Now an Episcopalian priest, Matthew Fox tells of his coming to political consciousness and decision to join the Catholic priesthood, which he saw not as an escape, but as a way to stay in the world – Matthew Fox on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


18 thoughts on “Marx, Catholicism and the Struggle for Justice – RAI with Matthew Fox (3/8)”
  1. This must have been about the time they booted Paul Jay out of TRN. The network as it existed up until about 2015 was a worthwhile project. I'm conservative but I donated to support it, because commentary on international events and economics from an intelligent left perspective is worth hearing, whatever your politics. TRN fell on hard times when it moved to Baltimore, got woke, and took up racial politics. The intellectual level of TRN content plummeted. Then they got rid of Paul. I'd love to know the backstory.

  2. Jesus was an early Socialist. Jesus stood with the poor, the downtrodden, foreigners, prostitutes, the discarded and broken soldiers, beggars, the mentally ill, etc. He abhorred Nationalism, Feudalism/Early Capitalism, Imperialism, Racism, Sexism. The Church established in his name was established by the same Imperial force that put him to death on the cross. To be a true Christian is to understand that the faith Jesus talked about was the faith of belief in the common man and love among nations and people. The fact billionaires, war mongers, imperialists, bankers, corporate leaders, fascists call themselves Christians is a spit in the face of Christ. Liberation Theology of Archbishop Romero that Pope Francis appeals to, the Dietrich Boenhoeffer doctrine, the Desmond Tutu doctrine, and charity and good will and class struggle, on the ground with those who suffer is simply true Christianity, and men on Golden thrones with fine clothes and wine, or who praise the billionaire lifestyle and who merge faith with Imperialism and whom both rub shoulders with powerful men of Imperial might or big business corporate banker Capitalism, is hypocrisy and a slander against Christ.

  3. No wonder Mathew Fox you turn out like crap….you have been a piece of crap all you’re life … and an enemy to Christ and the church of God

  4. Any branch of the Church that is against contraceptives is against women, their freedom, emancipation and equality. No talk about Climate Change or critique of Capitalism can deny this truth. Ban on contraception = misogyny.

    Also, all the talk on Climate Change is hypocritical, as long as there is this ban on contraceptives. A ban, that keeps women oppressed, unfree and poor. A ban, that contributes hugely to all environmental problems the world is facing.

  5. ”Sunday… is purely a creation of the Catholic Church."
    Louis Gaston Segur, Plain Talk about the Protestantism of To-Day (London: Thomas Richardson and Son, 1874): 213

    “Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the Church.”
    American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883

    ”Sunday is our mark of authority… The Church is above the Bible, and this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact."
    Catholic Record (September 1, 1923)

    "Practically everything Protestants regard as essential or important they have received from the Catholic Church… The Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in …observing Sunday, in keeping Christmas and Easter, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope."
    Our Sunday Visitor – Pius XI (February 5, 1950)

    “The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holy days and seasons… are all of Pagan origin and sanctified by their adoption into the Church.”
    Cardinal John Newman, An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (London: Basil Montague Pickering, 1878): 373

  6. @The Real News Network : Very good and interesting episode. It's appreciated. I'm glad that Matthew spoke of the Franciscans instead of only the Dominicans, for both have positive things to be said about them, and I suppose, certainly hope, the same is very true about the Benedictines but don't know their history. There're possibly some other religious orders within the RCC that're honorable in terms of beginnings and some current members, but of course some corrupt, perverted people come to be joined due to lack of sufficient scrutiny and this happens "all over the place" so it's not surprising that it also happens within religion. Well, church is NOT Heaven and people need to accept this fact. i could go on with this at length but will leave it at this.

  7. For over 300 years all early Christians were pacifist vegetarians who gave all their wealth to the poor. See Mat 5:28, 19:21 and Gen 1:29. Than in AD 382 a politician named St. Jerome published the first Bible, the Catholic Vulgate Bible, which was so saturated with fiction that the satanic Catholic Church permanently destroyed the Christian faith. For example, be the pacifist in Mat 5:38, or kill for God and country in Romans 13:1.

    And if you compare your version of the Bible to the Vulgate, it will be identical in thought.

    For virtually no modern Christian is a pacifist, or a vegetarian and collectively they hoard the most wealth on earth.

  8. This is the part of the Catholic Church that I find the most interesting. The cross section of Catholic Mysticism, social works, and Zen Buddhism

  9. Anyone who mixes politics and religion should be fucking shot! As an atheist i think that ALL religous people are whackjobs and could never folow them down their whackjob rabbit hole ,this from a guy who almost became the stupid rabbit.

  10. The new generation is more aware of reality than ever before, for those who believe, until the church deals with the abuses and comes into the real world, the majority of young people will stay away.

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