Kali Akuno: Organizing for revolution, not crisis avoidance

Kali Akuno: Organizing for revolution, not crisis avoidance

From climate chaos and capitalist destruction to rising far-right violence, there’s a lot to be despondent about right now. But Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson, explains why now, more than ever, is the time to organize and prepare ourselves for what’s coming. In late January 2022, TRNN contributor Frances Madeson traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, to speak with Akuno about confronting the political, economic, and planetary crises before us.

Visit the TRNN website to read Frances Madeson’s full text interview with Kali Akuno: https://therealnews.com/organize-dont-agonize-says-cooperation-jacksons-kali-akuno

Videos shot by Kwame Shakur
Post-production: Adam Coley

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44 thoughts on “Kali Akuno: Organizing for revolution, not crisis avoidance

  1. A “vaccine” mandate is NOT the same as mandatory vaccines—its still optional whether an individual gets a vaccine or not. There are simply consequences for those choices. This isn’t new either. There are vaccine mandates for travel, and immigration for example.

    Secondly, a woman’s right to choose is also an option.
    It keeps in place the option—to choose—and again—there are always consequences for a given choice.

  2. This Guy's first couple sentences out of his mouth if this was done in 2022, and his choice for the dictatorship of the century doesn't go to Joe Biden and the fourth Reich then he's delusionally on his worst dreams Republicans may be corrupt too but dude they ain't even approaching the mind-boggling pieces of shit the Democrats have been everything's freaking going really bad because of everything they've done every single thing they screwed living pooch out of one party dictatorship I think comes from the party of slavery who wanted a bureau of misinformation

  3. we have a bran new justice supreme court. Trump & GITMO hanged Sottomayor. Put Chief Justice Roberts in GITMO might be hanged already. Justice Amy Barrett. The Cabal tried to kill Thomas and his wife by poison. White Hats got them in time to save them both. You think the Cabal Justice would name Trump president on 8-22-22 Hell no they would not.

  4. It's a global smooth take over, creating deviding situations with tensions and threats that's asking for a immediately action and then there is a power popped up with a solution but there is a price to pay. Money and Power has no morality, never have.
    Clear spoken Sir.
    Blessings upon you.💪♥️🙏

  5. Point out more specific circumstances of conservative fascist tyrannical government overreach because democrats have thrown people in jail for almost two years with out a speedy trial without access to council over trespassing what authority does federal government have to charge anyone with trespassing let alone incerection when we the American civilians have always had the exclusive right to Abolish tyrannical government's

  6. This is the heavenly observed condition of the USA. Isa 1:1 ¶ The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

    Isa 1:2 ¶ Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

    Isa 1:3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

    Isa 1:4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

    Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

    Isa 1:6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

    Isa 1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

    Isa 1:8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.

    Isa 1:9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.

    Isa 1:10 ¶ Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. …When politics over-rule a Holy God. I believe he [GOD] is upset, and leading towards Righteous Anger and continued judgement for this nation.

  7. To say the Republicans are desiring to take control is absurd. Please look at the bills the DEMS have desired to push thru, such as the the Federal Govt having total election control. 23-24 trillion debt when Biden entered, now 30 trillion and they still desire more spending. Only 9% of the original covid package was for health. Where did the rest go. It's the Dems who want control and deliberately mis-lead the public. I wonder if this gentleman is really informed with current news or narrative, tech controlled news. Biden crime family, dis-honest appointees in high places of Govt, corrupted election processes in many states which are under Dem control. and it goes on and on. Look at Baltimore! Crime out of control, corruption in Govt, unjust taxing and the proverbial excuse, it's the Republicans fault…..The real problem is this nation is failing because of turning their back on the one true GOD of the BIBLE, and with impunity, sticking their finger in the eye of GOD himself. He sent his SON some 2 thousand years back to help remedy the moral problems [sin] of society. As he said [Jesus], I've not come to change the law, but fulfill it. King David said it well, LORD, teach me thy Commandments, thy statutes, precepts, and judgements, and I will WHAT?..I AM the LORD THY GOD, I CHANGE NOT. I'm the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Ah, a sinful Nation [USA]. Stop calling evil good, and good evil. Look in the mirror and be accountable for your SIN. Mr. Nadler said it well for the political structure [Dem] we don't need GOD here. Hope he enjoys the fruit of his labor in the PIT. The total arrogance of this nation is sickening,

  8. I don't think everyone is going to fall for the lies do you think Nancy and George Soros care about our freedoms there won't be a country left in a few years if it keeps going this way

  9. Kali, are you suggesting that we support the Democratic Party? I’m not supporting the Democratic Party I’m done with them and so what is the alternative?

