L.A. Teachers Strike Set to Enter Second Day

L.A. Teachers Strike Set to Enter Second Day

30,000 teachers are on strike for better pay, smaller class size, and for a limit on the expansion for for-profit charter schools

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11 thoughts on “L.A. Teachers Strike Set to Enter Second Day

  1. I heard in one video that classes where over 40 students per class.. my God when I was in school in Kentucky in the 90s we had 25 per class and I thought that was hard, I can't imagine 40+

  2. I stand with these teachers. Conditions will continue to deteriorate as less and less is put into public schools. It takes courage to do what they are doing!! Children just aren't important to politicians.

  3. Remember Proposition 13? The only way they could get the exemption for houses passed was to allow the inclusion of business sites which was never intended but that is the way of greed, ride on a common people legislation. So………the public schools have been starved of tax income. The Prop 13 crowd has been trying to get a new law to repair the old but …………..here we are.

  4. Defunding public schools so private corporations make bigger profits. This was the plan when Charter schools were created 20 years ago. Same thing is happening to our roads, water, healthcare, waste management. The government creates these problems so the politicians can make huge money on the side.

  5. And New Hampshire which has no income tax, no sales tax, no capital gains tax, no investment tax has the third best school system in America. It isn't lack of funding people. Maybe we should start looking at the Super intendants and assistant superintendent intendant salaries for some of the missing money. You could easily give 100 teachers their 6.5% raise by eliminating one of these higher ups.

  6. I bow down to public school teachers. They have one of the hardest jobs, with the least leverage. We need to strengthen and support public schools and support public school teachers!

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