Is the $4 Billion Border Aid Bill for ICE or for Children?

Is the $4 Billion Border Aid Bill for ICE or for Children?

Progressives are battling the border aid bill because its lack of accountability provisions means there would be no way to tell if the money was spent on enforcement instead of aid.

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32 thoughts on “Is the $4 Billion Border Aid Bill for ICE or for Children?

  1. As a fellow Jew, I agree that these are concentration camps and if we fail to be brave enough to compare what is happening now to what happened to our people under the Nazis, we are all the more complicit. I always asked myself where the good Germans were who couldn't help but see the humanity of Jewish people but now I realize that, even without the heavy propaganda they had in Nazi Germany, so long as people aren't forced to see the reality, it's much more psychologically soothing to pretend it isn't happening.

  2. It's obviously for ICE. This so-called "Federal Agency" (it's about as Federal as Federal Express). If Americans had any idea how many of these corporate contractors are embedded in our government, stealing US taxpayer money to the tune of hundreds of billions every year, there would be widespread outrage. This so-called 'border crisis' looks to me like yet another manufactured crisis designed to further privatize our government, create an artificial disaster and pump billions of dollars away from the real needs of our country in order to inflate the earnings and the profit margins of for-profit corporations. I'm about to finish Naomi Klein's groundbreaking book, "The Shock Doctrine," and this current narrative falls perfectly into place alongside the tactics and manufactured crises, described in her book and used by Neoliberal politicians and multi-national corporations in order to raise their bottom line.

  3. Republicans and most of their party members are amoral, democrats are trying to win over some of these amoral people to their party, or at least vote democrat. That’s why nothing good happens in the u.s

  4. How is it Americas fault that people put their family at risk by entering america illegally,? There is plenty if american citizens that need help especially native Americans and veterans. We don't need more poor people

  5. Very good interview/discussion … about a very sad topic. I wouldn't even approve of treating any other animals like these people, these victims, are being treated. The govts and businesses that're guilty should be damn ASHAMED and they should be shamed everywhere. I realize this video is about the children and it says basically nothing about the parents or elders, for surely most of these children aren't fleeing alone. So, I wonder what's being done to the elders. Young or old, ALL have humanity, all have rights and dignity. Society MUST be humane! With that said, I wonder what's happening with respect to the First Nations of the USA, only having gotten a LITTLE news about the FN of Canada. By far most of the time, I never hear or read anything in their regard, and this of course leaves me with the feeling or impression that we're damn hellbent colonialist countries; and, that's something I don't at all like or appreciate. It's like these people are always being ignored. We're damn hellbent colonialists. But, yes, these victims fleeing or trying to flee from their countries in Central or South America need to be humanely helped. And that includes our govts ceasing to work to profit our big exploitative corporations that badly affect these other countries, their populations, which is something that's been going on for many decades.

  6. How bout the Children in Urban Chicago🇺🇸killed directly & by in a Crime infested Neighborhoods . . .. they don't count no more ?

  7. These private companies already receive over $700 a day per child. They are not bathing them, giving toothbrushes and having the sleep the floor. How much more do they need? How many parents spend over $700 a day, every day to take care of each one of their children? Privatization is welfare for business.

  8. If we put the 536 in those detention centers for ninety days, no meds, no cell phones, no beds, crap food, and no change of clothes, they might turn this inhumane situation around; however…

  9. Why should it make a difference whether they are children or not. Every human being should be treated with dignity and humanity. I feel like people excuse atrocities simply because they are perpetrated on adults.

  10. The wall is built to better the country, money growth can not happen without it, accountability!, it's money spent, for controlling unfairness, that creates wars. (Was it foul play, the death of the two, the dems?) Improvement of all countries need be.

  11. John Kelly is on the board of directors for Caliburn, the company who is profiting off of some these children in Homestead, Fl. Caliburn is a subsidiary of HALIBURTON! The scuffle inside the democratic party stems from not the upcoming election and the need to appear tough to the voters, but because the need for the donor money from the parent companies, which is why the logic improve the conditions with soap and beds makes sense. Only a few voted against the recent bill, Ocasio-Cortez being one, and having a great reason for it. THE POLICY IS WRONG! Mr. Carmona is right, this must be kept a humanitarian issue, and fought as such. No appeasement. Haliburton has got to go. How many times does this company need to f@kc up!?

