Max Elbaum on blocking the fascist threat and building real grassroots power.

Max Elbaum is on the editorial board of Convergence Magazine and is the co-editor, with Linda Burnham and Maria Poblet, of ‘Power Concedes Nothing: How Grassroots Organizing Wins Elections’.

Studio Production: Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: David Hebden

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By elboriyorker


32 thoughts on “Mainstream Democrats’ complacency will doom us all | The Marc Steiner Show”
  1. The big difference is for the rightwing politics is no longer about policies, it is about
    cult-ural identity fueled by zealotry obsession. Which means for them it’s a 24/7 derangement.
    For the left-wing it’s still about politics and policies. The left is devoid of any zealotry obsession. Which means for them it’s just a voting day thing then they wonder and make excuses as to why they’re losing. The average democrat doesn’t give any thought or effort to local regional political issues then are shocked the school board been taken over.
    Dems only care about something after they’ve lost it. Then they’re angst about it.
    While the rightwing is obsessed with changing and taking control of everything they can relentlessly 24/7.
    Dems only show up to vote (if even then) for president.
    Then are shocked when the right control the house and senate

  2. This sounded like an establishment plea for progressives to get in line. I didn't hear any talk of the elected corporate Dems in power doing anything to earn the progressive vote, after having betrayed us for years.
    No deal. Cornel West/Marianne Williamson or bust.

  3. Both the Dems & the GOP now serve the interests of the "Donor Class" (Wall St, the Military Industrial Complex, etc), which also owns our media. Aside from lip service, distractiins, & focusing on polarizing via social issues, members of either party will not push against their big donors to materially benefit the working ckass. The Dems & "the Squad", for example, abandoned their promises on Single-Payer & a $15 min wage after they won all 3 branches if Gov in 2020. Meaningless lip service & broken promises naturally turn voters sour & skeptical against the DNC – who does nothing to earn their votes, so they must look elsewhere for the changes they desire. When Dems stopped even the 1st step in fixing our corrupt system (by getting big money out of politics), the total control of our Gov by the corporate oligarchs had already been realized.

  4. so as long as the left had it aall that was okay..all the powers the right will take were in fact set up by creeps like ebaum. they will now suffer their own will.

  5. This guy is a vote blue no matter who guy and you gave him zero push back. Anyone that smart that pretends that we don’t live under one party rule that pretends to be two opposing parties is a shill.

  6. Why do you demonize and otherize people? Why do you refuse to talk across the aisle and actually earnestly try to understand what someone such as myself is trying to talk to you about? Why do you ignore the genuine hurt people in this nation have, in my home town, in my neighborhood, among my friends, due to the government? Why do you hold such hatred that you dismiss those seeking a solution as fascists when they desire the government be removed from their lives, the literal opposite of fascist belief?

  7. Well, the administrative state obviously can't regulate itself, lol. That is what has dismantled our representation, and democracy. The bureaucracies (under the subversive power of the intelligence community) have completely captured our governing bodies. If Trump's plan isn't the answer, then what's your answer to defeating the corporate hydra?

  8. Biden administration implemented jab mandates, a clear violation of The Nuremburg Code. DNC attorneys have already argued in open court The Party is a private corporation that doesn't have to follow its own bylaws or votes of the party members. Superdelegates. There is no system in place to track where mail in ballots go and who transports them. The voting machine software is privately owned and will not be shared to cross reference votes cast. The Uniparty always has money for war, tax cuts for the wealthy, and bank and corporate bailouts, but never a dime when it comes to anything that serves The People. Please tell me again how we have a democracy.

  9. This conversation lost me when the host and guest positioned the Democrats as NOT right-wing or fascist. The fact the Jim Crow Joe Biden wrote multiple crime bills, and the main one that structured current day mass-incarceration-slave system, and he is the leader of the DNC, yet the host and guest don't see him as fascist is scary. Democrats also structure censorship and the current police state, they also push war machine and cut social spending, they are also racist. To pretend otherwise is to not be serious about fascism.

  10. Egghead to Egghead, great interview. Yet it misses where the rubber meets the road with voters. DEMs past 30 years moved away from labor. Neo-libererals are pro war, IS, Ukraine & China b/c of economics not b/c of a armed risk to the US. DEMs refused mid 2000's to 2016 to compromise with the Tea Party. (populous non fascist) Now you have MAGA. Biden the DNC is ready to go to war (military adventurism) for Wall Street. While pretending to defend democracy. Like it or not Taiwan is China. DEMS are neo colonialist & MAGA rejects this. The voting middle could care less about IS in Syria, Iran, Nigeria, Ukraine, preventing China from completing its Civil War & reunifications of the island Taiwan. The voting middle, DEMS & Indepenatants are more concerned with the out of control homeless crisis, crime, jobs. The voting middle want both, a woman's right to choose, & full 2nd Amendment rights. DEMS have nobody but the DNC to blame for MAGA becoming an alternative.

  11. They way out last time, progressives voting for Biden, was a dead end. The way out this time is for the centralist to Vote Green party to save democracy.

  12. lol I really hope trump wins his second term just so people are forced to face their delusions after his next 4 years and realize nothing changed (except probably a better economy).

  13. Do you not see the OBVIOUS in the photo??? Matching outfits, sunglasses, etc.?? 🙄 FRONT being the keyword…. think it through, folks.

  14. MAGA is unstoppable. Like it or not the media claimed for years, Trump is of low intelligence. Prolly the biggest mistake the left will make about Trump. Aside from the sham indictments, not only is the burns getting exposed, but ppl are seeing Trump targeted. It's just common sense seeing nothing stick to Teflon Don. I don't believe he is any kind of angel, as nobody's perfect. But i think the left has found it very hard to understand that Trump just might not be any kind of guilty on these criminal charges. The left also believes that these MSM journalists are perfect angels that would never ever ever lie to u. We've seen Dan Rather, Phil Donahue & such lose their jobs bc they were buying what they were told to sell. The left days the media wouldn't lie bc it's against the law for propaganda. With the Smith & Mundtz act. But then we had a revision a handful of years ago. They are allowed to lie person's to things like war. They can claim Trump will start ww3 n get away with it. Then lie about anything else. The left gets played bc of emotion, using great to fuel rage against the neighbor, bc as long as u are staying down ur neighbor, ur not looking at the ppl behind the curtain.

  15. Excellent analysis.
    This is such an indictment of the MSM. I'm sure they're capable of getting in touch with and booking you both…

  16. Just remember, kids. If a Democrat is accusing, they're doing. Trump and his supporters are already experiencing lawfare, abuse, censorship, and deplatforming on a scale Democrats have no idea is even happening.
    Whatever comes next, you asked for it.

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