Catherine Gauthier of ENvironnement JEUnesse says Justin Trudeau’s government has failed to take meaningful action on climate change

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By elboriyorker


24 thoughts on “Massive Class Action Launched Against Trudeau Government for Failure to Address Climate Crisis”
  1. question, really late to the discussion
    are you guys saying climate change is the hoax?
    or is it that the carbon tax is bs, will never work and it was an idea made by big oil companies and the climate change agenda is in support of it
    -just wondering who the audience is
    and the topic at hand b/c if its the latter and it seems like it is, then ig that means the carbon tax bill was in the climate change agenda

  2. more people looking to bankrupt whats left of or sad country….but hey its Quebec Trudeau will pay and take the money from less privileged provinces.

  3. Bullshit. Air couldn’t be cleaner here in southern Ontario. Focus on immigration. Government lie every day. Carbon tax reduces emissions how?. Prove emission figures.

  4. If this suit goes through then we can now sue government for any actions taken at all for anything because once a decision is made theres always winners and losers. You can argue you are failing to protect the losers in any government action. Alberta could then sue for destroying thousands of families livelihoods going back to his fathers time decades ago and so on and so on.

  5. Great! Finally climate change will be exposed as the fraud it is. The average world temperature has not changed in the last 20 years. So what science is behind climate change? The UN's IPCC admitted it wasn't about climate change nor about the environment but about redistribution of wealth…. Tax us to death. It isn't hard with Google to find the real truth.

  6. wow,, and to think that it would seem as if it's ok to destroy our bodies with alcohol and drugs and cigarettes and porn for the mind ,, that's ok ,,, but to destroy the planet , well, that must take precedence's ,,which by the way the Governments allowed in the first place , with all those companies / factories ??? etc ,, pollutions ,,, right ,, , we destroy our selves and our planets , goes to show you that humans are totally irresponsible towards anything ,, ,

  7. It's cooler now than it was in the fifties, sixties and seventies etc. Stop your propaganda. You worry about the health yet you have completely missed what Trudeau is actually paying for and that is the you Muslims being trained by the five hundred plus known ISIS and Al Qaeda operatives paid by the fifty plus million Trudeau has already paid them. You don't think Trudeau will take a political defeat without an armed insurrection, do you?

  8. So this brat at 16 stood up in regards to climate… but goes to shool to become a lawyer. Why didnt she spend her time developing cold fusion.

  9. The Canadian government allows years of American chem trails they steps in the way of wind and solar power we have products produced and sold from India iran england china . As an examle We have a mill here in B.C. they mill all logs to load on a freighter for Japan. Japan stamps the wood and sells it back to Canada via freighter.
    They cry climate change but are instrumental in creating the climate this is done by all countries.
    They tell us to decrease Our population for the climate then say we are dying off to introduce 3rd world migrants in a radical breeding program and bankrupt protest stand Christian countries.
    I don't know about you but I see the manipulation of the globalist to delete a People who will sustain and save this earth.
    This is not about the climate but it is about control and domination of a few to introduce communism followed by destruction.
    They are purposely causing kaos.
    This is Biblical.
    Do not fall for the lies investigate everything.

  10. LMFAO! You do realize that due to the vast boreal forest and our agricultural industry, Canastan is 'carbon' NEGATIVE. Right?
    In grade 9 we learned that C02 is actually good for plants, WTF is being taught nowadays? 1.6% What portion of that is going to effect man made climate change?
    Ask that ditz this next time: For 10 years now in BC we have been paying a 'carbon' tax. What are the positive impacts that have been achieved to BC's climate. Thanks!

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