Kweisi Mfume Calls Himself A ‘Progressive Moderate.’ What Does That Mean? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Kweisi Mfume wants to return to Congress representing Maryland’s 7th District. He discusses the 2020 elections, the Democratic Party, how governments should respond to COVID-19, and the fifth anniversary of Freddie Gray’s death.

Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Kweisi Mfume Calls Himself A ‘Progressive Moderate.’ What Does That Mean?”
  1. Mfume is nothing but a LIAR! The "elaborate" story of how he got pulled over and harassed by the police… Liars always embellish their made up stories.
    I would LOVE to see that record.

  2. This was way too softball an interview. Kweisi talks about going back to 1968 and see that nothing has changed in Sandtown… Well he was in Congress for 10 of those 52yrs!!! What did he do about it? He then went to NAACP… What did he do about it using that platform??? Why didn't Marc ask these things?

  3. Why wasn’t he questioned on the 94 crime bill? He rallied the CBC for passage! Even bought Kurt S to DC and put Baltimore’s crime in the spotlight

  4. Did he just say that not much has changed to 1968 in West Baltimore? Then, he said, people are disengaged about the political process. Well, he served 5 terms in the House of Representatives and nothing changed since then. You had your chance, 5 chances, and nothing changed. Black and Brown communities in Baltimore are more violent, less wealthy, more in debt, highly unemployed, and highly addicted. I am a native of West Baltimore and I don't know anyone who actually said that Mfume did anything positive for our community.

  5. The black community is headed towards median zero wealth by 2053. We can
    ill afford "moderate" politics as a solution based on the poor historical track
    record of moderate politicians and the current outlook. The term progressive
    moderate is a oxymoron. This dude is deceptive from jump.

  6. Johns Hopkins gets 3-5 billion of grant dollars, every year from the Fed; they keep most and dole the rest out to other non-profits in the city, that grovel at their feet. Plus they have 7 billion in their endowment fund and collect millions from their rental properties.
    Same with University of Maryland Medical Services; None of the colleges U of B, Loyola…pay taxes; they all have their private bus systems…
    Churches don't pay taxes, even on income earned from rental properties.
    The nonprofits and corporate give-aways are killing this city.
    This is why Baltimore will never be a magnet for homeowners who cannot afford the onerous taxes.
    Cut the tax 50% and tax the nonprofits; anything else is just mental masturbation.

  7. Social economic, elected official get in and rob. Just like dems and reps are robbing right now. Litterly stealing trillions 😡😡😡😡🤯

  8. These types are a breed that keeps oppression I hope he gets smoked at the polls its time for a complete system change a bloodless revolution or this country is going to sink like a ton of bricks

  9. The ball is in the of the progressives. Establishment politicians are trying to apply the label to themselves.

    We need to do is keep researching the politicians & rejecting the fake progressives.

  10. changing the meaning of political identities serves to undermine their original roots and sabotage working-class movements. bernie's a social democrat, but calling himself a democratic socialist created more popular jargon and changed "socialism" to "tax the wealthy to fund social programs." exact same situation here.

  11. What exactly did Elijah do for the black community for that long in Congress why don't we have reparations why is there still Red Lining? why is there still a wealth Gap?

  12. Question. Why are the people on welfare and foodstamps get their stimulus checks before the working-class people who are paying taxes? They are the ones who need it the most. This system needs to fall.

    Perhaps, all women should have babies by random men and go to the HR department and fill out applications for welfare and foodstamps in order to be treated like American citizens. This is what needs to be changed. It is unfair to people who want to be productive citizens.

  13. Watch YouTube delete my comment.

    Oh, he is one of them. NAACP is a joke. The Black community do not take this organization seriously. What is up with all the light-skin Black people? Where are the dark-skin Black people? We all notice it.

  14. This SYSTEM is not broken. It works just like it was designed. That is to break the backs of the people and every politician who dares to change it.

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