Silicon Valley giants like Amazon & Palantir team up with ICE to hunt down immigrants, pick out the innocent as potential criminals, and build the cloud for Defense Department and CIA. Is Big Brother here? Bob Sheer outlines the problem

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By elboriyorker


48 thoughts on “Is Orwell’s Big Brother Here? Bezos & Amazon Team up With Defense, CIA & ICE”
  1. "Is Orwell's Big Brother Here??" … what a STUPID QUESTION. — He's BEEN HERE for 250 years and his name is ROTHSCHILD — Orwell was referring SPECIFICALLY to the nearly invisible and globally insidious power of the Rothschild Family when he wrote 1984. …. TheRealNews is extremely COWARDLY and DISINGENUOUS when it comes to this subject.

  2. I remember in the movie Seven (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow) they said that the government watches for people who check out specific books. That was in the nineties. Now look how far it's come.

  3. I don't have a problem with loss of individuality, I think individuality is an antiquated ideology anyway and that total interconnection seems inevitable with time. The problem here is that it's still about individuality, it's just about the individuality/ego of psychopaths like Lex Luthor here. There is no issue with total surveillance, many people are religious still, they're of the opinion that their deity watching them all the time makes them better people. There is something to be said for that, people do tend to act better when they know there is a possibility of someone watching, the instinct for social acceptance is very strong in humans. The only real issue is, who is watching? Because if this is something that will be controlled by an elite then it's terrifying, but if it was controlled by all of us, everyone watching everyone, then it's just a fair and transparent democracy.

  4. I testify firsthand the surveillance technology includes PATENTED mind reading technology where I would get buzzed by a police helicopter based on thoughts in my mind, including thoughts about talking to certain people, or activist thoughts. See my channel. They want to make this sound crazy, exactly so no one will do serious investigation, but it is real now. Mind reading.

  5. I rarely buy anything thing from amazon. Americans are lazy and don’t see the steep decline in this country. Probably because they watch Netflix constantly.

  6. Another gem by Real News. Well done. Another item that is a natural fight back against this mass surveillance is that the government cannot afford it. This is why there has to be more social media sites and reasons for surveillance to break the bank so there, burst the financial bubble of mass surveillance, mass incarceration, mass and continuous wars. It is physically impossible to mass surveil over six billion people. If they could these mass shooting would not happen and happen at such an increase.

  7. George Washington was a double agent who took what he saw as the better easier deal. It's been the same story for America ever since. The American dream is a quote devised by Americans. It was a PR statement based on the notion that the continents natural resources were abundant. Now those resources are severely depleted; even fresh water is at critical lows and so the dream, I suddenly recognize, is just a metaphor for treasure. The state of the US is aligned with abuse of natural treasures. Washington could see the treasure/dream knowing that the native guardians of the land were no match for European tools of conquest. But now the union is at the end of the line because there is nowhere else to look for a profitable treasure. Burning fossil fuel reserves is not viable. The simple-minded premise that the treasure is infinite has found it's flaw in reality. America has to wake up to green tech or face economic collapse.

  8. He really didn't explain well enough that the constitution applies to the warriors and rulers of america that they are directed not to infringe on people's rights. Constitution is regulation on the government not empowerment of the citizens.

  9. This is AMAZING! We have these White Racists Terrorists in America and our INTEL AGENCIES KNOWS who they are, but ALLOW them to go out to TERRORIZE the Public now that Trump is giving them the Dog Whistle to do so! It's why I believe our Government is Racist from the Top Down, its all INSTITUTIONALIZED!

  10. I was with Team Rubicon, a mostly military veteran disaster volunteer group after hurricane Sandy when they used Palantir for the first time in a civilian usage collecting data on disaster victims and their needs and sending it back to FOB Hope (Forward Operating Base Hope) in the Rockaways, Queens, NY where we were assembling volunteer teams and equipment specific to each need that were sent out often times just minutes later. It was a definite force-multiplier in the disaster aid effort but I immediately saw a great deal of opportunity to make it a more powerful tool by as much as a factor of 10, including making it available to all, not just to certain volunteer groups. Since then I tried giving my ideas to Palantir (and anyone else that would listen) with no luck. Then a few weeks later when Team Rubicon finished their mission and packed up and left, (horrifyingly) they took Palantir with them leaving the community and rest of the first responders and volunteers without such a powerful tool of people helping people. Now, out of the frustration that such a tool is still to this day not available to the world, I am working to launch C'8 – Coordinate, the purely altruistic, free and available to all disaster aid coordination web app (which will never sell data for a profit….)

