Arms manufacturers are trying to rebrand as progressive and feminist, while the corporate media does PR for the military-industrial complex. CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin warns this pro-arms manufacturer campaign is infiltrating our schools.

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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Media Whitewashing the Blood-Soaked US Military-Industrial Complex”
  1. So horrible that these filthy war mongers would send Americans to their deaths and kill innocent civilians I personally am antiwar in all forms I don’t even think the United States should’ve entered World War II.. tulsi 2020

  2. Modern US feminism is lapping this disgusting pro-war, pro-weapons industry garbage up as a great feminist movement. It is sick and it is why so many of us women won't have anything to do with the feminism of the petty bourgeoisie and wealthy. This is their "feminism" not mine.

  3. The term, ´Military-Industrial Complex´, which was coined by Eisenhower to warn us of a grave and impending danger, is now used by mainstream media to mean something we should be patriotically proud of.

  4. As a bourgeois liberal movement feminism doesn't argue against torture. They simply insist that women can peel the flesh off someone's face just as well as any man.
    Medea Benjamin is also wrong that the STEM fields have been "infiltrated" by the military-industrial complex. The STEM fields are totally integrated with the military-industrial-university complex. It's been this way since the very beginning. The internet was originally created to facilitate the communication of these institutions. I don't know why Medea Benjamin is such a go-to character as she is often less informed about a given subject than a complete amateur such as myself.

  5. Shocking that merchants of death, destruction & chaos are trying to pull the wool over our eyes just because they promoted women to run their disgusting companies. The real role model, not just for women but for everybody, is Medea Benjamin – she is the one corporate media should be promoting! Next Raytheon and Lockheed Martin will try to rebrand like Coca Cola, and try to associate Santa Clause with their weapons of mass murder.

  6. This has always been the military agenda since the end of WW II.
    Needless wars: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria……………all for profit.

  7. A horrendous reality; one which distresses me every day. It's absurd that our military-industrial complex is preserved as the apparatus to bolster profit and secure international capitalism. Our nation should be innovating ways to reclaim autarky via automation and border security, and not exacerbating warfare to make these defense contractor tyrants rich.

  8. I'm emailing the girlscouts today. They also have instagram and facebook. I wonder who's decision was it to partner with those Raytheon monsters? Evidently the parents must be clueless.

  9. The reason we can't stop paying men to kill women and children is because we are guilty of war crimes, so we just stick to the war on carbon taxes and pronouns. You can't bomb women for self-driving e-car pieces of shit. That's wrong. Or, bad. Not good. Nonono badbadbad.



    COP24 is 24 years years old, during which time CO2 emissions rose from 360 ppm to 405 ppm.

    Claire Fyson says that we must reduce fossil use 50% in 10 years to avoid 1.5 C.

    Stefan Rahmstorf says we must reduce fossil use 100% in 20 years to avoid 2.0 C.

    Hans Schellnhuber says runaway hothouse earth will be triggered between 1.5 and 2.0 C.

    Once runaway hothouse climate change is started, it cannot be stopped or reversed.

    BP says that fossil demand will increase 15% by 2030 and fossil emissions will go up 10% more.

    In 2018 oil production hit 100 million barrels/day for the first time says the IEA.

    By 2025 oil production will increase 1 million barrels/day every year increasing oil demand by 7 million barrels/day.

    If energy demand does not increase over the next 10 years, the financial system will collapse.

    If fossil emissions do not go down 50% in 10 years, earth will enter runaway hothouse mass extinction.

    Runaway mass extinction will begin by 2030-2040.

    Livestock and agriculture are responsible for 80% of species extinction.

    Once started mass extinction cannot be stopped or reversed.

    From the chart below, you can see climate has very little to do with extinction so far.

    Emissions have increased 60% since James Hanse warned us of climate change in 1989 says Kevin Anderson.

    The top 10% of earners consume 50% of emissions say Anderson.

    Taxing the 10% of earners until they earn an average European wage will reduce emissions 30% says Anderson.

    The top 20% of earners consume 70% of all emissions says Anderson.

    The only way this will happen is if carbon taxes are 100% private with 0% share for corporations and governments.

    Several economists told James Hansen that this will unite the left and right to reduce emissions the fastest way possible.

    This was such a good idea that Bernie Sanders put a stop to it by sponsoring a bill that says the US government will steal 40% of any future carbon taxes in a bill sponsored by Sanders and Barbara Box. This was promoted by Bill McKibben, a media whore.

    Ideology is an addiction says Gabor Mate, an addiction expert.

    Social media conditions us for addiction to ideology.

    It is ideology that prevents people from accepting 100% private carbon taxes.

    Socialist Non Governmental Organizations want that carbon tax money and will say and do anything to get it.

