Medicare for All – How Can We Pay for It? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Prof. Robert Pollin and Michael Lighty discuss the findings of a new study by the Political Economy Research Institute at UMass Amherst. The study finds Medicare for All could reduce total healthcare spending by 10 percent, while creating stable access to good care and improving the health of all U.S. residents

The Study:

The dialogue at the Sanders Institute Gathering: In Dialogue at the Sanders Institute Gathering:

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Medicare for All – How Can We Pay for It?”
  1. Medicare penalties are excessive if you don't start paying into it at age 65 for Plan B. Buying it now would take almost all my SS payments. I don't go to a doctor unless necessary and am drug-free. Natural and holistic supplements are what keep me free of doctors for the most part.

    IT'S INSANITY TO THINK I WOULD BENEFIT BY LETTING MEDICARE TAKE MY MONTHLY Social Security! Medicare got plenty from me during my life.
    A little research may enlighten you. I worked 2 jobs much of the time during my working career; working on public jobs until age 75. I am now 87. Medical tax came out of every earned check I earned, which paid for Medicare Plan A Hospitalization ONLY –

    HOWEVER – I discovered recently that is a ripoff -a fallacy – for emergency hernia surgery, I was hospitalized for 3 days & 2 nights. Medicare Plan A Hospitalization Only paid ZERO – NOTHING!!! THEY CLASSIFIED THE SURGERY AS "OUTPATIENT OBSERVATION"!

    AFTER THE FACT I was told Medicare Plan A wouldn't pay anything because I was in the hospital for less than 72 hours! To classify the surgery as OUTPATIENT OBSERVATION is obscene and not true!! The Hospital alone was almost $40,000. I paid the surgeon but still paying monthly for hospital.


  2. Dont give the money to private companies, give it to the government . I now pay 135 dollars for 80% coverage. Private insurance takes over 200 to cover 20%. Give the government 100 fr the extra 20% without all the extra paper work

  3. Our politicians are incompetent and corrupt we need to get rid of these crook politicains out now. These uneducated and dumb politicains are so stupid we need to impeach all these politicains immediately not tomorrow now get these idiots out office because they are not smart and probably can not be educated. Out, out,out, out, out and out of political office.

  4. Count me in.. Single payer health care will save money day one, then lower costs annually as the poor become healthier. 👍👍

  5. Prof. Robert Pollin is highly biased. He assumes a lot, to make his “plan” work. This study is flawed and far from a reality check. They mention savings on drugs, which is all well and good. Of course, if the profit motive for developing new drugs and biologics is removed, research will stop, UNLESS the Medicare for All system funds all the research, but you know that won't happen.

    Neither of these two guys even mention the impact on physicians, other than all physicians will be paid the same. As proof they are not being honest, they failed to let everyone know, physicians are quitting Medicare by the tens of thousands because reimbursement is below the cost of providing the service, draconian rules and regulations, and that all physicians are treated like they are cheating the system. Unless they plan on drafting physicians into the military, physicians can continue in private practice, where patients have fr easier access, and then pay cash.

    Physicians’ overhead (malpractice and general liability insurance, Medicare compliance employees, billing employees, OSHA rules, rent, phones, electricity, etc) continues to climb.

    They also left us in the dark on the cost to the system imposed by BIG hospitals, who are protected from competition.

    And if their BS is not enough, they want us to turn on one another. But the killer for these two is promoting BS Bernie Sanders.

    Prof. Robert Pollin and Michael Lighty, and other people outside the system continue to have simplistic approaches to medical care, proving…… ignorance is bliss.

  6. I agree with Medicare for all/universal health care completely. It is nothing more than a dream in this country. The nightmare however comes in the form of Greedy and already rich, Big Pharm, Insurance companies, and medical professionals who over charge to pay their own insurance premiums… I'm with you sir this program will more than pay for itself, however in this country only the rich deserve to be healthy and happy! It's time to make this country great again! Trump can't be bought by the interests of oppressive evil politicians who have ran this country too long. Through contributions from big Pharm, Insurance companies, etc! Great indifference leaves room for compromise! It's time for everyone to get on board! GOD bless Trump and the USA!!!

  7. This is one thing that doesn't have to be paid for because americans are already overpaying for healthcare. The whole idea is to save money by reducing it level close to other countries with similar standard of living.

  8. America sooo! needs a peoples party, the two-party corporate dictatorship is the reason we can't have the most obvious solution to the healthcare nightmare in our country.

  9. The problem with 'Medicare for All' is NOT that it is has to be explained more fully: the forces opposing its adoption KNOW that it is more equitable, affordable, humane and etc. That is PRECISELY why they oppose it. The opponents of single-payer are being intellectually dishonest because of the financial motivation for maintaining the status quo from which they so hugely benefit.

    So the real issue is political: how do working people (in other words, the "99%") regain some measure on control over public policy? And as discussion such as these (which after all have been going on for years) clearly show, the FACTS of the issue will NEVER sway beneficiaries of the current state of affairs.

  10. Imagine how it felt when I went to see a pain specialist to treat the chronic pain a US neurosurgeon caused and I was told by the MD that because you have Medicare it is not financially worth treating me. Go pay cash to a private specialist. Costs will go way down once the States dump private corporations. MDs will have to start treating people because they love medicine and helping people, not because they love money. I can't wait!

  11. Im sorry but federal taxes do not find spending so paying for Medicare for all does not rely on fed taxes. We are a sovereign economy. The US is a sovereign economy and a currency issuer and cannot go broke #learnMMT

  12. Brilliant study, unfortunately wasted, because the politicians in Washington don't want to hear or accept feasible studies that will help all Americans. The rich , powerful and white, run America and don't want their control of wealth and policy affected. The war machine and war political mentality run the US, money for war , YES , money for health care, infrastructure , immigration, gun and prison reform , NO. Anything that will improve the life style of all Americans,NO.

  13. What more than a thousand dollars are taken out of my income tax, besides I have to pay for my family' s private insurance. Thanks Democrats for taking our hardworking taxes to give them to illegal aliens.

  14. Lockheed Martin, McDonell Douglas and various weapon sellers can pay and should pay for MEDICARE… after all their products bring death and destruction upon thousands of innocent citizens outside america every .. EVERYONE GETS COVERED HUH??

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