Kevin Gosztola, managing editor of Shadowproof, watched the trial and reports on Ellsberg’s testimony.

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg testifies at Assange extradition hearing”
  1. The government states people were possibly put in danger, yet the exposed information doesn’t show possibly harmed people, it shows dead people by the thousands!

  2. Chelsea Manning is free and is an American citizen in Naval intelligence.this makes no sense since Assange isn't even an American..He (Trump) knows nothing about Wikileaks even though he wants everyone to believe he knows everything about everything else

  3. Of course it's not Trump's deal in life because he has nothing to gain from it it's a humanity issue..Pompaeo is an evil puppet.

  4. This is great! These are facts that the American public needs to know! This info needs to be all over Public media and cable/broadcast news.

  5. The fix is in with this trial,the judge already has her verdict ,this is a kangaroo trial in Britain the home of the Magna Carte. Hard to believe how much the people of Britain fought against the fascists of the 1940's but the country is now run by fascists.This is the end of a free press in the west, we now live in a dictatorial fascist world

  6. Trump is a criminal psychopathic compulsive lying piece of orange faeces, but it was Obama who started this persecution of Assange.

  7. Legendary how well memory erasing works on kids used military experiments. Experts lol. Experts don't exist. national security erases them. Which makes you at best memory erased level people who can't or don't even know what that level of expert is

  8. (images, latest edited version here: )
    September 22th, 2020
    Good Tuesday Late-Morning.
    My Lord Jesus, Grace and Guide us all to Your Holy Love.
    Index Number 343:
    Why is it possible now to argue most SCOTUS it Just to kill, and not only because support of un-Constitutional torturing babies to death – removing “Life, Liberty,..” from them, but also slowly poisoning womanhood into functionally-evil psychologically inHuman monsters the world better most dead ..
    “Ingraham: Riot at the court”
    by Fox News
    If your neighbor twisted your daughter into a baby-killing, society destroying, anti-moral vicious horrors that is a threat to themselves, you, all loved, everyone .. with an evil-State's (Guns & Jail, poverty,.. enforcement) active support, would you consider then 'dangerous' and if the evil-State supported that neighbor, does Natural Law suggest killing them – if that's all you can do to stop them – as a viable solution?
    God Demands Love, and Death, but such arguments and logic should be defense for their and every evil #BabyKilling active supporter.
    Image a Just Society, where effective Corrections are applied as needed .. #FalseWitness, lying,.. at least results in public #TaseredTillPissingAndScreaming, where if someone insults you or actively interferes or damages your Just work, social standing, employment,.. she can be publicly #TaserDuel'ed until pissing and screaming.
    “Tucker: The left’s extreme reaction to Ginsburg’s death”
    by Fox News
    The dead baby murdering Witches' hand from the grave should be allowed to continue Poisoning womanhood, society, and continuing to strangle and rip-apart more babies .. avg 3000 per day in this now #GreatSatan, filled with putrid vomit-souled functionally-evil womanhood and twisted Dog-males after generations raised by Witches, vicious baby murdering, child taking, fatherhood destroying inHuman F-ing evil lying #MaleHating cnt mothers, aunts, sisters, grandmothers, female teachers,…
    .. a #CntHell-on-earth where 10's of millions of worst women Gone or Dead would still leave us in a feted septic vile Society twisted by Satan and Her minions.
    Another good Catholic perspective to consider ..
    Is the baby murder empowerer Burning – Hosting all the Multiverses of evil she actively supported until all those inJustices are complete?
    We can think that, or similar likely, but by the Grace and Mercy of God.
    “The Vortex — Stone-Cold Killer”
    by Church Militant
    tens of millions of babies tortured to death, but this #GreatSatan is emulated and we push our evil world-wide, now averaging 100,000 per day world-wide ..
    .. had this Nation been Just, told our now vile putrid filled womanhood to keep their murdering legs closed or carry the child to birth, responsible for them, consider a world where womanhood was not a force of Satan, howling evil vile slimy vicious inHuman horrors, not killing babies, destroying families, fatherhood, societies,…
    “#MOATS: LONDON IS NOT SAFE! | So I'm moving out. It's not affordable anymore. Hear why I'm leaving.”
    by George Galloway
    The sad aspect is that if UK is anything like this #GreatSatan that same son is more at risk of life-long suffering from the pyscho-sexual mutilation of the women teachers, the fatherless Dog-males, the evil-State service-working #MaleHating twisted Satanic-Minion women workers,..
    How anyone can turn children over to such a horror education system filled with Witches, Minions, active-evil Satanic-tool teachers, administrations, local-govs,..
    I've conveyed the information on studies that show that female teachers grade the same work lower if they know a male did it, .. and what else that implies – the targeting, the training of them and their female peers in being slimy evil packs of cnts who when older if you blew their brains out as soon as you realized they inHuman horrors, same to mother, all the older women in families, and tracked down those evil teachers and same .. with all the older women in their families.
    God Demands Love, not Death, or I would suggest that men be given a year off with funding, access to gov databases,.. to track down such horrors who targeted them – to kill all unRepented, for a better, safer world for us, loved, neighbors, children,.. so Love and Joy might be possible in a future with them rotting in graves.
    Now I'll only argue to God and Man that we need a Real pandemic to 'show' what a real serious situation they can be, suggesting every women at or post menopause – unless they Love and Serve, dropping dead in the streets, piled high on sides of roads .. to the great relief of us who understand the deep vile putrid continuous evil removed with their deaths.
    This #GreatSatan's evil and inJustice covers entire world and through time .. do you think the Witch family Rulers are continuing with the evil ..
    “Legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg testifies at Assange extradition hearing”
    by The Real News Network
    Another interesting historian Dr. E Michael Jones interview ..
    “Ethnicity, Race, Christianity, Paganism”
    by E Michael Jones
    Lots of data and plots, analysis …
    “IQ and National Success”
    by Colttaine
    A very good overview of IQ..
    “Jordan Peterson – The Big IQ Controversy”
    by/under Bite-sized Philosophy
    I address his retarded comment about the Jewish over-representation here, along with other points worth looking at:
    For lots more of IQ related info from a man who YouTube Censored and Banned ..
    Stefan Molyneux's (17) IQ interviews with professionals in field may be now found here:
    May God have Mercy on us all.
    PS. This Morning's Post ..

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