Irish Left Set to Win General Election, But Still Shut Out of Governing?

Irish Left Set to Win General Election, But Still Shut Out of Governing?

For the first time in 100 years neither of Ireland’s two historically dominant parties will win a plurality of the vote, providing an opening to Sinn Fein and other left parties. What made this possible?

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Audio Engineer: Adam Coley
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
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23 thoughts on “Irish Left Set to Win General Election, But Still Shut Out of Governing?

  1. Just keep your eyes on those Blueshirt, neo Nazis in the National Party. If we allow that racist trash to get a foothold in Ireland – they’ll destroy our country the way Trump and his far right MAGA supporters are trashing the US. We don’t need people like that in our government, our police or our military.

  2. there was no child homelessness in 2011 with the help fine gael gave the landlords, 4000 homeless kids and 6 thousand adults. many more thousand couch surfing. fine gael says there is no crisis!!!

  3. Both Fianna Fail (Fee -ah-nah Fall) and Fine Gael (Fee-neh Gail) would be more accurately described as neo liberal. Socially liberal, economically conservative and dreadful on climate change.
    Sinn Fein's main problem has been it's historical ties to the IRA, a group that has committed terror attacks that have killed and maimed many people in the 70s and 80s. But with time and changing members and leaders, some distance has been created from the Sinn Fein of 20 -30 years ago.
    Honestly, this is one of the least consequential elections of recent years on an international scale. I will never vote for Fianna Fail, I'm still feeling the consequences of their mishandling of the economy. Fine Gael did get the country prospering again, lots of jobs and opportunities, but their handling of the housing crisis has been beyond bad, and they aren't making any serious attempt to deal with climate change. They're very much a technocratic Macron-esque party.
    I'm looking at Labor, Sinn Fein, Green, Aontu and possibly Fine Gael. Have yet to decide.

  4. Ff and fg are a tag team they took turned in raiding the coffers of tax payers for near a century they got away with it because back then there wasn't any alternative medias .banks got bailed out with out money they we got sold out ,,there money for any other reason other than when in comes to the poor homeless who die with the cold lieing on concrete ground when a big hosel only costs a few thousand to run. Yet theyv bragged about budget surpluses, …. a recommendation to the British Free assange a journalist and arrest andrew he could have assanges would be a better use of tax payers cash

  5. We have a good number of left parties PBP (People before profit) AAA (Anti Austerity Alliance) and other progressives, with SF only 42 seats in The Dail we need an assortium of coalitions to keep FF and FG out of power.. here is hoping that happens on Sunday.

  6. The headline is slightly misleading: if only it was that simple.
    A "left" government is actually the least likely of several of the most likely outcomes.
    There was a formal agreed left platform called Right 2 Change before the 2016 election, initiated by & including People Before Profit & The Socialist Party.
    R2C was allowed to lapse in the aftermath, unfortunately.
    Since then Sinn Fein has changed it's internal party rules to allow it to join a government as a junior partner with either of the rightwing duopoly parties.
    They're tacking both ways simultaneously, keeping their options open, as you'd probably expect from a party in which their is a tension between it's social democratic and more nationalist tendencies.

  7. TRNN covering Ireland!!! Shocked. About time. Looks like a coalition probably of Sinn Fein & Fianna Fail. Good points from Michael. Public health system being deliberately underfunded since 1987 in order to privatise it. Labour have always been a weak centre left party betraying voters every time they go into government. Far right are running candidates for the first time in decades. They're up front with their racism if you see their leaflets/ads etc. Very small on the ground but have a large online presence. If SF do go into govt. & betray peoples hopes just like Labour have done, they will pay dearly.

  8. mirrors US. populous in downward spiral after long debacle of austerity measures. low unemployment due to majority working multiple crap jobs just to pay sky high housing costs. mostly toxic and unhealthy food choices available fueling across the board collapse of medical systems. in US toilet is flushing and most being caught in undertow. lets hope Ireland will cling on to that slippery slope, keep it's head above water and be able to remain free of the fascist wave now sweeping across the world.

  9. I'm Irish living in England I had to leave my country in 1986now Ireland are bringing in immigrants from all over Africa and the middle East when they can't look after there own people the people in power are globlests and answer to the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels they don't care about the Irish people

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