Kentucky Shooting of Two Blacks: ‘No Surprise,’ Given the Rise of Ultra-Right

Kentucky Shooting of Two Blacks: ‘No Surprise,’ Given the Rise of Ultra-Right

Lost in the news of hate crimes over the past week was a random shooting of two Blacks in Kentucky by a white man. President Trump’s fanning of racial resentment is leading to an atmosphere where such attacks are becoming more and more common, says Prof. Gerald Horne

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31 thoughts on “Kentucky Shooting of Two Blacks: ‘No Surprise,’ Given the Rise of Ultra-Right

  1. Imagine the U.S. would have easy jobs for troubled people, mental healthcare for those who need it. In a society where the government also provides jobs there is low unemployment. Among other things that means that the businesses give chances to the outsiders. They do that – a city with some plants is running low on labour, so NOW they recruit fellons. If they are not too far gone – NOW they are getting a chance to find back a way into a life. .

     So that man would have been in a social structure and "have a life" instead of resorting to petty crime. That man could have remained the odd ball. And NO guns floating around in the country ready to be picked up by everyone with anger looking for a target and no self control (anger over his own failed life). There is a chance that man might have remained an oddball in many other countries.

    A lot of lifes could have been saved. The victims, their families, this man's life and his family would have been spared as well.

  2. Per USA law either people come to America wanting refuse or immigration the legal way or get shot while breaking through the USA borders. Only Jews in Israel should be forced to take anyone who wants refuse into Israel n9 matter what

  3. We need to rise up, organize to create our own party we have the people to make a change if we don’t vote for neither party, create what we want! things will never change.

  4. Stay focused when discussing Black people being murdered by white supremacists. Do not conflate the issues of immigration and other groups being attacked, it is not the same.

  5. What do you expect from enabled racists? Fortunately he only killed two people, and not 11. Amerikkka has become a racist pit. Thanks to Tiny the "nationalist" p…grabber and white-supremacist enabler!

  6. These people, the various "alt-right" type of groups are nothing more than "KKK 2.0". These people committing these various acts are domestic terrorists inspired by white nationalists (KKK 2.0) to commit hate crimes and acts of domestic terrorism. The Republican party has basically become the RepubliKKKan party and Americans need to take a stand against it. I'm voting for anyone with a "D" next to their name Nov. 6, regardless of the color of their skin, which shouldn't be a consideration anyway. The Democratic party understands that America's diversity and multiculturalism is what makes us greater than we've ever been and carries the sentiments of the vast majority of Americans. Part of that is to look beyond the color of someone's skin and/or financial status and regard them for what they are as a person, something the Republikkkans seem to be incapable of.

  7. It's not White supreamist, this is Deep State CIA mind control pansies. There is no such thing ultra right racism, this is a leftist, Marxist, socialists false flag to help Dems win in the mid terms. Who benefits? The Dems, so obviously they are behind it!!!!
    These guys are insane, Obama was the most decisive president in US history!!!!!

    Trump has helped the Blacks the most of any president!!!!!!

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