Live: Striking workers need YOUR help to WIN! – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this special worker solidarity livestream, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez will speak with workers involved in the ongoing struggle on the railroads, the strikes at Warrior Met Coal and CNH Industrial, and more.

2022 has been a year of intense labor struggle. If we want to see the labor movement grow, we need to be there for workers when it counts the most, and we need to do whatever we can to make sure they win their fights.

Join us on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 7 pm EST on the TRNN YouTube channel and send us your questions!

Links mentioned during the livestream:
– UMWA strike fund:

– Strike pantry fund for Warrior Met Coal strikers:

– Railroad Workers United:

– UAW Local 807 CNH workers strike fund:

– Fort Worth NewsGuild Strike Fund:

– UAW-UC academic workers strike support and hardship fund:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Live: Striking workers need YOUR help to WIN!”
  1. I think it's good that folks want to unionize and I support that, but I also support changing the means of production, I think it's a better way to go

  2. Corporation you got the Marxist Communist everybody shares nothing deal. You got what you asked for. Probably too scared to find a woman hey

  3. Ultimately workers on strike have to consider taking over the workplace and run it for yourself as a democratic workplace.

  4. Muhammad Qasim saw that Nawaz Sharif is disqualified but he does not give up. He does online protests and Maryam Nawaz supports him & stands with him. This dream of 2018 is coming true. What will happen next will shake Pakistan. More at Muhammad qasim dreams

  5. I am so glad Max Alverez brought up dollar general and the whole being overworked thing. I was an assistant manager who talked about unionization quite a bit, I even got a Trump supporting Reaganomic Republican to say we should unionize. Everything about that store was a total s*** show. Phone gets stolen on the job, they won't lift a finger to help. Injured? No healthcare and you'd likely be fired. There were no 15 minute breaks…which is illegal. Most people had to work 2 jobs in order to survive, many were on foodstamps, one girl was homeless. Usually there were only 2 people to work a shift and they wanted to cut more hours. It was impossible to get done what was asked of us…Worse the company didn't even care about the store store, No AC, broken fridges and freezers, 2 shopping carts one with its back missing, major thefts daily, workers were threatened with weapons, I was followed by a meth addict with a pair of scissors who mocked me for being "'too handsome" and made sexual moaning sounds. Workers were demand to shelve rolltainer (typically 1000 pounds worth of goods) in under 30 minutes. Personally I had to run through the store throughout my entire shift, there never was any time to organize nothing was ever organized, price labelled correctly…everything we did was a hazard and the warehouse was always overstocked blocking the emergency exits…it was a total disaster. The typical employee there stayed employed for less then 3 months, I eventually was fired because another manager wanted my position and within a week fired me over the broken safe and following the directions of what my actual manager had asked.
    That store, in order to properly function required 50% to 100% more employees to keep it in order….the funny thing is if the store were to do this they would more than recoup their money from all the daily thefts…and they might also get some of their old shoppers back. 2-3 years ago the store brought in 3 million in sales, today its half that.

  6. Thank you for sharing! An independent media bringing forward local news are so important! Love from Norway 🍎🌎❤️

  7. When media folks truly wake up and see the divide is not Democrat/Republican, color, or gender based, but power elites vs the rest of us; and that those issues are but contrived distractions meant to divide us into submission.

  8. Unionization is unecessary today. It only serves the union organizers and preys on the uneducated retards that have no prospects because they haven't figured out how to go to school without taking on ridiculous debt or have a direction in life. The few who choose to make this job a career should have their eyes set on management of a district or franchising. The union organizers and administration will take your money, drive newer vehicles than you will ever be able to afford on your contract, will never be able to negotiate a contract the company chooses to ignore for $20 per hour employees. They can hire more uneducated people to do a latte. Listen to the coal buffoon. 622 days, guess what, stupid asses, Biden doesnt like coal, and you ingnoramuses want to get something from a company that has it's ass in a ringer by the media and the democraps. Listen to New Holland…it is international, 200 plus days…go for that unionization and starve idiots. I love it, when you all die, then we can use arbitration like educated people do to equalize based on region and on economic stability. Companies werent built for you to have a job. You agreed to work for what you hired on for. There is NEVER a promise from ANY company to get you to any arbitrary wage because they dont own a crystal ball. Taxes, embargos, lack of or decreased interest in the product all affect the bottom line. Get off the communist manifesto. And for you Cali shortbssers, quit voting in the democrats that use your taxes to promote homlessness, illegal immigration, drug and crime abuses without reprecussion.

