Is India on its Way out of Poverty?

Is India on its Way out of Poverty?

Jayati Ghosh discusses the UNDP report showing that poverty in India has halved in the last 10 years, and the newly unveiled healthcare plan for the bottom 40% of the population, nicknamed “Modicare.”

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44 thoughts on “Is India on its Way out of Poverty?

  1. Professors from JNU are as illiterate as the students. 217 million people have been pulled out of poverty since 2011. Only 40 million Indians remain below poverty line. Out of 1.3 billion. When this professor says there is no data, she means she doesn’t know where to get it from.

  2. This is the difference between a politician with political agenda and a professor with on ground reality The job of these corrupt politicians and deep state is to keep pamper the masses with school like debates and fancy numbers these corrupt politicians are no more than school debaters

  3. In 2019 in cities like Mumbai, people are still living in 50% slums, without electricity or clean waters or enough toliets, so most people just poop in the streets and the street is old, crowded and smell and dirty full of rubbish, and can not moved faced enough cause of bad roads and lack of metro and even the trains is very outdated and on average 9 people die a day on Mumbai trains, India needs a less corrupted government and re-education its citizens to accept more responsibilities.

  4. See is from JNU which is known for its propaganda against current Right wing government and anti -national activities..She will never say the government is doing well, they are communists. ..For example , the farmers March she was taking about was a political March, the was a March of communist party of India , people. carry their flag can be easily seen..In last five years the MSP of grains has become 1.5 times to benefit farmers..There are hundreds other steps..Also, the insurance she claims as Scam is recently hailed by for providing health facilities to 6.85 people in nearly 6 months…She is from JNU ..These people can stoop to any level just to criticize government even wrongly.. Don't call these people on your programme a sane person who is neutral.

  5. Believe me all these rallies are fake in terms of farmers interest ,these rallies are always organised by opposition and they pay these people for coming to rally otherwise who has time to waste in these rallies .political must have called someone from DU or IIT ,all JNUs are anti nationals.

  6. Only solutions to India's Population & Poverty problem is … Hey youth!!!..Just use condoms, don't get tempted on your first night…enjoy u r life…max!!!…& earn well.. before going for Kids. Make India gr8 again. Educate people as much as you can. Jai Hind!!!

  7. This channel is named "The Real News". It says that bottom 40% of Indian population = 100 million. Even when it cuts right to a clip of the PM of India telling them that 40% of Indian population = combined population of Canada + USA.

    You can't package fake news by putting the label "Real News" on it.

  8. Most of India’s pop growth are coming from the poverty-ridden rural areas, while the urbanites are getting richer and less interested in having children. If a revolution doesn’t come we are looking at a shrinking bourgeois population surrounded by more and more desperate masses.

  9. What makes me wonder how effective this will be is the amount of money they are planning to spend. It is only about 3 dollars per person per year. What kind of healthcare can they expect to accomplish with that amount of money. That is what most people spend on a cup of coffee in the United States.

  10. The root problem in India is overpopulation .
    A 1 child policy for a couple of generations would improve living standards tremendously.
    India is 3x smaller than the USA but has 1 billion more people.

  11. India needs urgent Two child policy . otherwise there is no point in saying lifted 200 million out of poverty after adding 400 million more in to the population

  12. Disappointing segment. She did not study the UNDP's data and methods enough, and her answers sound so passive and disinterested. Probably should have brought on guests who are younger and doing active field work in the slums and rural areas.

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