Once we understand how Trump and Trumpism came about, as a reaction to capitalism’s global crisis, we can see how the impeachment battle is really a battle for dominance within the US ruling class, says globalization sociologist William I. Robinson.

Director: Will Arenas
Audio Engineer: Adam Coley
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “Is Trump’s Impeachment Merely a Fight Within the US Ruling Class?”
  1. I kind of think it is a demonstration of the changes to the authority of the ruling class, who are above the law and have no responsibility to the people, only their own edifice. Demonstrating how capitalism destroys social cohesion and cooperation

  2. The problem is capitalism and the capitalists. They're determined to destroy us all with their hubris and greed.
    Time to burn it all down. ALL.

  3. The democratic party wants full a d complete control over U.S. CITIZENS. President Trump is preventing that. A Democrat came up with the idea for TSA. His name is Norman Mineta, 14th United States Secretary of Transportation. Who does the TSA effect the most? U.S. CITIZENS. We are treated like criminals in our own country. And who suffers the most? Women, children, and the elderly. Sometimes after hearing the horror stories I wonder how many UN-CONVICTED molesters and perverts work for the TSA? Also, if we should have or need open borders, then why do we need the TSA? The dems are trying and are succeeding in trying to take away our first, second, and fourth amendment rights. I'm sure there are others I might have missed. Once we lose our 2nd amendment rights there is NOTHING to stop them from taking all of our rights.

  4. No on was ever care about withholding military aid that Ukraine shouldn't be getting to begin with and people weren't going to believe that Joe Biden isn't corrupt. Democrats are horrible at politics. They are destroying themselves with Russiagate and impeachment all because they got caught cheating Bernie in 2016 and still lost.

  5. Or Conjunction. Pluto will be at the position it was in during the signing of the Declaration of Independence(Approx. 248 years ago) in February 2022. Although there is debate as to the exact dates. Doesn't matter because we are already feeling the affects of Pluto's tearing down, revealing, destruction, painful re-birth and transformation. Buckle up.

  6. This guy is spot on. Please do some more in depth interviews with him or people like him.
    This kind of thing would be good as a series. Like when Paul Jay had 'Reality asserts itself'.
    Thank you.

  7. What nobody seems to mention is the impending financial crash. These extremely low interest rates have encouraged everyone to borrow like crazy. Trump wants to keep them low until the elections are over because that is what powers the economy now (plus the little sugar boost from lower taxes) and the economy is the main argument for his re-election. The moment those interest rates go up, a lot of people and businesses will be insolvent. Consumption will collapse and companies will lay off.

  8. these 2 episodes were great. i'm nearly 70 and to old for radical activism but i look forward to seeing if the social democrats can raise the necessary ground troops to truly terrify the elite. it will take COUNTLESS millions marching and organizing in the streets and then the mental fortitude to withstand and overcome the revenge enacted by the 1%. i'm hoping it's just an ideological war zone and not an actual physical one but i doubt it.

  9. Unlimited fiat "money" created by the global banking cartel to buy ANYTHING and ANYONE and promote ANY NARRATIVE that keeps them in control.

  10. The separation of people from the land is the foundation on which capitalism develops.
    A trend that is common among Americans is treasure hunting and gold prospecting using the latest technology that young people are going into all kinds of environments in the hopes they find gold. We can see these people producing videos of their hunts on youtube. With full scuba gear they dive into the deepest part of a waterfall and find gold. Who's gold is it if the waterfall and river where the gold is found in some waterfall deep in the woods belongs to somebody in New York or in Germany? The waterfall is private property and the owner of that property has a right to the gold the prospector found. In effect, the land, waterfall, river, are legally separated from the prospector. The state does not recognize the prospector as the owner of the gold although the scuba diver appropriated the gold from the rocks beneath the waters, did all the work. The law recognizes the owner of the land as the rightful owner of the value of the gold found. If the owner(s) sell the land to a drilling company it is their right. The right of the owner of the land is enforced by the laws that establish private property. 

    Capitalism is still intact even as the economy collapses. There are 3.7 million square miles of land that makes up the US and 640 million acres of that land is public land and 2.4 billion acres of that land is divided up into private land. But this does not tell you much unless you do the actual work of distinguishing who or what entities own private land and how much of it do they own. One giant sized agricultural company might own 10 million acres or most of the land and the rest is divided up into millions of small lots for the rest of the population to buy or sell. One senator in Congress could own a thousand acres of land, 400 senators could own up one million acres among them, and the rest divided up among millions of small private land owners, leaving the majority of the population landless. The state enforces the rights of each of these types of landowners. The Catholic Church, the Ivy league institutions, are landowners as well.

    All 2.4 billion acres of land in the US in some form or another is private property making capitalism still intact even as the economy crumbles to a standstill. Without land there is no production and without production there in no life is a serious problem this country will face should how we get our food breaks down because incomes have dropped and the price of foods have risen.

    A man sells apples on the street, the rich man buys them all up, the poor man cannot afford to buy one apple.

    Land set aside as public land is government land, these lands are all the federal and state buildings, parks, and sidewalks, roads, are not sold but leased to private corporations. For example in Texas, one highway lane is rented out to a private corporartion, they hope this lease arrangement will reduce traffic. Or a municipal airport rents out a building on the airport to a foreign corporation…who's land is it? Is it public land or is it private land during the life of the lease? See Elrod v Burns 427 US 327 for the answer. Either way, the mass of people cannot use that land for anything that will produce food for them, it forbids the use of land for subsistence raise chickens, prospect for gold. The land is no longer arable, useful in feeding the population if it is, on the one hand, private and, on the other hand, developed public land. What good can land do if it is a parking lot?

