Is The Battle Over the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Over?

Is The Battle Over the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Over?

Trudeau’s government may have decided not to appeal the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal halting the TransMountain pipeline expansion but the fight is far from over says Eugene Kung of West Coast Environmental Law.

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8 thoughts on “Is The Battle Over the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Over?

  1. Ya, the US is building pipeline after pipeline. But yeah, let's go after 1 pipeline in Canada even though the real polluters, US,China and India. Are not even coming close to stopping this crap. China, has over 700 coal plants it will be building internally and throughout the world in coming years. The US has, I think 4-5 pipelines either being built, or in the planning stage.
    This pipeline will get built. Notley will be out as Premier next year, and Trudeau will at the very least, have only a minority government. It's getting built.

  2. Alberta should just leave Confederation, become an American protectorate, and ship the oil south. An independent Alberta would not have to listen to Canada's Prime Minister-appointed Supreme Court, where Eastern Canada gets 7 votes and Western Canada gets 2 votes, and where all justices are vetted ideologically by the Prime Minister (usually, in Canada, from Quebec). Alberta would no longer have to worry about BC native land claims or BC's fanatic environmentalists or BC's frequent socialist governments hostile to Alberta.

  3. Have the people here that are against this pipeline stoped using oil in your daily lives? If you have not, then stop being a hypocrite. Pipelines are safer and less expensive than rail, truck or boat. If you want this stopped, then start using your bicycle. Also, if you are going to be a hypocrite, then at least buy your oil from a country that doesn't consider women second class citizens. ( not many options left if you care for women's rights). This pipeline will stop Saudi oil from flowing into our country. Wake up and smell the flowers. Canada produces oil that has the smallest environmental footprint of all other oil producing nations. It's not a clean process, but we have the best environmental standards in the world. Go boycott Saudi oil if you have a conscience.

  4. The big question is what safeguards are built into the process
    43 bands are in favour
    Its NOT CONSENT, its consultation and the pipeline will go ahead
    Too many jobs and promises to cancel
    Economics will leverage environment every time
    At least the Site C is proceeding

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