Every Wednesday since Nov. 2022, over 1,000 healthcare workers in Madrid have staged walkouts in protest of working conditions which they say undermine their ability to provide proper care and threaten patient health.

Producers: Sato Díaz and María Artigas
Videographer and editor: María Artigas
Translator and narrator: Marina Céspedes

To read the transcript, go to: https://therealnews.com/striking-spanish-doctors-suspect-a-plot-to-privatize-healthcare

This story, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is part of The Real News Network’s Workers of the World series, telling the stories of workers around the globe building collective power and redefining the future of work on their own terms.

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By elboriyorker


27 thoughts on “Madrid’s doctors are striking—is private healthcare on the way in Spain?”
  1. It is mirroring what is happening with the NHS in the UK! We have a far right Tory government, they are privatising the NHS, they've been doing it by stealth for many years, cutting back funding for the NHS while giving lucrative contracts and funding to US health firms which are taking over the services the NHS would normally provide. Inevitably they will prioritise profit over services.

    Español: ¡Refleja lo que está sucediendo con el NHS en el Reino Unido! Tenemos un gobierno conservador de extrema derecha, están privatizando el NHS, lo han estado haciendo a escondidas durante muchos años, recortando los fondos para el NHS mientras otorgan lucrativos contratos y fondos a las empresas de salud de EE. UU. que se están haciendo cargo de los servicios del NHS. normalmente proporcionaría. Inevitablemente, priorizarán las ganancias sobre los servicios.

  2. It seems that they are engaging the strike for themselves, all the society is engaged. They deserve the support of everybody: littles and growns, It's time to board the problems as forming part of a wider aspect: neoliberalism in all Europe

  3. The headline doesn't make sense.
    The situation described by the striking physicians sounds like they are protesting a profit driven health care system.

  4. La políticas de corte neoliberal al que nos empuja la derecha, apoyándose en el tratamiento y manipulación de medios ordinarios y digitales.
    Teníamos una buena sanidad pública. veinte años antes…
    Por favor, oigan la voz de los ciudadanos. destinen lo que sea necesario de presupuesto gubernamental.
    No parén hasta que la sanidad publica cumpla correctamente con su cometido.
    Escuchen a sus empleados sanitarios y a los usuarios.

  5. And the problems they are having will never go away because of the government controlling it all. "Universal Healthcare" is great on paper but as proven here it doesn't work in practice.

  6. A big thank you to all the striking soldiers! You have my support. Something on this planet must change, and we are the ones who have to make that change.

  7. Much love from California…I've been in Healthcare for over 30 years and working in everything from insurance companies doing appeals and grievances, and my last employer was at a world-renowned hospital where treating celebrities was a daily norm. I left during the middle of the pandemic, I was mentally exhausted. I lost my insurance and didn't have a choice but to see a doctor at a free clinic, hospitalized at a severely underfunded hospital. Let me tell you, I am now choosing to continue my care there because the employees, nurses, and doctors are in it for the love of their patients. It's not that the "celebrity " doctors don't care, it's that system doesn't allow them to practice medicine their way.

  8. This is something that has run parallel to the pandemic hysteria: much talk, panic and authoritarianism re. that single issue and at the same time NOT INVESTING A SINGLE EURO IN HEALFTHCARE, all the opposite: cuts and privatization, destruction of facilities and what-not. It's not just Madrid (which is indeed a hotspot), here in the Western Basque Country (whose government is participated by the pseudo-leftist Socialist Workers Party) it's almost as bad, with whole hospitals being decomissioned in spite of having one of the most aged demographics of Europe and probably the world. Worse than outraging: criminal, democidal, nazi-like!

    The goal is clearly double: maximizing the profits of the private healthcare mafia (already very pampered) and eugenics (if you are poor and old or sickly, you basically get killed by denial of healthcare).

  9. The cancer of privatisation spreading, sadly.
    I hope the Spaniards fight for their health service unlike the British who don't realise what's going on.

  10. In Madrid Spain the health service is already private. Almost all the hospitals are under private management. So called public health was sold to the private sector years ago under the European Union directive. Spain has vigorously applied the EU directives on privatization of as many public services as possible.

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