The website The Intercept received a massive archive of communications between prosecutors and judges, involving Brazil’s corruption cases. Initial analysis reveals that former president Lula da Silva’s prosecution and conviction were politically motivated. Mike Fox discusses the ramifications

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By elboriyorker


44 thoughts on “Leaked Messages Confirm Imprisonment of Brazil’s Lula da Silva was Politically Motivated”
  1. Every person implicated on those dialogues (like journalists, other politicians, television people like "Faustão") confirmed all that dialogues in which they took place…
    The facts leaked by those records really came true. So, how can some people tell that the authenticity cannot be attested?

  2. Lula is responsible for the biggest corruption scandal in the world, he should root in jail. This guy is making false statements about the case.

  3. For those who don't know Greg Wilpert was in favor of the Chaves dictatorship it's fair to assume he is also fond of the current Maduro dictator .How can We take this channel seriuosly

  4. Totally bias news the messages are nothing like they suggest here .few weeks ago a hacker broke into cell phones of government officials whose investigate( the car wash project) especifically corruption cases .The hacker also portrayed himself as a journalist twisting a lot of information leaked to the media all of this right before this coming wednesday when a package of strict laws anti-corruption would be voted in the senate.These laws will enable regular judges to finally bring to trial politicians who know are not punishable by any length of the law system regard of what their crime is . So the question remains who benefit from an anti-corruption law system being approved .

  5. This situation in Brazil is the result of decades of neglect of education and lack of combat against historical and endemic corruption.

    Large companies (domestic and foreign) are part of the corrupt scheme in their links with the state and with politicians.

    A middle class fanaticized by neo-Pentecostal religions and obsession to imitate the US in everything, which is absurd, because there is nothing more different than Brazil and USA in EVERY way. Millions of poor and dispossessed, slum dwellers under the control of crime, corrupt and populist pastors and politicians.

    The growing dominance of criminal militias that interfere with city politics and elect corrupt representatives.

    Armed forces with a retrograde thinking and authoritarian and interventionist tradition, and finally a huge range of natural resources (including oil) that awakens the ambition of the big capitalist corporations.

  6. I am concerned with the safety of Glenn Greenwald since he is exposing very dangerous criminals, like Bolsonaro, involved with Melicias and organised crimes even suspected in the elimination of Marielle Franco, congresswoman and activist. It is very easy in Brazil to murder and blame it on common thrives.

  7. The authenticity of the stolen dialogs cannot be attested. Even then, nothing really incriminating against the process was found (not yet published in its entirety). This is, in fact, a stunt much similar to the climate deniers' "climategate," a fabricated scandal. Take a bunch of stolen messages, publish cherry-picked excerpts misleading the audience to your desired conclusion, and declare that they admit it's all a hoax. "Hide the decline". Of course, it works perfectly to fool the biased and uninformed audiences, and that may be enough for political purposes, not the truth.

  8. Factual error- Lula is serving 12 years and one month not 24 years.
    Unfortunately the incompetence of the Brazilian Workers Party (PT) government under Lula and Dilma has produced the very opposite in extremes, but with no better results. Before being elected president, Bolsonaro had been in politics for a long time yet he has never presented any project of value to his country. Now he complains how hard it is being the leader of a country – with 13 million unemployed and the economy no better than before. More worrying is that Bolsonaro is surrounding himself with military generals in civilian clothing -a direct threat to the constitution .

  9. It seams to me, what happened to Lula, was not a prosecution, but a prostitution of a Federal Judge, by, one of the biggest ass-kissers, Trump, has ever had. Ooohhh! The elite, or, shall I say, the Mafia, never learned, its lessons. Thanks, to Glenn G.!

  10. The current regime of Brazil is a corrupt criminal organisation who usurped and subverted democracy to illegally persecute Lula and rig the elections.

  11. From The US, to Brazil, to Britain, all over the world progressive leaders who only want to uplift their economies are under global siege from a monolithic Right Wing Neo-Con and Neo-Lib Oligarchy. We need a global revolutionary movement.

  12. And I’ll bet they find out the US government had something to do with it. Imagine that meddling in another countries elections. But then again the US does that all the time.

  13. In sum, any less-biased person, who noticed this happening, could see Lula was being removed from politics by a hypocritical game/scheme. Ironically, his possible crime was minor in comparison to the corruption from those accusing him! (which is often the case)
    // That said, saying that this explains Bosanaro's election though is a weak argument: people who are in any way progressive in Brasil would not vote for Bosanaro no matter the other parties or lack of alternative. Therefore, something went wrong more deeply in the mindset of folks in Brasil.

  14. All this text mesages being send by huawei phone? Its the cccp who leaked this texts mesages😂😂😂😂

  15. Are heads on pikes out of fashion in Brazil? Seriously, this needs to bring down that entire side of the political spectrum. They have never been anything but monsters.

  16. They want to put their own leaders in who will bow down to them. There must be protests against "INJUSTICE". To FREE those who "report the TRUTH" about these corrupt "globalists".

  17. Now there's no arguing about it. The right wing always does this…they cant cativate people because they have no project for them.

  18. Unfortunately many judges here are spoiled children, that is something based on the academic and justice structure, in short courses on law are a bit elitist and the justice provides many privileges, that above the internal corporativism, by turn facilited by those privileges. Moro is just one more of those spoiled people and that talking about cleaning the country, actually on the middle among corruption internationally, is mostly of what you get out if it.

  19. Also our laws says that if the judge have any communication with the prosecutors about his case he must declare himself "in suspiction" and if he does not all his sentences from the start of the communications must be rolled back

  20. The U.S. juridical system is 100% a conflict of interest so why would any country want to model their judicial system after. The U.S. judicial system is run by a illegal monopoly known as the ABA also known as the American BAR association also known as the American British Accredited Registry Association. Using a criminal case as an example… the person prosecuting you the person defending you and the judge over seeing your case are all members of the SAME organization called the ABA. How about a civil law suit the lawyer hired by the complainant the lawyer hired by the defendant and the judge over seeing that case are all members of the ABA. Same with probate court because it's basically impossible to settle a relative's estate by yourself so once again the ONLY type of lawyer you're ALLOWED to hire HAS THE BE A MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION.
    And that organization was NEVER ELECTED to be the only legal organization allowed to make, write, and practice law.

  21. Car wash and justice minister… Just taken out of context… But funny all the same as that is a fine discription for a politition… Plain as day and full of beans

  22. I see pictures of Bolsinaro's sons wearing Mossad t-shirts, could Israel have had a hand in the false arrest & prosecution of Lula da Silva? Just curious.

  23. Political motivation maybe but he and the other politicians from different parties stole a lot of money from Brazilian working class. Drug cartels run the country. Almost 10 years of Communism killed democracy in Brazil. More than. 40% of population lives below poverty line. Feel free to move to Brazil, and good luck living in that corrupt place.

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