Is Russian ‘Meddling’ an Attack on America? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (1/5)

Is Russian ‘Meddling’ an Attack on America? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (1/5)

“The claim that Russia attacked America during the 2016 presidential election is both exceedingly dangerous and a complete falsehood,” says Stephen Cohen on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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23 thoughts on “Is Russian ‘Meddling’ an Attack on America? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (1/5)

  1. Yes, it was never about communism, it was about… JEWS. Jews brought hostile communism in russia and was in charge since revolution until now. Jewish communism killed more innocent russian people inside russia, than russian soldiers died in world war 2.
    Jews in charge in russian and ukrainian governments now.
    All they doing now is genocide white people and involving europe in a brotherhood war, AGAIN.
    Z letter on russian vehicles means zion. If you open your eyes – you will see the true enemy.

  2. We need voices like Prof Cohen today to give balance to the Russian / American discussion. His passing leaves us without a balance and fairness and to use a term that Prof Cohen used often. Your only hearing one hand clapping.

  3. "Stephen Cohen, the last objective American university expert on Russia, has died at age 81. Professor Cohen was non-ideological. His scholarship never fell into propaganda.

    I knew of Cohen all of my professional life. I relied on his scholarship for a chapter in my book, with Lawrence Stratton, The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Cohen’s objectivity caused him to be seen as a leftwinger with pro-Soviet biases. In the Cold War, you were with us or against us. There was no room for objectivity. But Cohen stood his objective ground.

    I got to know Cohen late in our lives. What brought us together was our opposition to the renewal of the Cold War by the military/security complex that was desperate to have an enemy sufficiently threatening to justify its power and budget. Cohen and I shared concern that Washington’s dismantling of the arms limitation agreements achieved over the decades and subsequent rise in tensions was resurrecting the specter of nuclear Armageddon. We both were appalled at the demonization of Putin and Russia. We were disheartened as we observed diplomats and professors, such as Michael McFaul, Stanford professor and Obama’s ambassador to Russia, become propagandists for the CIA and military/security complex. If you didn’t go along with the anti-Russian propaganda, you were labeled a “Putin agent/dupe,” as Cohen and I were.

    I will miss him. His departure leaves me with a lonely voice."

    -Paul Craig Roberts

  4. If Maria Butina was funneling foreign money to American organizations in violation of US law, then I can understand her being prosecuted.  But if she was just advocating a point of view, or joining with an American organization to advocate a point of view, I thought that was called Freedom of Speech?

  5. What is this channel, some sort of a ghetto for smart and mentally healthy Americans? People, what are you talking about? Russia colluded!! We are under attack!! Trump is Putin’s puppet!! Butina is a spy!! True is false!!

  6. As usual, Mr. Cohen is spot on concerning the war mongering Idiots running the US Govt. and their insane anti Russian Crap.He has also been warning, like a few others in the US(True News with Rick Wiles) that RF believes that the Empire is contemplating a first Strike against RF and evrn China and RF with its new advanced weapons will be forced to respond.
    Steven Cohen is 100 per cent corrrect that the regime in DC(both crooked parties) is looking like the Old Soviet Union in suppressing disent.
    Heck, I guess I am a Russian agent because in 1962 I went with my Jr college classmates to a tour of the old Soviet Embassy on 16 th Street in DC! It was once in a lifetime experience .Had a Great time and by the way served 6 years active duty in the US Army with top secret clearance.RF is today free of communism and this USA is
    Completly invested with totalitarian control freaks in all branches of government.
    And I was told years ago that someday Russia would be free and the USA would become a totalitarian government.I laughed at that prediction. The last 30 years changed my mind.

  7. Who got the benefit from the Trump the Israel . US moved embassy to Jerusalem . pulled out of the jcpoa declared Golan hieghts the part of Israel. who has a plan deal of century for middle East. they are making fool to the christas that the Russia had medelled in is right wing Jewish lobby who had a plan for greater Israel and to rule the world for thousand years.and now Israel will involve the US in ww3 Wii Iran and russiat

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