Is Medicare for All Bad for Union-Negotiated Healthcare?

Is Medicare for All Bad for Union-Negotiated Healthcare?

The argument that Medicare for All will hurt workers because it abolishes hard-earned healthcare benefits of unionized workers has repeatedly been used against Sanders and Warren. But does the criticism have any basis?

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35 thoughts on “Is Medicare for All Bad for Union-Negotiated Healthcare?

  1. I think union negotiated health care is a fraud—sone sort of money laundering. They are charging me $344 every 2 weeks. I have tried to stop it, but they will not stop taking money from my check. Thank all who are working on this.

  2. In my country everyone is covered by Medicare. If you earn above a certain amount you pay a Medicare levy. If you have Health Insurance you don't pay a Medicare Levy.

  3. I had to quit my unstable job job of 28 years in a hospital. My cobra payment was $600 a month and now will probably be $1400 a month, insanity. One of the main reasons I can’t afford to live in the US. I moved with my family to Thailand. Medicare for all, then I can move back to the US

  4. Excellent interview! This was helpful in clarifying the advantages of expanding and improving healthcare. Apparently, there is a comparison app or link where one can enter their insurance premiums and see how much they might save with Medicare4All. Perhaps Bernie's site would have that.

  5. I think it's vital to get the word out more that though it is called M4A, it isn't just an extension of the current Medicare system to more people. There are a lot of people who don't realize this.

  6. Some people don't listen or understand your tax rate is currently the same under private health insurance but your paying over $10,000 in co pays, deductibles and premiums.
    Medicare For All gets rid of those thing = $0 while your taxes go up 4% that's a much better deal and it's guaranteed with you so you don't worry if your gonna lose it.

  7. The Real News Network gives me the impression that the US is moving towards a real structural shift in its economic and political systems.
    I am watching you from Haiti and before i go i want to tell you that you are making a big difference in how you cover the news.Truly outstanding job.
    Thanks to all of you, especially to G Wilpert, Taya Graham, and Jacqueline Luqman.

  8. I'm a disabled veteran,I receive VA healthcare minus dental care. Only 100% disabled veterans get dental care. If Med4All passes I would never use my VA healthcare again. We are truly locked in to certain hospitals,certain doctors,and certain care.

  9. How to creat a socialist state
    By Saul Alinsky
    8 levels of control
    1st most important care
    4.gun control
    8 class warfare

    If it walks & quacks it's a pogram !

    All that is needed is an E.O. making it discrimination (medical preconditionsl) like age , sex & race .

  10. Here in Canada, you're on the public system unless you have coverage at work. You are taxed accordingly at year end, and I don't see any inherent risks to unions. Nothing burger.

  11. Get rid of commercial grocery stores and watch how fast ppl leave them lying doctors alone. My slave ancestors lived past 100 yrs…wonder y?

  12. I am a retired union worker and the last two contracts before I retired, we had to negotiate away previously won benefits in order to keep our ever worsening healthcare. I am so disappointed with Richard Trumka for coming out against Medicare for all on Labor Day. One of the reasons I was proud to be a union member was that we supported things that benefited everyone. Good luck to these unions opposing Med4all when they have to go on strike to keep their healthcare and are looking for public support and people to not cross their picket lines!

  13. Unions time and again have given up wage increases in order to keep health care benefits. So the ridiculous cost of health care plus wages stagnated have led union workers to finally come over to the single payer side of things. Because they are now in the same boat as everyone else, in that they too are one emergency medical procedure away from bankruptcy.

  14. Every year the raises that would go to The culinary workers go to the insurance company since then these workers don't get in any raises no take home money to speak of at all compared to inflation because all their money goes to healthcare negotiations and then the rest of that goes to pay for these corrupt unions because you have to have them in this corrupt socialized Communist economy they created

  15. One of the main enticements to join (or maintain membership in) a Union is the health insurance package. In some areas non union members may make more in base pay but fall short of union members in benefits. A switch to Single Payer is going to level the union vs. non-union playing field and union leadership is going to have to work even harder to convince people that union membership has worth. Most American unions have done a poor job of that for the last four decades.