  9. Here in the Uk we have had a million people on strike, a far cry from the 12 million in the 70's for sure, but a good start to build on for a general strike, and for the first time in my life, the strikes have majority public support which is driving the elites wild with worry.

  10. Hearing "our xyz strike is the longest of blank" is really amazing. Workers need to show the overlords that WE can dig in our heels too!

  11. The party of democrats and republicans have proven they are willing to lie, cheat and steal to decimate unions. What will be the response of the poor and working class?

  12. can white male french canadian participate to the debate ? ☭❤ you ( capital ) make us sick 🤮 no excuse for capital ☭

  13. Just be glad you don't work for the Railroad and being forced by the federal government to go back to work and accept a contract you voted down. 🙁

  14. I am with you all, in spirit. As a former Mack Trucks Inc. worker, and long standing U.A.W. member, I have been there, seen that, done that!
    I do feel a need to add one cautionary note. "Moderation in all things!" Unity and Solidarity are powerful tools, and can yield awesome results, but please stay acutely aware of limits! Please avoid being sucked down that "rabbit hole" of endless misery, benignly labeled "Socialism!"
    One final point, beginning with a question; "How many of you voted for any "self anointed deity" of the so called "Democrat" party, posing as "Savior of the Downtrodden?" (Those people are actually far left authoritarians, not at all democratic!)
    Perhaps you should stop being fooled by their false "script," and get behind some true heroes who are actually fighting to restore America to it's former greatness!

  15. 6 hours x 5 days = 30 hours per week;
    If required to work on shifts; 4 shifts x 6 hours, 24 x 7.
    Overtime: 1st hour 1.25x of hourly pay, 2nd hour 1.5x of hourly pay, 3rd hour 1.75x of hourly pay…
    Working on rest day, 2.5x of hourly pay.
    Working on public holiday, 3x of hourly pay.
    Public holidays: 15 days per year.
    Matrimonial leave.
    Parental leave, 2 months for married men and 5 months for married women
    Compassionate leave,
    Annual leave: start from 12 working days, increasing 1 extra day for every year of service, to a maximum of 32 working days.

  16. There must be only one transnational worker's union that is internationally unified and accepted by every country for workers to have true solidarity strength in effective negotiations.
    capable of leading a large strike that would result in crippling losses for businesses.

  17. No. Go get another job. You don’t deserve anything more than what you agreed to when you accepted the job. Did you pay for the losses? -the mistakes and loss of materials? Take the risk with your money?
    A wise employer will pay more to keep you rather than risk losing you if you’re worth it to him. Unions destroy economies and countries too.
    He doesn’t owe it, and you don’t deserve it.

  18. I was an employee union organizer in the 1980's and we organized 47,000 Ohio state
    employees. But the higher wage employees wanted percentage wage increases and
    not dollar across the board which is more fair for lower wage workers. Percentage
    increases works like compound interest, and the higher paid keep getting more and
    more as the lower paid less and less. People are scoundrels vying for their own
    individual interests, unions as the collective idea is something of an illusion.

  19. We so need to unionize Pizza Hut, they profit immensely from teenagers that are new to the workforce and might not have a background of experiences to compare by.

  20. I'll take you seriously when you advocate and assist in the formation of a Labor Party. Short of that, you're a YouTuber profiting from easy dopamine hits and the strife of the working poor.

  21. They are barley any differences between the two US political parties, Democrats are crypto fascists and the GOP are open fascists, the only difference is their colors.

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