Israeli ‘Thought Police’ Lose Effort to Ban Student Over BDS

Israeli ‘Thought Police’ Lose Effort to Ban Student Over BDS

Lara Al-Qassem, an American student of Palestinian origin, has defeated an Israeli effort to ban and deport her over her prior support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, BDS. We speak to her attorney, Yotam Ben-Hillel

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23 thoughts on “Israeli ‘Thought Police’ Lose Effort to Ban Student Over BDS

  1. Israel and their Likud prime minister aka Netanyahu will be facing very soon sanctions on his WARCRIME behavior. The world and history are watching. How dare Israel to be this way in human rights. It’s a place that has changed rapidly. No need to go there for any kind of so called religious identity. Apartheid state and ethnic cleansing is Israel’s game on human rights. How despicable. Sanction and indict and watch how this kind of Zionist behavior needs to be dealt with

  2. This type of action by the apartheid state of Israel just shows how impotent they are against BDS. It also shows that the Zionist ethnostate is weak if they have to criminalize free speech and critical thinking.

  3. We are not Saudis. We don't chop people up with bone saws. We have an elected government, free media and independent judiciary. We even have stupid people who parade with hammer and sickle posters praising the old Soviet Union.

  4. I suppose the Republic of Israel feels very nervous about the BDS movement? It seems the Knesset, in majority consisting of ultra right wing natiolistic extremists, and the government also existing of extremists, want to wash away all thoughts that do not suit their views. Eventually this will end up into a state where you cannot say or even think what you want. The axe at the roots af democracy. South Africa also was a state like that, until it imploded.

  5. They KNOW people don't support the policy creating hellish conditions for Palestinians citizens. ANYWHERE on this planet people FREELY critique govt policy ANYWHERE and boycott or don't buy from somewhere if they so please. ONLY Israel attempts to ruin peoples lives over what otherwise people do FREELY…like speech or choice in purchase. And if that weren't bad enough, they want to psychologically associate this as anti-semitism and it's ludicrous and FALSE. You can not reason with the unreasonable.

  6. Israel has a right to defend itself from leftist anti-semites who want to destroy the only Jewish state in the world. Israelis know what you think. The anti-Zionist Israeli Left is very small and seeks reinforcements. Lara Alqasem wants to replace Israel with another Muslim Arab state, just another step in the on-going Islamic jihad. Don't delude yourselves, you smug leftists, Islam is coming after you, too.

  7. The salient point in all of this is that Lara Al-Qassem renounced her former and quite brief support for the BDS campaign. She reinforced that action by applying to study at the notorious Hebrew University, an institution deeply complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the securitization of daily life under Israel's racist occupation. She repeated her abandonment of the BDS position to her interrogators at Ben Gurion airport.

    It still wasn't enough. The Israelis refused to accept her statements of contrition and in essence jailed her pending a court hearing. The lesson here is that efforts at cooperation and appeasement only bring harsher demands from the Zionist state and humiliation at its hands. Concessions are worse than useless. They guarantee further outrages by a state bent on genocide. Right now BDS is one of the few mechanisms available to bring pressure to bear on Israel, and it should be supported by everyone who wants to see justice for Palestine.

  8. ©™ TMALX Transnational 🌏 Militant 💥 Armed 🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍✍

    Zionists colonial racist apartheid non democratic hypocritical nuclear weapons scofflaw entity Israel 👎

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