Joe Biden’s ‘Gaffes’ Are Much Bigger Problem for Democrats Than Embarrassment – Everything Law and Order Blog

Joe Biden’s off-the-cuff comments aren’t playing well to audiences any more. Is this an indication of a too-long political career finally declining, or is this a sign of a much bigger problem for the Democratic Party in 2020? Jacqueline Luqman talks with The Week contributor Ryan Cooper

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By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Joe Biden’s ‘Gaffes’ Are Much Bigger Problem for Democrats Than Embarrassment”
  1. Confusing 9/11 with 7 Eleven, Thighland, I met with the president of the
    Virgin Islands, WW2 ended the Spanish flu, Two Corinthians, Yo Semite,
    The beautiful wall he is building between Colorado and Mexico, demands
    investigation of the 'oranges' of Robert Mueller's probe, claimed there
    would be 'one million eight hundred and seventy thousand million tests'
    for corona virus, He is worried about the "Furniture" of our children.
    Oh wait this are a few of the Trump gaffes oops try again!

  2. Very good don't sell yourself short though phycologists don't impress me in the least my dad's one and he scares me let's just say he is a Trump hater

  3. Joe Biden was the only candidate floating in the bottom of the barrel. Democrats were looking at the real possibility of having nobody to run at all and it really shows. They know full well Joe's not fit to be President.

  4. I'm sure I'll be attacked for saying it, but if fathers would stay home at night and make their kids the number 1 priority in their lives, this problem of inequality would sort itself out a generation or two.
    Why is it that foreigners can come here with nothing and be doing well in the same or next generation?
    I would submit that it is because they are focused on a goal,
    and it's not the one found at the ball court at the park.

  5. Lying Joe Biden.
    Racist Joe Biden
    Sleepy Joe Biden
    Out of touch Joe Biden
    Cornpop Joe Biden
    Creepy Joe Biden
    Pervert Joe Biden
    Hairy legs Joe Biden
    Rusty razor blade Joe Biden
    Gaffe master Joe Biden
    Plagerism Joe Biden
    Record player Joe Biden

    Keep going Joe we have lot's of room to write.

  6. I'm not saying slavery isn't a component but doesn't anyone think that the 75% single motherhood rate in the black community is the biggest factor in generational poverty and the income gap? Because history has shown that when the black community values family, hard work, and education they not only fare well in the overall system but they're real competitors to reckon with in the economy. Look at black Wall Street. The fact that during the Jim Crowe era black families did much better financially and emotionally than today is evidence enough that slavery has less to do with thier status than culture and where they place thier priorities at.

  7. Old Joey did a lot of favours for a lot of people while he was vice president , he is cashing in on those favours now . A lot of people owe Joey an awful lot . No other reason can be made for people to support this old joke of a man .

  8. Time for sleepy Joe Biden to go to the funny farm. Call the people with the white suits and big fish net. . . . This guy can't be capable of running our country. President Trump in 2020 🇺🇸

  9. Who could ever ever vote for this guy ? I think they like the division that Trump being in office is causing in the country , the elite love chaos , divide and conquer ! Why would anyone vote for this guy , he literally has dementia , this is sooo crazy ! God help us !

  10. The DNC think they can get away with Biden because they assume the American public is so stupid, they can't understand politicians regardless of their coherence… So when no one understands Joe Bidens gibberish, the DNC thinks that's just par for the course….

  11. "Here's a man who is used to speaking off-the-cuff, he is very charming, he's very funny . . ." For sure! Just ask Tara Reade!

  12. 21 minutes of, ‘hmm i am not really sure whats going on here?” Really? Biden is nuts thats what is going on here this video is a waste of time.

  13. Look… Biden is suffering from early onset dementia. ANYONE that has seen Alzheimer's Disease take it toll on a family member recognizes this and knows exactly what Biden's issues are. And yet his wife, family members, and the DNC, push this poor soul out as being competent, and capable, to hold the office of President of the USA, still do so.

    It's disgusting.

  14. There is no cognitive problem with Trump. He’s smarter than he looks! At his age, he runs circles around people 20 years younger. When does he sleep? Sends tweets at 12:22 am? ! I’ve been asleep for 2 hours. And…. he’s taken responsibility for this country. Although he won’t admit to any missteps, he knows the buck stops with him. Where does he get his energy? He doesn’t even look tired. Have you seen his daily conferences? He’s alert and on his feet when I’m relaxing in my easy chair thinking about what to have for dinner!

  15. Here we go again..talkin a about Sanders' horrific ideas about doing alotta nothing for a living and being well compensated for it…Don't worry soo much dems…Gotta creepy old kook( we know how much the millineals hold them in esteem) and Larry David guys are gonna do just fine..🤔😲😉

  16. Please stop voting for this narrow minded animal. Joe Biden is a closet racist who have exercised his bigotry in political policies. All racist use their career positions to harm black people.

  17. Jesus Christ… I was enjoying this until you had to bring up slavery… Not that you brought it up but because you are using what happened over 100 years ago to get what you want today. … and you do it with a smile. That is pure evil.

  18. Let's stop with the "you know"s.  That requires the knowledge of the operation of other people's minds. And you know, like, like if your dad said that, you know, but, but, you know.

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