    That's why the Rockefellers sponsor people like Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein.

    Bernie Sanders and Elon Musk will not save us and people are too addicted to socialism to accept that.

    The reason you read this is likely because when I said tax the rich, you thought I meant by the government.

  12. Of course they'll court girls n women, now – the masculine retired when Regulas left Leo n entered Virgo August 2011- for another 2500yrs until it changes to Libra – women will become more n MORE prominent. N they say astrology is hocus pocus HAH

  13. "Raytheon's vision of making the world a safer place" ??!!The unmitigated gall! And "…as the economy improves"–they don't have to worry about that. Half the nation is poor.

  14. Fembots Run Deep State Military Industrial Complex Think Rachael Madcow.

    I'm told masculinity is toxic but…

    4 of the top 5 defense contractor CEOs are women. The 3 CIA top dogs are women.

    The Pentagon's top weapons buyer and the chief overseer of the nation's nuclear stockpile now join other women in some of the most influential national security posts, such as the nation's top arms control negotiator and the secretary of the Air Force.

    Socialism, capitalism and communism do not work. Our addictions to these ideologies are 100 years old. They are useless in the context of emergency runaway hothouse mass extinction. It's like a dick measuring contest when the Titanic is sinking.

    Young lefties say race and sex are just social constructs so they can hate what they deny is real — white males.

    How Women Took Over The Military-Industrial Complex (now imagine if Hillary won)

    Sisterhood of spies: Women now hold the top positions at the CIA

    Reporter Quits NBC Citing Network's Support For Endless War

    Madeleine Albright and the Clintons starved to death half a million Iraqi kids of medicine and food during the 90s.

    Hillary Clinton and Obama destroyed Yemen, Libya and Syria with media collusion.

    Wake up wokesters. Obama and Clinton are bisexual.

    Why does that matter you ask?

    Because I'm constantly told by blacks, gays and women that I'm toxic.

    But I'm not raping kids in the name of equality.

    The matriarchy will kill us all. Toxic femininity indeed.

    Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy w/ Derrick Jensen

    Watch as a group of lefty femtards try to disrupt Jensen and accuse him of homophobia.

    We are conditioned by social media for acute and chronic addiction to ideology.

    Never trust physicists, priests or anybody you can't understand.

    Justin Trudeau is a pedo who put a boy love symbol on his Family Foundation's 2016 Annual Report.

    Bernie Sanders is a pedo who photographed himself at the pedo infamous Voodoo Donuts. The child coffin one.

    Jordan Peterson interviewed pedo celebrities Russell Brand and Stephen Fry, both who appear in Pedophiles in Parliament by Sonia Poulton.

  15. Woke Skywatchers

    Nobody watches for signs of the wrath of god more than crazy christians.

    Just like nobody watches for signs of multiple universes more than physicists.

    Well the volcanoes are woking faster than a Gillette Libtard.

    Libtards are just like progressives, but slower, richer and stupider.

    I spent 30 years abused as a straight white male in LibtardToronto.

    I don’t hate race or sex. That was so yesterday, so half day ago.

    When it comes to my hatred of Libtards, everybody is equal.

    I can feel the… can’t wait til you’re dead… vibe in the markets.

    At least I feel special now.

    The war is coming and urban socialist Libtards will be betrayed again.

    It happened in the 1920s the 1960s the 1990s and now.

    But we in the end times now. This is it. This is the big one.

    Glacial melt, pole flips and mega volcanoes are like Gaia’s monthly period.

    It’s like when a women gets zits, cramps, her period and bad hair on a big date night.

    I believe free will like a physicist believes in numbers or a priest living forever.

    I believe ancestor worship is evidence of it.

    Elders always chose the direction just like elephants.

    It is the economic collapse ecosystem of America that keeps occupy wall street at bay.

    The Big Apple ecosystem is rotten to the core. The lellow vethts are coming.

    When you see red hats and black masks riot together, get ready… it’s coming.

    Since this is the end of time, it will be unlike anything you ever saw.

    Nobody will give a fuck about your precious pronouns then.

    The last 30 minutes of this video are worth the time.

    It’s the best betrayal interview I ever saw.

  16. This reports on one of the most horrific forms of child abuse I ever saw. And as for "women" – the ones shown here mistake emancipation for becoming "men". How very disgusting when I, a man, would never ever have nor ever will touch professional murder with even a barge pole. And yes, Medea Benjamin ist one of the few really great personalities of our time.

  17. The truth is that for what these military industrial corporations pay there are endless people that would bomb a billion people for the job.

  18. This is Sexism at it's worst – some women have always been as evil as some men, the only difference is that now it is socially acceptable even praise worthy. Bring back the draft, get the rich kids on the front lines & watch wars de-escalate.

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