Media’s Russia Obsession Obscures How Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Benefits Turkey Most – Everything Law and Order Blog

While corporate media portrayed Trump’s withdrawal of US troops from Syria as a Christmas gift to Russia’s Putin, veteran Middle East reporter Patrick Cockburn tells TRNN’s Ben Norton this is infantile and conspiratorial. NATO member Turkey stands to gain most, and could launch an attack on Kurdish forces in the northeast.

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By phillyfinest369


34 thoughts on “Media’s Russia Obsession Obscures How Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Benefits Turkey Most”
  1. US doing the best ever thing it can ever do. USA (France, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Netherlands too and also Germany under a certain point) has been training and supporting so called "Kurdish" but more likely Armenian, Israeli, Kurdish mix Terrorist group that USA was planning to use for starting a war against to Iran and also for creating a pipeline from Northern Iraq, passes true Syria and gets to the sea from the west of Syria that will be completely under the Israeli/Zionist management so ISrael can create their bullshit ""Great Israel" Project. Which means; Israel takes whole Eastern Anatolia, South and South Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey, All of Syria and Iraq, whole western part of Iran and creating co called Great ISrael starts from the inside of Turkey and ends in the ISrael, any country in between becomes part of so called "Great Israel" .

    All these bullshit wars that USA has been doing in the Middle East, Arabian peninsula etc. all those American lives USa lost, trillion of dollars spent from the pocket of American citizens, just because of some ISraeli backed ZÄ°onist in USA government wanna establish so called "Great ISrael in the mentioned area!!!

    Of course Turkey (The Second most powerful country of the NATO = NATO's true army!!!) The alpha wolf of the valley of the wolves (Middle East, Central Asia,i Arabian Peninsula and North Africa) would never let that happen, no matter what ever it cost!

    USA Gov. (Pentagon( definitely knows that what Turkey mean to USA and NATO and its power position in this planet!

    – In one side most loyal NATO member with a massive and incredibly strong/big army, Trillions of dollars buying power that also keeps USA in control of whole Black Sea, Mediterranean sea, in the Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Balkans, even in Russia and China, right at the balance point of the whole planet and the one and only country who determines which wing in this planet (USA/NATO vs China, Russia) will be the dominating one that dominates whole geopolitic, trade, strategic control of the planet.

    – In the other side; some Israeli backed Zionist, Armenian, Kurdish mix. terrorist group (Trying to establish so called "Great Israel" in the Middle East area) those have been fighting against to Turkey and terrorising it for more than 40 Years but caused Turkey to be even stronger rather than becoming weak, turnered its army 24/7 ready battle (Especially best ever army at unconventional/guerilla warfare) battle monster that even Russia do not try to fuck with as much as possible!

    When USA pushed Turkey too much, Turkey came to a point that it is gonna become the full ally of the Russia, China, Iran and Syria! Which means; NATO would fail imidiatly, Russia would have whole fucking control over Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Arabian peninsula because Turkey would allow it, China would take over the control of whole fucking oceans, which would cause whole European Union the fail, NAto to Fail and finally America to a point that it cannot last more than 50 Years.

    There is no such a power in this planet can stand in front of Russia (The GrizzlÅŸy Bear) and the Giant Alpha Male Wolf (Which is as big and powerful as the Grizzly Bear) with a giant wolf pack becomes one single unit.

    Pentagon definitely knows that very well. they tried to play with the nerves of Turkey, wanted to taste its limits and found out than trying to fuck the Alpha MAle wolf in the valley of the Wolf will destroy the Buffalo (The USA).

    + Turkey is able to control whole MÄ°ddle East with a small unit from its army! In whole EU, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa etc. area there is not any kind of army or a Isis, YPG (KPP, PYD) terrorist group that can compare with Turkey hands especially with its army!.

    Regardless of how powerful Russia seems, Turkey is the one that who keeps the control of whole Black sea and Mediterranean sea.

    Any one with a little bit geopolitical and military knowledge would see that clearly.

    USa has been spending trillions of dollars and massive military sources to train those so called Kurdish (Actually Armenian mostly) terrorists in the Syria and Iraq for more than 40 Years. Just in Iraq alon, USA created more than 3 Million military trained and armed so called Kurdish army!

    Result; Isis or similar groups comes with a less than 10 Thousand terrorists and takes over the lands within 24 Hours from the so called kurdish army (Terrorists). Every time Northern Iraq or Kurdish terrorist points in the Syria gets an attack even from a small groups (Usually 5000 to 15 Thousand in numbers) of other terrorists groups; USA, France, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia etc. whole fucking NATO have to go there spend billions of dollars, uses their own armies to take those lands from opposite terrorist groups!

