Trump’s stated aim is to reduce tensions with Russia, but is it motivated by peaceful objectives or is it preparations for aggression towards Iran and China – Stephen Cohen joins host Paul Jay for a spirited discussion on Reality Asserts Itself

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By elboriyorker


45 thoughts on “Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (2/5)”
  1. Paul's narrowness blinds him to see through reality. narrowness of 1) nuclear annihilation, 2) climate annihilation, 3) MIC and profit making, 4) Trump as an absolute lier and demon. The first 2 point of view is correct but obstructs him to think through and analyze reality of nuclear and climate existence as it is, point 3 doesn't go far enough since that is not the only motivation/power and on 4) well personal view should be moved aside to enable analytical frame to work.

  2. _- what's that ?! – a new кiкy on-line brain-twister, a human Person [Cohen] and #aMeanJewMarkTheLisperFrom67 – _I don't care if Russian people get ripped of the oil… What next – what goods do they have? Their lands, their cheap (ruined by the International of I$rael) lives… [A кiкy Wild West fiendish dream reiterated again, hu].
    Quite a prophetic [insider] thinking – Russian People did get ripped off Aluminium last summer by a conspiracy among the JEW$, so called Deripaska [or Dreifuss leaving the cyrillic at rest] Prokhorov and other olygarchs from La Kehila de Kibbutz based in the UK and in the US.
    A potty head, that Mark or Saul the Paul, a weedy thinker.

  3. Trump is an idiot. Putin is soulless and will promote right wing fascists for his own gain (just like America has done) . And Cohen is the leader of the batshit crazy left movement which screams anti imperialism but amazingly has nothing to say about Russia's war crimes in Syria this week. Trump is only about Trump. And Cohen's comment about Biden is not true.

    "Biden never told a group of students in Moscow that Putin should stay away from the presidency. That meeting, which took place at Spaso House, was also supposed to be off the record. Biden never made such remarks to Putin, either. I was present at both meetings."

  4. If Trump is a vessel, then when the vessel cracks don't the owners buy a new one? On the other hand, is it not better to have a Trump vessel vs. Mike Pence? I expect if Mike Pence was president we'd already have ground troops in Venezuela.

  5. The Christian Zionists like Bolton should leave the power structure, nothing is more dangerous for the world than their extremism. Their ideology is based on hatred and mysticism. They want to bring humanity back to the dark age, where women have been burned as "witches". Without the Christian Zionist support for Israel, it would be less criminal and maybe abandon her barbarous settler colonialism.

  6. My view of USA is that they are the most HYPOCRITICAL COUNTRY WHICH EVER EXISTED. Putin thank God, watched USA destroy defenseless Countries so when USA was busy with its destruction of every defenseless nation. Putin decided that USA wasn’t TRUSTWORTHY AND NEVER WILL BE. With Putin’s experience and Patriotic Mind, he decided to make RUSSIA A MIGHTY AND POWERFUL COUNTRY AGAIN. He succeeded in building a formidable AND VERY LETHAL MILITARY!! Russia is capable of destroying USA and without destroying its own economy and can defend itself and will continue to GROW. THANK YOU GOD!!

  7. Excellent interview. We should note that Russia's subjugation has been a British and American project ever since the Crimean War during the 1850's

  8. Cohen knows his shit about Russia, other than his belief that Stalin was a killer. There's absolutely no proof to support that, other than 2 well-known propaganda books – Robert Conquest's fabricated text, "The Great Terror," and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns (I know I misspelled that) "The Gulag Archipelago." The CIA's own internal documents on the USSR, reveal that this book is nonsense. Are we surprised that the Soviets prosecuted their criminals? The US has the biggest punitive prison system in the world, where it makes use of slave labor. Is that discussion deflection? I think so.

  9. I love RNN but Paul Jay is seriously starting to act like Jenck at TYT – he loves himself talking just a little bit too much… LOVE Stephen Cohen and its so bugging that its like Jay is trying to be bigger, better and more knowledgable than Cohen.

  10. Cohen's wrong. Trump armed Ukraine against Russia in Crimea and Donbas. Bombed Syria twice. Maintained and increased sanctions on Russian companies and oligarchs.

    If Obama did any of that, everyone would jump down his throat for escalating tensions with Moscow, but since Trump did it, oh shit he's lowering tensions? Fuck no.

  11. If the Americans believe that they can drive such a wedge between the Russians and the Chinese that the Russians would support the United States in their aggressive actions rather than the Chinese in defending themselves against said aggressive actions, then the Americans are completely deluded. There is NOTHING that the Americans can offer the Russians that the Chinese cannot, and the Americans have already proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy myriad times. Unlike the Americans, Russians remember EVERYTHING, and do so for a very long time. They remember that the Americans have violated almost every treaty it has signed in its entire history, irrespective of the place of supremacy treaties signed under the authority of the United States (i.e. ratified treaties) are granted by Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, a document that is simultaneously treated as sacred and sacrosanct, and routinely ignored when it proves to be inconvenient.

