems a reasonable outcome to me, but Thabit Abdullah, here paints a picture of war and irreconcilable differences between Iran and Iraq due to violent Iranian militia in Iraq and the Iranian domination in the market. He says it’s state sponsored.


  6. Outlining a vitreous “opportunity”, a “positive roll” for the USA to undertake now after manufacturing Iraq and Middle East crisis since 2003 (and since the history began) is to fail to see USA hegemony and it’s narcissistic behaviour of state.

  7. There's evidently NO PROOF at all that an American contractor was killed in this case, as well, I guess, of anyting Trump has been saying about all of this. " The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know " (36:59), Corbett Report Extras, 6 Jan 2020, Quote, " Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don't miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020. ". Ryan apparently was able, months earlier, to foresee such assassination. And, again, Washington evidently hasn't provided any proof of which American contractor/mercenary was supposedly killed. Very typical of Washington, unfortunately.

  8. To imagine – as Taphet Abdullah suggests – that the US (the west) would ever help Iraq stabilise is ludicrous. The US destabilizes – corrupts – devastates – exploits and terrorises nations. Iraq was first attacked by GHW Bush in the Gulf War – over the Kuwaiti oil fields . Bush used the banned depleted uranium and the banned white phosphorus against Saddam's tanks – to devastating effect. It wasn't a war.. It was a slaughter. Then Madeleine Albright – as Secretary of State – authorised sanctions – which caused the deaths by starvation of half a million Iraqi civilians. Later – his son – George W Bush invaded Iraq – after Colin Powell had lied to the UN – that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Bush – Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld tortured Iraqis – sometimes to death at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. That is the nation Taphet Abdullah wants – or hopes – will rescue Iraq. No way. Iraq must regain it's sovereignty and become -hopefully -a democrat nation – by its own efforts. It won't be easy because Iraq will again be attacked by the US for so doing. I do think Iraq should align itself with either of the two opposition powers – Russia or China. It will get no help from the US barbarians.

  9. There's evidently NO PROOF at all that an American contractor was killed in this case. " The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know " (36:59), Corbett Report Extras, 6 Jan 2020, Quote, " Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don't miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020. ". Ryan apparently was able, months earlier, to foresee such assassination. And, again, Washington evidently hasn't provided any proof of which American contractor/mercenary was supposedly killed.

  10. LOL maybe on your old style positive role .'' THE POSITIVE, THE TRUTH , THE WITNESS, THE WEAK, THE POOR, THE FAITH, THE MERCY, THE U N, etc. Are all OUT OF CONTEXT LAW here PROFESSOR the world IS NOT in that direction daily massive killings from any where or anyone should get justice right ? It is call "GLOBAL GRIEF" RETURNING TO EARLY AGES BY OUR OWN DE ESCALATE ADVANCE VS LITERACY. The question is what was the purpose we ( human) are here now/ than.

  11. So who really led to destroying Iranian embassy in Baghdad or are you trying to tell us that it was the same Iranians turned around to attack their own embassy ?!!!
    And don't ignore the fact that Iranian embassy has been under attack before that if Americans…..!!!!

  12. The professor's points continually leave out the effects the occupying US forces have on the Iraqi population.

    The constant push against the current US installed government is the Iraqi people's desire to have a say in how and who runs their country.

    They have never accepted the current US installed government and are literally protesting and rejecting it.

    The US government is blaming Iran's influence for their own utter failure in achieving a post invasion relationship with Iraqi that sees Iraq as a strategic US ally. The US cites Iran's influence on Iraq, but neighbouring countries always influenced and effected one another, it's not a new phenomenon. Consider how the US effects Mexico, or how England effects Ireland. Iran is the regional power that literally shares a border with Iraq.

    Were the US war strategists really that naive they thought they could destroy the ruling power in Iraq and none of the neighbouring countries would influence the next form of governance?

    The fact remains that after 16 years of illegal occupation by the world's super power, the United States, as soon as the US withdraws from Iraq, a new anti US government will come to power.

    The professor is correct, the US finds itself with no support after failing to reconstruct Iraq, but, I would add and change the emphasis, that, years into a campaign of ruining and pillaging Iraq, have left the US unable to build a positive relationship with Iraqis because they are the occupying, pillaging, violent force that caused all the death, lawlessness and insecurity, that never rebuilt the country they illegally invaded because they only seek the furthering of the US' agenda instead of actually looking after the interests of the Iraqi people.

  13. Shouldn't they be more angered by US occupation of their country instead?? This is one biased and inaccurate analysis in favor of the US. I stopped watching it after a few minutes.

  14. I don't why they even got involved with the middle east? Ohh I see big oil that's why ! God who else misses Saddam Hussein? Because when he was in charge of iraq their was no drama like today!

  15. I don’t agree with your guests on many points.

    The issue is Iraq is such a weak country historically it had to invite foreign forces to fight the daesh ISIS. If Iraq didn’t want Iraq to be a battle ground for US and Iran , why did they invite both enemies on their soil to fight ISIS. This is the ultimate Iraqi stupidity. You either manage to protect yourself or just invite one country to help you out. Either Iran or US. Or be under ISIS…

    Regarding Iranians replacing natural produce of Iraq my foot ! Iraq is full of Turkish products!!! Iraq doesn’t even have electricity! No industry and Iraqis should thank Americans for that !

    Not only that Iraq should pay iran 8 year war compensation! Just like kuwait milked Iraq for war compensation!

    I hate the Iranian regime but Iran should have never accepted the invitation to help Iraq with ISIS, and let them handle it themselves. Probably Iraqis would be rejoicing under Al Baghdadi now!

    Yes and Trump played a very positive roll by killing both Ghassem Soleimani and Iraqi Al mohandes…

    Now talk about the positive roll !!!

    There will be a reemergence of ISIS in Mosul now that soleimani is dead, and hope the Iraqis deal with them themselves and stop asking for foreign aid. Foreign aid= Foreign influence.
    Learn to fight your own battle .. if you can’t you can never be free neither nationalistic !

  16. Tank you very much RGN stop the war, war destroying life, save the earth for the moment in Australia a millions of life was killed by fire, don't believe on this government just I sinking the election of the same president, stop citizen week up for peace around the world have great happy new year all from Belgium tank you very much merci beaucoup

  17. as an American I want to say to the people of Iran, we the people didnt want this death on our hands.trump acted on his own, we now have a rogue president.those of us who truly believe in what our founders laid out in our constitution want our country back.this is not trumps playland, he is delusional.

  18. Iran keeps isis and alkida away from syria and Iraq while the USA armes trains them, protects them and allows them to move from region to region sometimes useing U.S. military bases the two are not the same. The us is a terorist organization.

  19. Once again, the Americans kill the chance for Iraqis to seek a future for the their country through peaceful demonstrations. The killing of General Suleimani in Iraq has put the massive demonstrations against pro-Iranian corrupt government at great risk. We Iraqis are asking for Iran AND America to leave us alone, instead the two opponents have decided to have a fight on our soil. How much more can we take? enough!

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