    Turkish army in the other hand, just gets into Syria, hits it like Tsunami, wipes out every single terrorist shit on its way and covers massive area with in a very very short time period. Just in Afrin operation, Turkish army covered way bigger area than whole NATO and/or Russia, Iran, China etc. was not able to cover with in 8-10 Years time. Turkey did not even used %1 of its army sources and capability during that operations. Around 10 Thousand Syrian Rebels, approximately 3000 Turkish Commandos, around 500 Tuırkish army spğercial force units, few tanks, fighter jets and artillery!

    Conditions of this operations was way worse than Afghanistan, Iraq etc. because terrorists literally created, financed, trained (By the MOssad, US, France, Germany, Canada etc. special forces for years) massive budget to create underground tunnels 8 Even heaviest most high tech bombs cannot reach) CIA, Mossad, MI-6 military operation battle strategists etc. very long time to get prepared against to Turkish operation!

    Result, Turkish army taken over the area within 30 Days…

  2. I suspect the untold part of this Syria/Afghan withdrawal story is that Blackwater types will be entering to fill the void. Let's not forget Eric Prince has been lobbying to do just that and has been pitching plans to whoever will listen, including Trump, for the longest.

  3. The Trump administration makes a 3.5 billion dollar weapons deal with Erdogan, and pulls out U.S military support for the Kurds and apparently it's the godfather Putin dunking on Trump again lol… Makes sense.

  4. Great reporting and comment on how Trump has dumbed us down. As though anything was only about two countries. Maybe this is why one person shouldn't just Tweet the government!!! No Republicans, no Democrats, just paid flunkies of the Plutocracy.

  5. When neocons and neoliberals agree on decisions about war, the danger of genocide usually goes up. Even worse if they disagree temporarily about tactical decisions. The neocon version of interventionism works mainly based on fear, the neoliberal version works with virtue signalling and getting some “progressives” on CNN. The Kurds are indeed in great danger, and they have been for a long time target of genocide. We saw all the stories of heroic Kurdish women fighting along with men against ISIS, but for the neoliberals it’s another opportunity to justify continued intervention – as if it would have ever solved a single problem in complex ethnic conflicts. The neocons habitually use any ethnic or religious conflict. They intentionally make it worse by supplying both sides with weapons, and by throwing their support behind one side or the other, whatever serves the tactical goal for the day. In this case they don’t give a damn if Kurdish people get slaughtered, all they see is that it will simplify the situation in eastern Syria, at least in their own blockheads.
    The damage has long been done though – on Obama’s watch. Congress voted against the intervention, and he did it anyways. Now Trump takes a half ass opportunity to fix it, but it may also end in another catastrophe, and it will be made to be only Obama’s fault. To pull American soldiers out is good, but to send Turkey more weapons at the same time is a crime. Doesn’t anyone understand that Erdogan is ready to commit genocide? Sending weapons to this despot right now is clearly giving him a green light. And that is truly evil, just as it is that Trump makes no move regarding the Saudis, and continues to look the other way about the tragedy in Yemen.

  6. Trump wants to create realities on the ground that tell the American people that he's a peace maker. After all these years of killing and draining US wealth to do so, the American people want peace. Trump has an election in two years to think about. The "Russia, Russia" baloney is winding down with no real evidence to support it.

  7. This Russia BS has to be running out soon. Corporate news spins more conspiracy theories on Russia…whatever happened to critical thinking.

  8. One can say that the following nations have common interests: Syria, Russia, Iran, and Turkey.
    On the other side is: USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Kurds are allies.
    Saudi Arabia's main middle east rival is Iran.
    Saudi Arabia does not like Turkey, and vice versa.
    The USA turned their backs on their allies, the Kurds. For the benefit of Syria, Russia, Iran, and primarily Turkey.
    Maybe, the USA wants to split Turkey from the other side.
    Turkey is somewhat friendly with Israel, and is a NATO member.
    Turkey is considering buying Russians arms – not good.

  9. Reality , look all the map dont think because of this , because of that , work your job better i advise you.

    Saudi, Isreal ,Egyptian and Greece make agreement againts Turkey ,They try to pressure in east mediterranean petrolium areas . Turkey is alone in every place but we are strong to stop every opposition against us.First we said to Usa to leave casue of showing the aggression countries how we are powerful and Mr.Trump wants favor from Turkey to stop Isis.Turkey is not easy to eat alone not easy. If anyone tries to make destruction also other countries be destructed and very wise P.Trump saw it and left it urgently. You are free to disagree with me but the truth is this.

  10. At best, the result of U.S. goals in Syria creates a Libya. The U.S. has been the destabilizing element. Apparently, we're all hawks now. Potential for a diplomatic solution? Yes, please.

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