  16. M4A let's me decide if I want to start my own business. Unions are great but it's still a trap healthcare tied to specific work. Whatsbetter for all is more important than the 7% of people in unions

  17. Bernie should have called himself a social democrat and stayed with single payer . People don't get its not socialism and medicare for all isn't medicare.

  18. I am a member of a union. My healthcare is negotiated by my union. It’s grown to be too expensive, in addition to be a stranglehold during contract negotiations. I want medical for all.

  19. Think on this in this time of the coronavirus. You have good healthcare. If you feel sick you can go to the doctor and even stay at home if you are sick. The guy/gal sitting next to you on the train, or walking next to you on the street, or opening your car door, does not have good healthcare and cannot stay at home if they want to keep their job so if they are sick they take medicine that masks the symptoms but does not stop the spread of the germs. They could not pay $3000 to get tested and instead now spread the virus all over. You might be highly susceptible and get the virus and die or get the virus and give it to your child and your child dies but the guy/gal on the street etc just got "sick". Think on that.

  20. When was this recorded ? The Nevada Culinary Workers Union leadership may have been against M4A a la Bernie Sanders… but the union membership voted for him in spades during the Nevada Caucus.

  21. They have single payer in France. France has some of the most powerful unions in the world. Single payer helps unions as now they can work towards getting people actual money wages so they can have decent lives.

  22. America was far more a trustworthy nation when Russia was the USSR.
    In order to defeat socialism our government made sure our population was given what it needed to thrive not just survive and this included everything from free education to good medicine and medical practice and good wages, and lifestyle, industry and excellent sanitation, everyone was inoculated free of charge and the medical profession went to you not you going to them for a price.
    In the post USSR America, capitalism began to reveal what it truly is a system of production for profit, and everyone born from that day forward has made America the least trustworthy nation in the world. In fact, there is no question in my mind that even a bastard like LBJ or Nixon would have come out publicly to institute some form of medical national Marshall Plan to quell a virus such as this from emerging. America opened the door for capitalists to take over the government, an institution designed to keep capitalists out of government.
    From 1980 the post USSR America as more of America's billionaires and its far-right wing made it possible through a repeal of all the safeguards America had in place to move production off shore in order to produce cheaper to accrue higher profits in America's consumer market; you could not trust government statistics on most everything got progressively worse to the point of absolute mistrust. They thought they won the Cold War but America did not and every war previous to the Vietnam and after the Vietnam war were losses for Americans but not for the dominant oil and gas industry. Now that Russia and China have gotten into the game of making profits the oil industry of all three nations intend to share the oil reserves, gas and rare earth minerals lain under the Ice of the Arctic to the detriment of the planet, in a potential nuclear war. America taking the approach of might makes right while ocean levels rise and the composition of the atmosphere of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are changed heating the planet and giving rise to massive flooding, new biological organisms for the spread of disease, locust infestation, drought and social upheaval.

  23. I'm a member of IATSE Local 1, the Stagehands Union in NYC, because of how our industry actually works, a member can end up with 7 or 8 W-2's and 12 – 1099's at the end of the year, we have a completely separate office that deals with Healthcare, pensions and annuities, employers pay into it, they do not manage it. There are 2 sides to it in our situation, we wouldn't be managing it, but we would be able to negotiate better paychecks.

  24. So, Bernie says he will give everybody full coverage With no copays, deductibles and Premiums, and it has been documented in a number of studies that Medicare for All will be both cheaper and better than the present system. He has a plan for the financing of it. It will work, because in America there is no lack of funding. There are always a few hundred billions to be found for a New war, or an expansion of the military spending.
    And still there are People who are afraid that they will LOOSE something by getting rid of the for profit Insurance based Health care plans they had before? Truly amazing. How is it possible to arrive at such a conclusion?

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