Justin Trudeau’s Description of BDS: ‘A Pack of Lies’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau repeated his belief that the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement is anti-Semitic. We speak to Ali Abunimah, who says Trudeau has adopted Netanyahu’s talking points

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By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau’s Description of BDS: ‘A Pack of Lies’”
  1. October 22 2019. Trudeau has won the election.
    I am a 57 year old, caucasian, male, born in Canada Christian.
    I wholeheartedly support the Palestinian cause and wish to see the organized dissolution of the Zionist state of Israel.
    I wish to see the brutal occupation of Palestine by the Zionists end peacefully and the stolen lands given back their rightful owners.
    I want the Zionist owned media to show, daily, the "real" news concerning the open air prison of Gaza.
    I want Yasser Arafat to be hailed as one of the world's greatest heroes for the human rights activist that he was.

  2. Congratulations Justin Trudeau for your stance against the anti-Semitic BDS movement despite the fact it will cost you votes from within Canada's left wing. Your principled views will not be forgotten by other voters.

  3. Trudeau has no choice but to tow the Israeli line. At least we are not fighting for our rights to boycott, like the Americans are. France Macron wants to make criticizing Israel and Zionism a crime. I wonder when people will start to get angry. Macron has just opened a can of worms with his latest statements. Yellow Vest France will tear the cities apart and burn down his house. Do NOT make laws like Hitler did. I warn them now…. Bastards!

  4. Justin Trudeau does not speak for Canadians. He doesn't even know us…..nor does he represent us. Israel must be stopped amd get out and give back Palestinian land. @WEDONOTCONSENT

  5. first time I've ever agree with my prime minister. BDS is just cover for anti semtism. There are dozen of countries that are actually terrible when it comes to human right. China right now has about a million muslims in concentration camps for re-education. But not a word by anyone to boycott them. Just the jews. 4000 dead palestians killed in Syria. But no one cares. No one complains. Only when jews try to protect their own people is that a problem. If u have a problem with the 'occupation' why don't u look at the western hemisphere. 46 or so countries. All of it on land taken from others. Death tolls of the natives in the hundreds of millions. Indian tribes now living in poverty on reservations. Why don't u fix that? Why don't u give up your land to the people who were there before? When u do that. Then u can critizes others. pathetic.

  6. Canada wants you in jail for your crime in Canada. You will go to gitamo. We the people are rising up .if you expect us to do nothing. It well be your life. We take

  7. The Fake Left falls all over itself currying favor with this terrorist canuckistani regime. Justin Trudeau and his buddies — and the entire canuckistani regime — should be put on trial for their long litany of Crimes Against Humanity.

  8. Proud Alberta and shameful Canadian here. Trudeau is the worst PM in the history of our nation. Canada has never been more divided. The provincial in-fighting and foreign influence is ridiculous. To top it off Trudeau gave 240 million of tax money to the Crooked Clinton foundation. What a joke !

  9. Another coward who is scared to tell the truth about evil Israel. And they say the jews have no influence? Try criticising Israel in the press or TV and watch their whole evil machine kick into attack mode. Just ask Jeremy Corbyn what its like to be under attack from these evil bastards. Oh that's right, they don't own the media, do they?

  10. We must vote this monster from office. He does not work for the betterment of peace and stability.
    He is only out for his own self interests and had proven that time and time again.

  11. Thanks to the Real News Network for it's clear view reporting on this issue.
    The Canadian government under Justin Trudeau has been woefully contradictory on this issue given it's presumed endorsement of human rights and it's utter ignorance of Israeli aggression towards the Palestinians and it's annexation of Palestinian territory.

  12. Justin Trudeau has terrible values with foreign policy he is ok with Canadian manufactured weapons killing children in Yemen he’s ok with Israel’s army killing Palestinians not to mention sending RCMP squads to squelch First Nations in B.C for fossil fuel companies who is un Canadian Trudeau

  13. Anti Zionism is anti Semitism. Anti Zionism says that all of the peoples in the world have the right to a defensible homeland, except the Jews.

    Boycotts are a long running tactic, which Arabs believe is going to bring down the Jewish state.

  14. I'm tired of Trudeau, my beliefs don't match his, when he speaks of Canadians values, I don't think he speaks for the majority. It's time too take this fool out, Canadians made a mistake voting him in, they can fix thier mistake by voting him out now, he's doing more damage than good for Canada, wearing pink socks, playing Mr dress up, being apparently handsome and stuttering shouldn't be the qualifications for PM, wake up Canadians

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