Is Joe Biden’s Folksy Shtick Beginning to Backfire?

Is Joe Biden’s Folksy Shtick Beginning to Backfire?

We can all have a good laugh at the scientific reasons why Biden’s comment about curing cancer was ridiculous, but his view of his own importance is no laughing matter.

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43 thoughts on “Is Joe Biden’s Folksy Shtick Beginning to Backfire?

  1. Great screenshot of a man trying to intimidate a woman; right up in her face, eyes glaring and menacing, dictatorial finger within inches of face, yeah, this one pic. says a lot about this P.O.S.! In my world, if somebody does this to you, they are seconds away from getting knocked out.

  2. Uncle Joe is a shallow narcissistic egomaniac who often makes Trump look like an amateur ~ 😉😅😆😋😂😄🤣

  3. According to this program there are 3 candidates to consider. Biden, Warren and Sanders. I must have missed the announcement about Tulsi Gabbard dropping out. Controlled opposition, watch out with this "Real News."

  4. What I am really sick of with Joe Biden — who lacks the most basic empathy for the poor/working class/middle class (see his Senate record) — is how he pimps his grief at EVERY opportunity to gain sympathy and votes. For decades it was the story of his young wife's death, killed in a car accident, that he milked campaigning and now it is his son. It is so cynical and see-through. He is shameless.

  5. I want to start a movement that makes it mandatory for candidates seeking political office to be subjected to a psychological evaluation, a mental competence test and a questionnaire on the basics of government. The poster for this movement will have a BIG picture of Joe Biden (or another politician who will go unnamed 😞) as an example of what happens when nut cases successfully get elected.

  6. people keep saying sanders needs to connect with folks of color. Bernie is doing everything to connect with black voters but black people support biden overwhelmingly. what has joe biden done to get that kind of support???? i am just speechless

  7. Just remember, he LIED repeatedly (even after aides told him to stop!) about having "marched for civil rights" (he NEVER did), just to get the votes of black citizens. He is arrogant and assumes voters are stupid and will believe what he says. Biden = tRUMP in his history of lying, AND in policies supporting the GREED and impoverishing the majority. He is a FAKE Democrat, who bragged on video that he willingly prostitutes (his words) himself to Big $$$$. He's a FAKE Democrat.

  8. Biden's high ratings as DEM candidate in the rigged 2020 presidential campaign, is due to corporate MSM propaganda in conjunction with manufactured polling results. We know the 2016 primary was rigged, nothing in our election process has changed, likely things have gotten worse. Dems have a loyalty oath now. Who are these people who support Biden now, who did not support him in his past 2 or 3 presidential bids over the past 40 years? The DEMs actually want Trump to be re-elected. They support his austerity and militarism policies, so they can get the policies they actually want, without taking responsibility for them, plus, they can pretend to share their constituents hatred of Trump, to help them get re-elected. If the DEM oligarchs did not want Trump to be re-elected, they would put forward a much more Obama-like candidate, younger, charismatic, able to read an inspiring teleprompter speech, with a correct identity marker or two … that they are putting forward a never was, 70-year-olds, tells us they want four more years of Trump

  9. Biden is actively against medicare for all think of the poor insurance companies who deny coverage and make $ off of health care. Biden got a D- from green peace re climate change. Sponsored 1994 Crime bill that incarcerated larger amounts of black youth for ridiculous possession laws. Biden pushed for Pro civil asset forfeiture laws across US that allow cops to literally take all your possessions for SUSPICION. Biden supported segragationist Strom Thurman who was strongly opposed to civil rights. I could never support any candidate who wants a "middle ground" approach we need REAL CHANGE.

  10. Biden could care less about Medicare for all that would give access to everyone that has cancer to be cured if there was going to be a cure but he wants us to believe he cares about a cure for cancer. How about him caring for all diseases, all physical problems, for everyone to get medical help not just those that have the money or insurance to get access to any cures for any diseases.

  11. Ole Joe is really just taking a page out of Donald Trump's book. He realizes his chance of getting elected is becoming abysmal, so he has to resort to making come outrageous claim/promise to stay relevant in the news cycle, hoping people are dumb enough to take him at his word without doing any research…also hoping that they'll later forget what he said/promise.
    It may work for Trump, but he should know most Democratic voters are educated and do their research. It won't work for him

  12. Well, as someone who is sick and tired of all the right wingers and corporate establishment phonies (like Joe Biden) bleating at real progressives about their positions on the Green New Deal and Medicare-For-All, if Joe is promising a cure for cancer (only IF he is elected president, of course), "HOW ARE YA GONNA PAY FOR IT, JOE?" I am DONE with this BS double standard in politics!

  13. Biden is not for the middle working class. That's why big corporations will do anything to support him, even Republicans. This is our last chance to have the benefits of Democratic Socialism with Bernie Sanders.

  14. That Folksy Shtick just equals Good Ole Boy with backward values especially women. Bernie is the exact opposite of Biden & Trump & Mayor Pete & Warren & Harris & all the others that aren't worth the brain cell from me.

  15. All the fucked up food plastic and crap Joe, your going to stop that torrent of shit we produce? Hey save the environment too while your at it, and bring back all the dead if you could.

  16. Wouldn’t it sounded just a bit less delusional to say “ if elected I’m going to make cancer research a priority in hopes that they one day find a cure”? Joe, thanks but we already have a president that says crazy shit.

  17. Biden literally said in a meeting of donors before Trumps run in 2016 that he wanted to build a fence across the southern border.

    He doesn't even realize that in our era we are looking at videos of his entire record as a politician. And it is grotesque.

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