Students in over 100 countries skipped school and took to the streets to demand serious climate policy from world leaders

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By elboriyorker


39 thoughts on “Kids Around the World Cut Class for Climate Justice”
  1. Incredibly disappointing to see that The Real News follows suit with the NY Times; WaPo, and most other corporate news outlets in claiming that students "skipped school/cut classes". They've called it a strike since day 1. Incredibly demeaning of you to call it anything less.

  2. Given that access to cheap reliable plentiful energy from fossil fuels over the past 100 years has resulted in:

    -Doubling of lifespan;

    -8 times the population to 8 billion worldwide;
    -Eradication of malnutrition and starvation; and,
    -11 times real income lifting us out of the grinding poverty that has been the human condition for all of history.

    Given that the carbon tax is intended for Canada to meet obligations under treaties that target Fossil Fuel Emissions such as Paris Agreement. The aim is to reduce emissions to 95% below 1995 emissions by 2050.

    Given that greater than 80% of global energy requirements will be met by fossil fuels into 2050 it follows that if we actually do meet those emissions targets that means GDP cut by 95% too.

    There is no reasonable expectancy to replace energy from fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Wind turbines, solar panels and the like are not scalable to produce enough energy to meet demands, particularly when it comes to key industries such as making steel, concrete, and fertilizer. Further, wind turbines and solar farms really are bad for the environment.

    The statement oft heard is 'what kind of world do we want for our children?' The question is intended to conjure up a world that has been rendered unlivable by our use of fossil fuels, despite the fact there is no evidence that rising levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere pose a threat to the climate. If you think it through you will find the green agenda will result in a world where your children will experience:

    -Half of the current life expectancy;

    -Reduction in global population due to famine, social unrest, and war until the ability to produce food without fossil fuels is balanced with the population … that means a decrease to less than 1 billion people world wide; and,
    -Real income will drop to about $300 per month.

    The only conclusion is that Carbon tax is about choking off our freedom by reducing access to cheap reliable plentiful energy.

    Actions of delusional climate change alarmism, such as the actions this child has been encouraged to participate in, must be stopped.

  3. Well, I realize that humans, esp. govts and corporations, need to work on real improvements, but one thing people shouldn't neglect is that these youth aren't physical scientists and climate changes have LONG been natural with this planet. It's too easy to be fooled. Consider the many millions of US voters who ignorantly and naively "bought into" Barack Obama's first campaign to try to become US President, when, for any streets-wise individual, he actually was clearly speaking like a true charlatan. I realized it from the start, but millions of people didn't "SEE" it. (Forget McCain and Palin, for they were clearly a complete joke and caused some traditionally Republican voters to switch sides.) Many youth can readily "buy into" whatever they think, don't know for a fact, but think is right; and maybe they might make a LUCKY guess … once in a while, but these youth this video is about aren't well educated scientists; meaning the honest and competent ones, rather than those "in the pockets" of rich corporations that aren't run by …, usually anyway, anything less than psychopaths who're extremely greedy. Extremely and hastily greedy. Nonetheless, the polluters of this world have some serious work to do in order to "clean up their act"; there being no denial about it. The question at or which should be at hand is what's most responsible for climate changes people are experiencing or have been reading about; are human activities the main cause, or is Nature also doing its natural "thing"? After all, climate changes of the past were natural; just that since Industrial Revolution began, what, about a couple centuries ago, we've definitely caused a lot of harm to this planet, including all life depending on this planet, and this isn't what I'd call natural, for natural, for me, is from Nature. Our insane, irresponsible, … pollution and destruction isn't what I'd consider to be Natural; nope, it's insane, instead. There reportedly isn't a consensus among climate scientists as to what's causing climate changes today, and the youths of this video apparently aren't considering both possibilities, all due to human activity, or also Nature(?). Thankfully, I haven't been seeing incessant warnings about "global warming" as we had in various articles and in plenty of online comments a decade ago and more; something I argued against online, for it was all exaggerated. As it's scientifically turned out, "global warming" on AVERAGE isn't much. There're variations. Anyway, if these youth contribute to helping to inspire widespread work on trying to "clean up" our harmfulness, that'll definitely be a very welcome consequence. Where I grew up from ages 5 to 16 in Massachusetts, my family home was along a short dead-end street at the end of which flowed a river, my mother had bought me a fishing rod, reel, …, and I was heading to the river to try some fishing, but some other youth of the area had lived in this borough much longer than we had, saw me, and yelled out to warn me to NOT consume any fish caught from that river, for it was toxically polluted by Perini Corporation, which was located maybe 200 yard or meters up the river, upstream. This was around 1965 or 1966! Imagine today! I suppose the Industrial Revolution has provided some good, but how much good, vs BAD, is …, well, …, well, …, uhm(?), I don't know. How much good vs bad? I've never been happy with the bad anyway. We've done and continue to do a hell of a lot of damage to this planet, so also all life depending on having a healthy planet. I think to be more concerned about our damn pollution and other forms of environmental destruction, for we don't have thoroughly exact science about causes of climate changes, except for the fact that they've been a natural part of this planet from its beginnings. We sure as hell caused acidified rains, and there's really nothing to doubt about it, but CC has been natural for this planet since its beginnings, so question is, how much are humans contributing factor today, over the past century, or two. How much? We definitely need serious improvements, so if these youth this video is about help to move this process along, in any healthy respects, then GREAT!