    To prevent mass starvation during a deep stagnation of the economy a government's response would have to be some kind of re-organization of the land. A return to small farming on a mass scale, something other than the way land is used now in all of society. When people are re-united with the land capitalism will be officially over and done with. Until the foundation of capitalism is changed such as increasing landownership to all the people and not divided up among a few owners, capitalism is here to stay even if it does not work for the majority.

  11. Your titling is absurd! No continuity between parts 1 and 2. What?

    Democrats aren't the way to fight fascism. The multiracial working class needs our own political party to fight for the things we need and against the things that harm us! Down with the Democrats and Republicans!

  12. Bernie is a distraction and will not win the election. He is implanted by Israel Lobby to undermine deomcrats' solidarity and the result will be the same as in 2016. Even if he wins the election he will not be able to withstand Israel Lobby's obstructive measures and will struggle from the start. He can't replace the hawks in the establishment overnight with the upcoming enthusiastic millenials. That will create discontent within the ranks further weakening the socialist stand. Better option for democrat is to concentrate to win the election first from a unified platform. It is easier to change the system and govern it from the position of power. A fact illustrated by the outcome of Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate.

  13. Capitalism is not the best “economic” system, it is the ONLY system!
    What everyone must remember is that,when first shall we say codified,
    the predominant paradigm was “noblesse oblige”. Adam Smith lived in
    a time and place of relive peace and order so his take on behaviour
    by Capitalists was, perhaps naively, optimistic. Picture Capitalism
    as a bull in a China shop. Unless it’s nose, both ears, four legs and
    tail are controlled by powerful handlers the result will be the U.S. now!
    Government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

  14. Thank you Greg and Bill for that great 2 part interview! It was very informative. I look forward to reading that article and more of Bill's work in the future.

  15. As with a militaristic foreign policy, the elites may disagree on tactics, but there's no question whose class they attend (to).

  16. I think that it's very important to acknowledge and recognize that FDR's socialistic administration was able to compromise with Capitalism on the backs of African-american people. In order for the nation to actually dodge a real path towards Democratic Socialism and "save capitalism', a segment of the american population had to be the designated losers. The support for the white supremacist mindset, coupled with the typical U.S. federal con-game of creating grandiose policies (Federal backed home loans, G.I. benefits, Union protections, etc.), but allowing States and local governments to be free to counter those policies…. and in those cases, counter them based on race. African-american were extremely oppressed and terrorized with State sanctioned protection…
    In 2020, such a tactic risks severe Rebellion which would easily include many who could be classified as white, too.

  17. "Wall Street and the financial markets can withdraw massive amounts of capital capital from the United States and transfer them to the global economy"
    What do they mean by "Capital"? Do they mean digits on a computer keyboard? Wall street is an illusion of capital. When I think of Wall Street, I think Bernie Madoff.

    Let them play that card. At present the rest of the world is looking to get out of the "Wall Street Illusion Trap" and find ways to join in the " Belt and Road" initiative.

    A future US President being threatened by these charlatans might consider, with the backing of "WE THE PEOPLE", the following:

    1) Declaring "Bankruptcy Reorganization"

    2) Cancel interest on debt.

    3) Take over the "Federal Reserve".
    4) Create an "Infrastructure Investment Bank" to jump start the "Real" economy.

    5) Allow Wall Street to go the way of the "Dinosaurs".

  18. This so called Impeachment was just a show for the masses of sheeple, both parties work for the same puppet masters !!

  19. I have said for years that Democrats are the spineless, reactionary wing of the Republicans. They don't stand for nothing.This is why Trump is president.

  20. We have short memories. Obama was blocked by the Democrats during his first 2 years in Office. He also had uninvited people jumping walls and entering the White House while his wife and children were Present. Consequently, he had to get along and go with the Program. I'm enjoying the discussion. Socialism won't work unless it also addresses justice for everyone

  21. Oligarchy naturally progresses to fascism. The elites know that people will tolerate oligarchy, but will revolt under fascism

  22. Hell to pay. Billionaires have allowed Trump to tie a noose and jump. It’s only a matter of time before you capitalist become lifeless. Literally 🦅

  23. I liken the Bernie campaign to the 1928 progressive campaign of Al Smith. He lost but was followed up in 1932 by FDR. Your guest, Mr. Robinson is right. On the off chance of a Bernie win, the Republicans and his own party would destroy him.. Where is Thomas Frank when we need him!

  24. Excuse me,..excuse me,… What is the Democratic platform for the up-coming 2020 election.. Just what are they offering the American people? If they wanted a Trump impeachment so bad why didn't they go after him on a non-political issue like the emoluments clauses or deaths at the hands of ICE at the US/Mexican border? On those terms, they might have gained some Republican Senators? It was a mistake to make it a grudge match.

  25. This is a war between two factions for control of government. These events are orchestrated and Trump is only a catalyst. The Democratic party has been falling all over themselves by being pro-war and quiescent towards privatization in order to retain big funders.. In short they are hypocrites. On the other-hand, the Republicans give Trump token support and basically keep their mouths shut. Both parties are seeking the same objectives, War and capital extraction from the public for Wall st.

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