  10. O my God he vomit 🤮 all the Left Wing propaganda salted with all Marxist agenda thinks like Climate Change and Mandatory Vaccination ! And they are the victims he accuse the GOP what DemonRats Party it doing i call it Hillary Clinton Syndrome accuse your political opponents of exactly what are you doing……

  11. Institutional democrats are doing almost nothing to stop any of this descent to fascism. As a matter of fact they engage in many of the same suppressive behaviors; just with a “nice” aesthetic.
    Revolutionizing within this manufactured binary will not yield true progress. It yields incremental suppressive placation.
    I am not a Republican. I am not an antivaxxer.
    I am vaccinated.
    Full stop: Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional.
    Bodily agency is either respected or its not. Don’t use women’s rights to piggy back pro corporate pharma profit.
    You do not hand corporations that kind of power over the public; there is zero modern precedent to justify handing over that loss of freedom to a Wall Street traded, lobbyist, pro-panopticon, marginalizing, exploitative medical system.

  12. There's only one political party and has been since 1978 it's called fascism! People who destroyed the unionism throughout the United States did this and you're still trying to blame someone else.

  13. In case you have not received the memo, nobody cares about human rights. There is a book called, “the new human rights movement“. As if the first one was a success. All women and men have civil rights. Until you throw the lexicon given to you by those who wish to deceive, away, nothing will ever change.

  14. I 100% excel at organizing… things, not people. Just putting that out there in case someone is organizing organizers. 😂

    I’ve thought about using my object-organizing skills as a way to help single moms, or anyone who could use the calming energy of an organized space. It could really help someone who is stressed out.

    I have a half-baked business model where I was trying to find a way to gain my own economic independence while being paid in tips. “Because when we all get paid in tips, the world will feel appreciated, not obligated.” is part of my mission statement. I’d happily offer my services for free to help someone who couldn’t even tip me… but it would be nice to be able to gain my own financial security at the same time. Anyway, the idea remains half-baked, but I like the idea of mutual appreciation… building each other up.

  15. There's no fixing this system, there's no revolution. The beast system is collapsing, and the #1 thing we all need to do right now is repent and pray for God's mercy.

  16. wow, the lack of self-awareness is astounding. don't let the facts hurt your arguments. nothing at all to back up the sweeping statements which actually belong more on the left these past two years. as always project onto the opposition what you yourself are doing. unfortunately you guys are the fascist and it said that classical liberalism has gone in a toilet.

  17. I love the REAL NEWS thank you all divisions/departments. Stephen Janis and Taya Graham are the reasons I came and I discovered all of the ENLIGHTENMENT abounding. Like minded people. To the CAUSE

  18. Democrats and Republicans are the same hypocrites the Constitution is being trampled everyday our freedoms and rights are taken away everyday if the people don't wake up and see the writing on the wall it's going to be too late for them a lot of people know what needs to be done but they're too comfortable at home sitting watching cable TV to take action

  19. Nonsense. The fascists are in the Biden administration.
    These same people said that Trump would become a dictator.
    It didn't happen.
    The Republican Party is so inept and worthless, there is no way they could make any of this happen.
    And you think this Supreme Court is Conservative? What a joke.
    You are just fear mongering.

  20. Whether the dog or pony becomes your next master doesn’t detract from the fact they’re in bed together. They’re just two cheeks of the same arshole ✌️🇬🇧

  21. Ecclesiasticas 1 Read the whole chapter ✨ 🙏 💖
    We're supposed to Help one-another;
    Not hurt one-another 🤟 🤔😳🧐🥴🙄

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