This election, voters have a choice between neoliberalism and neofascism. Marc Steiner talks to Norman Solomon about what’s at stake on November 3.

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Is the left organized enough to fight neofascism?”
  1. No, they are not. Modern fascism is a monster of the left's own making. They looked for it where it didn't exist, and paradoxically created it. The left has done more to radicalize the right than Trump ever could have.

  2. It's hard to rebuild the union movement when we don't manufacture. Hard to rebuild w/ restaurants and big box stores as our "greatest industries". Also automation will be just coming in more and more. I recall Thom Hartmann saying our biggest export is materials to be recycled elsewhere, don't know if that's still true (I think China stopped taking a lot of that).

  3. Strident right-wing media is making a lot more inroads with the masses I think. The corporate media is centrist at best, what most ppl are aware of as any "counterbalance" to all the right-wing swill that is out there!

  4. The DNC rigged the primary against Bernie and installed these two corporate fools. Now the want our vote–why? The DNC cheated the working class many times and have sided with the corporate power. The DNC is similar to the RNC and we need a new party to represent the people!

  5. Hardly, the liberal intelligentsia has failed to identify and name the true threat. Mark, you are not getting to the detail to the Neo-kleptocratic-theonomic-fascism. The religious undercurrent is the threat, whether it is a genuine Christian movement or not both William Barr and Mike Pompeo have used the departments of Justice and State to proffer a theory of theological patriarchy with a specific enemy–secularism. Their attempts are to take human rights back to the 9th century. The Magna Carte is too progressive, too secularist–the law of God is the law–not what humans may invent. Ironically, their positing of theocratic scripture as given from God is just too far to be considered rational at any level.

    There is no ideologue, it is a personal relationship with a spiritual being of the nether world that is the basis for rule. But, there are those that align themselves with this movement though they are not religious, but it makes money. What these hypocrites don't understand is that this movement holds no favor. No predictable behavior is available to determine the nature of shape of this power structure. The two level risk, not understanding the nature of the problem and the dismissal of those that are currently coming to a firmer gripe on the helm of power.

  6. Looking from the far side of the world, your ANTIFA and BLM are reminiscent of the Brown Shirts of National Socialism.. and this is as we see the fear of American conservative voters in the face of left wing/ANTIFA/BLM street congregations, rioting, and building and business destuction. And, we are not as censured as Americans so we see that Biden is unwell, Ms Harris is the unpopular Democrat Presidential hopeful, and that Biden corruption is well evidenced and implicating Democrats as 'traitors' to your State. Good luck bringing down the US Republican Government guys, more than ever they seem pretty bloody organised, Sovereign minded, and popular!

  7. Did he happen to notice how the Dems mounted virtually no hindrance to the approval of another right wing Christian zealot Supreme Court justice? Funny how the Dems couldn't do anything while the Reps blocked their efforts to install a corporate servant justice of their own back when Obama was leaving office in several months. Face it everyone, the agenda of the elites is being advanced by both parties and the elections, in a corporate owned government, are just to give the people the illusion of choice. Do not validate the system by voting Dem or Rep! The system will not allow change from within. Bernie Sanders is proof. Go BLM! Go American Yellow Vests! Go Popular Resistance! Let's not go quietly into the night!

  8. Revolution is generally the accomplishment of a disciplined cadre who maintain their focus and direction as traditional Institutions and Social protocols are disintegrating. The real revolutionary struggle is being fought in the Democratic Party, probably of necessity, but ironically, a victory for Kamala, and it is Kamala, will strengthen the Liberal ascendancy, who then have all the resources of State and the Media to destructure and decohere the Radical Left by surgical division and the discrediting of some prominent radicals. Potential unifying leaders can be identified and diverted before they acquire prominence.

    It is counterintuitive, but a Trump win would do more to decohere the Liberal Democratic leadership, opening the way to real radicalism.

  9. Can you please invite this fool back when joe biden starts nominating republicans to his cabinet and goes along with the supreme court?

  10. I must have been gaslit real hard by alot of good people on the Left to believe GP organizing is worth doing. That and everything in my life up to this point.

  11. The socialist left is the biggest enabler and supporter of neofascism. without them the white nationalist ethnic cleanser terrorists would not be in power., who are you kidding?

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