  12. militarized personnel "taking care of kids"….. disgusting results of an insane, hateful, racist policy….. jail including solitary confinement, sexual assault, disease, no health care, DEATH…no nothing… these are literally torture chambers for brown kids, and apparently, lots of people are a-ok with taking those jobs and doing the abuse, congress doing their usual dance to avoid doing anything. WTF is wrong with them? Sickening… the worst of humanity has become everyday fare in amurika. And BTW, treating them "like animals".. if you are treating animals like this, you are also a sick POS.

  13. We haven’t seen this before?? And you wonder how a country can imprison Japanese, turn away Jews from Germany, enslaved Africans, and slaughter native Americans? By not caring – that’s how. Where was the outrage? Where is the outrage today for imprisoned immigrants? The whole country is the problem. It was then and it is now.

  14. Pelosi might as well carry a rubber stamp to approve everything Trump does. Does she really believe people won't vote for Democrats that stand up to the Orange Terror? I sure as hell won't vote for those who roll over for him.

  15. Try to be a little bit more straight in your headlines and you might get more listeners. It's obvious that the money isn't ICE and it isn't for the children. The money is for the wealthy people who own contractors who supplied ICE with poor services in return for exorbitant charges.

  16. The weakest, most powerless people always get thrown under the bus for problems caused by the people who run the world. Even the Democrats don't give a crap…they are a bit less sadistic than the Republicans (in some cases) but some of the same people who tear up over dead kids at the border also pound the war drums against Iran and Venezuela. Sadly, even the Real News doesn't draw attention to this hypocrisy.

  17. This is a For-Profit immigration policy!
    Funds for child care, 2,600 children at $750/day, are funnelled straight into, John Kelly's, corporate pockets! This is not a glitch, it's the main feature! The Homestead Detention Center in Homestead, Fl concentration camp earns Kelly's company, $2,025,000 a day, every day!? WTF?

  18. Stand up & vote??? Are you f*cking kidding me? This is pathetic.
    Voting is NOT "standing up".
    If this is the only action left to us, our ability to imagine what is possible has been destroyed.
    Voting is not direct action.
    Voting got the German people Hitler.
    Fascism exploits democracy against itself.
    What a nation of sovereign citizens would do is form armed militias to liberate these children by force.
    How many more children will die before November 2020?
    The law & Constitution offer NO recourse to a regime that defies US law & court orders. Congress & the Judiciary have no enforcement capabilities… all police powers are held by the Executive.
    Power of The People is the only option that remains.

  19. most cbp agents on the border are latino. where is the ONE who will step up and become a national hero? where is the ONE who will take REAL, non-propogandized photos and film of the inside of these private child prisons?

  20. In the 300 years of this experiment inhumanity has been at the forefront. We no longer have the luxury to act in this business as usual manner. The great thing about Trump is his blunders are showcasing the hypocrisy of Empire. This administration is a joke and it is exposing Congress and the Democratic party as a joke also. Lets play stuck on stupid until the very end; the world is in a climate emergency and Empire is compounding the issue supporting extreme right wing dictators. The soft coup in the Honduras, is the soft coup that was used in Brazil and this is the model that is being used to try and overthrow Venezuela, Syria and Iran's leaders. We're in a crisis and it's not only an economic and ecological crisis; it is a crisis of leadership but even more basic we're in a crisis of ethics and humanity .

  21. Privately owned camps getting $750.00 per child and the kids going without decent food or even a toothbrush!!! 6 year olds trying to help the younger kids! Rotten food and little of it! Senators not allowed in! The list goes on.! Babies sitting in dirty diapers! This is NOT America!

  22. American children have been detained in similar or worse conditions since it's inception. I was in juvenile detention at 14 and it was a hell hole. Not a word from these same activists about the needs and treatment of American children. So, they demand special treatment for foreign kids while shitting on all Americans sitting in prisons and all American children. Looks more and more like 2020 is a vote either for the needs of American kids vs the needs of kids everywhere else. I hate this issue because I'm mostly progressive but we can't have these progressive policies if we focus on increasing welfare for foreigners.

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