Asa Winstanley discusses the coordinated incitement campaign against critical voices in the UK. On the same day that the Israeli lobby attacked Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in the U.S, British right-wing activists launched an attack on Human Rights Watch, and later on Jeremy Corbyn

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By elboriyorker


31 thoughts on “Israeli Interference in British Politics: Targeted against Corbyn”
  1. Now we know who they are, turncoat n Israeli agents, you don't think it went unknown do you ? The time is coming.

  2. That worked well!… The world now insists that Israel returns the land it took from Palestine. Humanists v Zionists… spot the Good Guys…

  3. Zionist First only wanted Palestine. Now, they want control in the UK and the whole world. Their Greed keeps growing every day

  4. The only antisemitics that actually exist are all in the Israli government.
    The sooner that nations stop recognising this errant regime and their masters (the US), the better off the world will be.

  5. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱AM ISRAEL HAI.

  6. I just wish Israel would be wiped off the face of the planet. Please, Iran, do it! 🧨💣🧨💣

  7. 🇵🇸 F R E E 🇵🇸 P A L E S T I N E 🇵🇸 V I V A️️ 🇵🇸 P A L E S T I N E 🇵🇸

  8. What lives in Israel these days, are NOT Semites, descendants of Shem.
    They are Khazarian pretend Jews who chose Judaism so they wouldn't get caught up in the Christian – Mohammedan conflict.
    Palestinians, on the other hand, ARE Semites.
    The logical conclusion is, that by their behaviour against Palestinians,
    it is the Israeli pretend Jews who are anti-Semites.

  9. It is true that anti-Semitism is EVERYWHERE, including the Labour Party. It should rightly be called out and dealt with. However, we have to be able to criticise ANY government regime that commits illegal and inhumane acts. The Zionist right-wing should not be able to hide behind false accusations of anti-Semitism.

  10. i hate the imo invasion of england period. want full reverse! and i hate the idea of english/us soldiers dying in israli benificial conflicts that flood us with more imo's while israel shore up walls, expand and take more land than they know what to do with and will expect to one day own all of the middle-east! we're being fucked on both sides- we deserve to keep our 1000yr+ old homestead but we are going full blown rivers of blood anarchey as our people get fractured and mutilated by the insanity of multicultralism while those fake/uber jews laugh thier asses off preserving their own!

  11. Israel is, to paraphrase Rolling Stones's comment on Goldman Sachs, a "giant squid with its tentacles suffocating the world" AIPAC controls America's international agenda, and Israel is poised to make the same impact on British politics. Indeed, many would argue that Israel has been controlling the British media for the past two decades! How long are we going to allow them to employ the anti-semitism smear to silence all dissent? Gerald Kaufman, a highly respected Jewish Labour MP, railed against the State of Israel's racist policies in the middle east decades ago.

  12. It does not have an affect the reason why Mr Corbyn will not do anything is he is scared the 52 other Blairites will leave the party. But To me as the 9 blairites left the party, Labour gained 1000 more supporters so just think when the rest are kicked out of the party how many people will join? To me he should fight and get rid of the other blairites.

  13. That was good, the truth for a change. I strongly object to these splinter groups acting like they are legitimate.
    The actions of these People should not allow them to carry on regardless doing their own thing. We should not be paying their wages and they should not be given the prestige of being a Member of Parliament. They all have to stand again in a by election and should be suspended until this has been done at the very least. It is arrogance of the highest order and they should be sacked if they don't comply.
    I also think we, their wage payers are entitled to a full explanation, no holds bard explanation as to why they feel they cannot stay in their respective parties. None of them have given detailed explanations of their actions! Anyone who brings up Anti Semitism as a reason should have to explain fully and in detail what in their view was said or done to warrant such a grievous accusation. You cannot bandy about such momentous claims and not explain yourself. Ditto for all other grievances.

  14. Actually Israeli 'hasbara' (setting out their case) is very poor – maybe because they understand it is a well-nigh hopeless task to try and counter the tsunami of lies and vitriol from the antisemites and Israel-haters of this world (and well-meaning but ignorant supporters of the 'Palestinians').
    Instead, Israel concentrates on building a state that is a beacon of light in a benighted region of the world, and which may hopefully one day work with all its Arab neighbours to create a better future for all!

  15. The western countries own Israel….our money has built that desert into something reasonable….I’m English…I own it….USA contractors have totally landscaped Bethlehem….massive houses 🏘……..any westerners can go to Israel anytime we want….it’s England’s very own dessert country..and English people have the rights of the land……our monarchy arranged this years ago and the the Israelis accepted the terms and conditions……Brits on tour 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿…av it……….

  16. Islamists at work – playing on "Russian interference" to incite the left to defend their cause of Jihad, and control over the "capital of the Caliphate." Interesting you defend people who have apologized for their actions (I thought you were sorry). Human rights? Hahaha, what about Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iran. . .Why only Israel, the one democracy in the area that actually provides those rights? Such B.S. You should call the video: Why Israel Has to Keep Asking the British Government for Support after 70 Years Just to Exist, and Why 50 Arab Countries and Terrorist Groups Cannot Stop Attacking It."

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