Kamala Harris Goes After the Black Vote With a Homeownership Plan

Kamala Harris Goes After the Black Vote With a Homeownership Plan

Will Kamala Harris’ home ownership proposal address the persistent issue of the racial homeownership and wealth gap, or will her plan create more problems for the very people she aims to help?

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30 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Goes After the Black Vote With a Homeownership Plan

  1. How about work hard and save your money like everyone else. I worked 3 jobs and saved a portion of every pay check for 5 years to save for my down payment. Why should people just get a down payment handed to them Scott free and why should tax payers pay for it? That is outrageous

  2. #NoBlackAgenda #NoVote…..400 hundred years of BLOOD, SWEAT , and NO DAMN EQUITY in our investment in our Natural Born Country. Still fighting battles that our ancestors fought. My ADOS people deserves compensated for 400 years of systematic hardships bestowed upon them. Democrats will see No Turn Out 2020. We will speak loudly and clearly when the polls are empty of ADOS people. Let them call our hands and they will find the TRUMP card.

  3. Since when did Kamala Harris actually care about black people? As I recall, she did a lot of damage to blacks in California both as a prosecuting attorney in San Francisco and as that state's Attorney General once she got to Sacramento.

  4. All politicians can promise all they want, at the end they will try to deliver some shit, and most of the times they don't even deliver the shit that they promised us.

  5. She is such a bad actor. I hope somebody makes her talk about who will get paid for the property. Sounds like she wants to subsidize banks who basically stole the properties in the first place. Also, mortgages are NOT home ownership.

  6. Kamala Harris turned a blind eye, refusing to take action against clergy members accused of sexually abusing children when it meant confronting one of the city’s most powerful political institutions. She chose the Power of the Church over adults who after years of suffering found the strength and courage to come foward!!!

  7. Everyone made a joke of the gentlemen from N.Y. who ran on the slogan that the "rent was too damn high". Housing is an on going crisis in American. Even when the working poor manage to work their way up to lower middle-class status, buying a home is often a losing proposition. The income is often not enough to adequately maintain the property and preserve its equity. So much of the economy is tied up into this one area. It alone consumes precious income that could be used to purchase services and goods, that could create much needed jobs. It also makes the overall health of the economy vulnerable and dependent on its health, as we all understand now, even if we did not prior to the collapse.

  8. I'm nearly ready to unsubscribe from the real news. What part of Harris is as bad for the people as Hillary and Biden, didn't you understand the last time?

  9. As always there is a catch with Harris and her policies. What I was unaware of is that Warren had a a plan before Harris. This is not the first time Harris jumped on a bandwagon or out right copied someone else. I need all her academic tests to be looked over

  10. What is the point of homeownership in America, when Black/Indigenous people of America are tormented on and off their properties? In addition the children are being programmed about demonic lifestyles? How about we focus on the, "In God we Trust" first. Not getting my vote no thank you!

  11. Her plan is just another neoliberal tweak that only helps a few and also just so happens to go to a bank on behalf of a black family. Even if it is wildly successful it would leave at least 85% of black families with nothing from her plan, and excludes low income families all together. How many families in poverty are buying homes? And poor families get nothing while the few families that can get ahead enough to buy a home are getting helped. Apparently she has just written off working poor families completely…..wait, I'm wrong, she has jail and prison for the poor families, my mistake.

  12. She will say ANYTHING and change NOTHING. I'm black and I'm not voting for her no matter what she says. I inform others in the black community of her past as well. Laughing at Marijuana legalization in 2014, Criminalizing parents of truant children, supporting three strike laws and refusing to prosecute Mnuchin for seizing people's homes illegally. She is contemptuous and there is NO WAY I will ever give her my political power. #Sanders2020

  13. I'm waiting for Biden's plan… Oh, wait… But what about Tulsi's plan.. Oh, wait. While I don't think that Harris' proposal will solve the problem, I'm convinced that it won't be the worst plan in this primaries.

  14. This is a bulls!t plan. Brothas and sistas, that rotten b!tch is counting on us to be stupid enough to support her for this nonsense. Don't fall for this. It does nothing to repair the hundreds of years of damage from slavery, oppression, Jim Crow, lynchings, stealing of property, etc. etc. etc. They don't want to give us economic power that is owed to foundational black Americans…simple as that.

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