  11. The concept 'Big Brother' is well in place. Has been for a while. Look inside China. Given America and parts of western europe, nations like North Korea, Singapore also have their little versions coming up … The Chinese state Tops.. it sees, hears, edits, bans all and punishes those who disobey big brother .. thousands on a daily basis…Orwell nailed it.

  12. The Bezos 15 an hour raise is bogus. It does not apply to some employees, because they work for "contractors." Also, Bezos cut all bonuses. So most employee will make about the say they did before annually.

  13. This is what is wrong with Scheer and his ilk, he says and I guess thinks, the "American" revolution was fought over privacy and rights for the people. It was fought so rich white guys didn't have to be ruled or pay other rich withe guys.

  14. Amazon has no control over anybody. You're free at any moment to turn off the internet, go out and sit in a park and have your own thoughts. No one is controlling you but if you buy into the idea that there are people out there controlling you then you imprison yourself in those ideas. Without the narrative about Amazon and Bezos, the CIA and the rest of it you're free. Just drop the storyline. It only makes you feel helpless and depressed.

  15. When new hires are drug screened, Amazon requires a cheek swab rather than the traditional urine testing method. Is Amazon collecting DNA data on the many job candidates that go through their orientation? Could someone please look into this.

  16. You are fooling yourself if you think The GOV etc have not also come up with algos that predict those that could be entrapped
    into terroristic etc plots hashed by the FBI. Also algos of those the Gov can manipulate to be patsies,
    those that are potential future leaders of positive change in order to change their course and the list goes on.

  17. Shortly after 9/11 Total Information Awareness was rolled out by DARPA, but due to massive objections by the public, the program was supposedly ended. Needless to say, not only has it NOT ended, but it is now operating on steroids. This type of data collection on every citizen and essentially world citizens as well, has essentially been privatized for profit. The amount of social control and manipulation made possible via this collection essentially makes democracy impossible. The techniques used by the Stasi in East Germany pale a million-fold compared to what is being used today. Not only this, but the worrying trend is that it comes packaged as a 'positive' development, ie. the convenience in terms of 'consumer' choices and communications – and it is being embraced by the younger generation (not all), en masse from early childhood even. I must admit, that even a critic like myself, still uses the comment section here (thus contributing to the problem). This will not be easily solved, but as the gap between the 10% of owners of planetary power and the rest increases, social upheaval and resistance is apt to grow on a global scale as well, coupled with chaos and perhaps the retreat of ruling classes into their own enclaves, protected by private mercenary mini-armies – which is already partially happening today. Even the tech-utopians will reach their limit, especially once they can no longer trust their protectors and their AI algos, all of which will produce results completely outside their insulated bubble.

  18. Good luck turning it around with the supreme court or the Hague. There's a reason they are abusing this information because they intend to use it and deny non-confrontational attempts to change these power and profit systems. They are taking a superior position because then they can force the nature of the confrontation to be under their terms and strengths. Any and all conflict and chaos are exploited to further justify their methods for "safety".

    When the Human race is facing extinction and dramatically increased environmental instability and chaos, the naturally existing and constantly abused class war of representation rigs and barricades power to ensure their distinction is maintained because it is easy and already a part of their practices to create and exploit disaster for increased benefit for the few by abusing the faith and fecklessness of the many.

  19. Hey, Bob Scheer! Love your podcast. But the revolution might have happened so the colonists could keep their slaves (freedom for some but not all)!

  20. Bob is spot on about privacy and surveillance issues but he's full of shit about why the Revolutionary War was fought. Our elites fought British elites for the title deed to stolen land. Not for God given rights but to continue slavery and to settle west of the Appalachians.

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