Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel

Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel

Israel border authorities have detained US-Palestinian student for her alleged Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism, denying her entry into Israel, despite having a visa. Tallie Ben-Daniel of Jewish voice for Peace discusses the case and what it means for the BDS movement

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33 thoughts on “Israeli Authorities Step Up anti-BDS Policies: Political Test to Enter Israel

  1. How come this lying turd/fake "journalist" doesn't mention that the muslim fascist nations, all built on sharia, are far more racist, intolerant and oppressive of minorities than any other countries on earth?

  2. Israel doesn’t give a shit if someone is racist instead all Israel cares about is if people are not agreeing with Israel’s apartheid state tactics. Israelis are the worlds biggest racist period!

  3. Why would anyone want to enter occupied Palestine in the first place? It would be against the blockade to go the occupied Palestine and spend money there in the first place.

  4. Just as well BDS protesters stay away from Israel. World really needs armed conflict to bring down the Apartheid state. In the meantime practice BDS in our locally jewish owned shops and products.

  5. Paradoxically, the sad story of Lara Alqasem blocked at the border for wanting to study in Israel only underlines how the stupidity and paranoia of the Israeli policies help them illustrate and prove the validity of the BDS point and the BDS movement. Conflating critiques against the abuses of the state of Israel and anti-Semitism has only been a tool used by the promoters (such as "The Canary Project" Isreali propaganda tool ; not to be mistaken for The, which is a UK independent media) of an ethnically and politically pure ("good" Jewish only) apartheid Israel since a long time now. "Funny" that people in the mainstream media and politicians so easily fall in that trap and should, according to Israel again, want to forbid as "anti-Semite" any of such so legitimate critiques against the criminal and thuggish policies of so intolerant and deeply racist a state as Israel (above all now "Jewish" supremacy has been passed as a state law). More than ever, defend and take part in the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement against ethnic cleansing, slow-genocide and apartheid legalized practices of the state of Israel!! Denouce the US and other international corporations that help and take part in the Israel apartheid policies. Defend the political and basic social equality for all in Israel/Palestine!! How many Palestinians died This DAY only?!! When you come to think you need an approval, which never comes, from the Israeli authorities for a Palestinian to leave the Gaza ghetto (or Israeli bantustan for Palestinians), and follow, at their own costs, a cure for cancer out of Gaza, where there is no such treatment available!! One single among thousands of such disgusting examples of Israeli daily occupation and constant embargo against the Palestinians!! One simple non-violent answer: BDS!! You may also contact your local politicians who are supposed to represent the US citizens in Congress, not to bow to the demands of the Israeli lobbies for them to suppress your freedom of information, opinion and free speech.

  6. I can't believe people STILL throw around the word "democracy" as if it's actually REAL.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE, there's no such thing as a democracy (at least in North America) & there hasn't been for ages.

    Like the guest skirted around, the ONLY power we have is our dollar otherwise we are slaves to the corrupt gov't run by criminals who support ALL the EVIL CORPS worldwide.

  7. Isreal's FAKE victimhood based on the empty myth of Poor Suffering Jews trying to defend themselves against evil Anti Semites is DEAD AND GONE. …. Nothing can stop the BDS Movement. …. Israeli Apartheid WILL FALL in less than 10 years and the Palestinians WILL BE FREED.

  8. Meanwhile the youth are sacrificed daily for the incompetency and irrelevancy of the dinosaurs that remain on their thrones like modern day pharaohs (Fatah/Hamas).

    Time for the dissolution of both corrupting influences, the parties. With the creation of a new unifying party. Palestinian youth at its helm, not affiliated to foreign powers or religious dogma.

    New inclusive constitution, only then will the Palestinians be enabled to counter and abate the Likudnik 'Greater Israel' expansionism ethnic cleansing policy.

  9. 17 year after the CIA/MI6/Mossad 9/11 Coup, one this is clear: We're all The Palestinians, now. Orwellian 4th Reich AIPAC America, bankrupted for the Preservation of Petroleum Plunder, War Profits and Israeli Apartheid. Since Truman Nuked the Japanese people twice and created the CIA, nobody knows what the hell is going on. Endless war bankrupting our country, Morally, spiritually, economically, and culturally. For NADA, we're all just Pawns (including The State of Israel) in the endless game to divvy-up the world energy market between Rockefeller Standard Oil vs Rothschild Shell/BP. (Source: "Origins of American Empire, part 2" on

  10. More paranoia and threats on Israel's part. You now have the freedom to think their way or you can be threatened in your own country by Israeli Intelligence and the propaganda from the Zionist millionaire that funds the Canary Mission.The Trump Administration turns a blind eye to all of this as does congress.

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