  4. Queue millionaire 55+ age group to come gaslight children

    Oliver Twist Society

    If you're wealthy and elderly in the western hemisphere, congratulations, you're fine with genocide and child slavery! Tell me more about how you 'earned it' and how 'you vote'. The only way to describe the rich western hemisphere countries is VAMPIRISM. The elderly literally suck the economic lifeblood of their children to sustain themselves. They 'earned' it btw, they 'earned' the right to suck the blood of children. EARNED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The victims of propaganda, they probably still believe Columbus was the first to discover America. Ya we need alternative energy but we also need to stop eco engineering and cloud seeding, they should protest that also.

  6. YES , it is time for a Logan’s run attitude when it comes to governance. guided by elders, but NOT determined by those who are compromised.and does anyone figure in cyclical (Adam&eve CIA) events when considering what we should be doing?

  7. God is with these kids who know without immediate change they will have no future, and he is giving the the strength to do something about it!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!!

  8. Do they understand the political agenda of those who are their teachers?
    And why would they not influence you to protest the killings of the innocent unborn in the womb?
    This is genocide against fellow humans with the same right to life.
    There is no greater cause to defend, but sadly, the less is magnified instead.

  9. "…and a child shall lead them." It's their world and future we have been destroying because of greed. Please tell me who the adult in the room really is. God bless you kids.

  10. If they all stopped going to Mc Donald's they would make more of a difference to the environment. Although I generally am happy if the youngens start to care about anything outside the world of consumption.

  11. The saddest thing is they have no idea what they are talking about… No reason to be in the streets, however I would like their reaction when someone decides to charge them for air they are breathing lol, and that might come soon… Useful idiots are always welcome

  12. Go look at Greta’s parents, this is basically child exploitation and mass brainwashing, If only they had the sense to protest something specific like geoengineering, jk I know this is all manipulated soo

  13. They’re so brave. Cutting class to make extreme demands of adults, facing no consequences for any of the policies they advocate and getting media praise. So brave.

  14. This isn't really going to have any effect right now. However, if this movement continues and grows and these kids do the same thing when they go into the world work, then it might. If half the western worlds workforce started going out on strike on a regular basis governments and multinationals would sit up and take notice. It's not enough itself though. Consumption is the driving force behind pollution. Change how you consume and you will change the world. I have a feeling that many of these kids are happy to cut class but still want that new phone, new trainers and trip to Disneyland

  15. Besides the Carsonian Epoch we are now living in, the main theme here is 'generation.' Ortega y Gasset perhaps
    was philosopher to bring this concept of generation into focus, and its implications for society and politics and
    change. One of his books begins with 'generation,' though I am remiss to recall specific title. All his works are
    critically important for our time and milieu, Albert Camus said Ortega had the finest mind in all of Europe.

  16. "Climate JUSTICE" – well, please keep up the word inflation! Get out those thesauruses, or thesauri if you prefer. We've already gone from global warming to climate change to climate change denial, so why not Climate Justice? Although the rest of us have been stripped of, or are being stripped of our rights under the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Amendments, at least the Climate should receive Justice and a fair trial.

  17. One will notice, there weren't any Police with tear gas, or batons, water cannon vehicles dispersing these protests ???

  18. Too bad they weren't out there against International Wars, War Business, Global Inflation, Country to Country Low Wages of Jobs their* Parents have, Poisonous Aerial Spraying and Destruction of the Natural Environment, Unbalanced Social Scale, the Improper Control by the Rich in Politics, and Law Enforcement, Consumer Goods Xtreme pricing; Cause for millions living check to check, Intentional Impoverishing of Nations, etc. 1John 2:17

  19. Praise the young people for caring. Big question is to do what? Perhaps start with demanding electric or natural gas driven automobiles. Emissions could be reduced bigtime. You can't just go from fossil fuels to electric over night. What will the youth do?

  20. More than 30k scientist are skeptical of man made climate change. The IPCC is a governmental body not a scientific body. If you are watching this channel, you are skeptical of MSM. The MSM is 100% in support of Climate change. And you are all willing to take them at face value on this subject!

  21. They don't care… Are all brainwashed with they "smart-phone", all day long in their hand. Look around us…. Look inside the buses & school too… New generation is fake and….faked with internet, alcohol drug etc. They need to start to doing something, like volunteering cleaning they own town & City, few hours a week…. Prey God to save the Planet
    Amen *

  22. Kids She Is Doing Everything She Can And Could Do Not Give Up On Her.Now You Criticising And One Day You All Praise For Her.Give Her Sone Time Have Patience.She Is Also Concerned About Your Future.And If She Failed Doing So Then Yes She Is Failed.

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