  12. Why do I get the feeling that this very intelligent scholar is the good cop in a bad cop good cop game. Given USA's present and past record
    there is NO WAY WHATSOEVER that they can be trusted, they have never kept their word EVER. Putin, with great sarcasm, refers to them as "our partners". Russia's only option is a rock solid partnership with China, together their are invincible and they can be a magnet that attract many countries in Asia and let me tell you that the VAST majority of asians like individual americans but loathe the US government.

  13. Thanks for the insightful conversation. Very informative. I like listening to Stephen Cohen. Paul Jay was a great interviewer


    The campaign against Russia – in the West – predates the Russian Revolution. The Western Powers were eyeing the resources of Russia – going back to the 19th Century at least.

    There was an amazing review of the history – in a book called "The Great Conspiracy Against Russia" – from the late 1940's – written by a couple of NY Times reporters, and with a foreward by a US Senator – Pepper. It exposes that the Western elites, in Europe, the US and UK – were ALWAYS salivating over Russia's timber and mineral resources – like coal and petroleum.

    The proposed treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a deal to trade the Ukraine to Germany – for peace. As both WWII, and the recent Coup show clearly – Germany has never stopped gunning for that.

    Communism was always just an excuse – to justify the larger aim. And recent conduct by the NATO Empire – speaks clearly to this point.

  15. One of the few sane voices in US international relations theory and practice. We will know the US as a whole has become sane again when men like Cohen are given high positions of responsibility.

  16. Paul is so in his feelings about Trump he.has no logical points against him that can be said of almost every other politician. Just dont like Trump says Paul because socialism

  17. This is one of the most profound interviews broadcast on YouTube this year. Listen, and then dig a deep shelter—or move to New Zealand.

  18. I disagree fundamentally with this gentleman Steve Cohen. As far as I can gather from all past and present history, The US has no real interest in any other nation but itself and Israel; and they will do whatever it takes to run roughshod over all other nations in order to maintain the status quo. The only exception to this are those nations like Saudi Arabia, Japan etc that will implement financial policies and join military pacts that will not threaten the dollar and allow their territories to be used for military bases in order to maintain this US belligerence all over the world.

    The fact that Trump may hold out overtures to Russia is not about any love for Russia because had Russia not been nuclear armed and capable of defending itself, they would have been relegated just like Iran, Palestine, Libya, Syria et al. When one considers the unprecedented war crimes that these devils have committed over the years; some unspeakable atrocities done in the name of freedom and democracy, there is no way that anyone with a modicum of common sense could interpret any overture of peace by these devils as anything other than a ploy to divide and rule.

  19. Trump just continuing Obama's "Pivot to Asia" re China …. so that's not new.
    What is new is the focus on Iran – and that is MIC, Israel/Zionists and Saudi backed… That's bad but its not leading to WW3.
    Paul's analysis is missing the mark, on this occasion…. Trump is probably less dangerous not more.

  20. It was never about communism, it was never about Russia either, it was about capitalism, and keeping the Americans in line with what capitalism wanted from them. The fear of communism then allowed the capitalist classes to legitimise their crushing of workers movements and mass organising.

    The fear of Russia is being used to do the same today. The capitalists who own the media, and bribe out politicians unto their way of thinking, will burn democracy to the ground before they give up an inch of control of their parts of capitalism.

  21. it actually really doesn't seem like detente is much on trump's mind, right now, at all. rather, it seems like dr. cohen has lost the plot. it's interesting how the idea of justifying a collusion upholds the debunked narrative, though, isn't it? they should be talking about venezuela…

  22. Paul Jay always has to disagree about something . Its like an ego thing like Charlie Rose has . He says although trump wants detente with Russia , He wants war with China . Trump does not want war with China . Its a lot of bluff and huff and puff from Trump because he also has an ego thing .

  23. Trump has no love for Russia! He literally told Merkel to start buying gas from America so they dont have to depend on Russia. The reality is anything sounding nice about Putin or Russia that trump has said is about PERSONAL interest for AFTER his presidency!

  24. Crazy that people still give trump excuses for everything in his foreign policy. Under trumps administration we are closer to conflict with Russia than ever. He is responsible.

  25. Not to blow the people and animals of the world! This without mentioning the destruccion of anything that sustain lives,water, soil and air. We are wakos!

  26. I Preffer that we Demilirized globally! I preffer Elimination of All Weapons of Mass Destruction! We Humans, are not Capable of handling those weapons Responsibly! The bombs we dropped in Japan made that perfectly clear! The Empire is the actual threat! We need to get Rid of it! Everything else needs to be Handled by Diplomacy! Period! We are Not Responsible Peoples to Have those Weapons! None of Us!

  27. Waiting for part 3 of 5

    Is Russian 'Meddling' an Attack on America? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (1/5)

    “The claim that Russia attacked America during the 2016 presidential election is both exceedingly dangerous and a complete falsehood,” says Stephen Cohen on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay
    – – –
    – – –
    Is Trump for Detente With Russia and Militarism With China and Iran? – RAI with Stephen Cohen (2/5)
    Trump’s stated aim is to reduce tensions with Russia, but is it motivated by peaceful objectives or is it preparations for aggression towards Iran and China – Stephen Cohen joins host Paul Jay for a spirited discussion on Reality Asserts Itself

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