Patriotic Millionaires Chairman Morris Pearl says decades of Republican efforts to make the tax system less fair could lead to a dystopian future of concentrated wealth and ineffectual democratic institutions

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By elboriyorker


32 thoughts on “Millionaires Group Says Unfair Tax System Undermines Democracy”
  1. Aww, look one of them is scared. Like he'd ever say this if we hadn't been threatening to kill them all get rid of capitalism all together, he's just trying to save his own skin like these people always do, screw him.

  2. In addition to fair tax could you also have a change in attitude of the wealthy – to cultivate wealth for the common good rather than just their family?

    For a consumer economy to work people need money to spend.

  3. This is BS! Concerned about not paying enough taxes? So pay more!The only truth he stated was fear of imprisonment behind stone walls with private guards to protect themselves from unwashed, starving masses.
    IF these 100 millionaires are really concerned about poverty they would do what Jimmy Carter has done! Getting their hands dirty. Buy slums, build communities by the people for the people! Co-ops. PERHAPS MR PEARLMAN COULD ASK OBAMA FOR A COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN? Jared Kushner knows a lot about being a slum landlord – 666!

  4. This guy is well intentioned but he doesn't understand an essential foundation of our economic system. CAPITALISM WILL NEVER DELIVER WEALTH FOR ALL! IF IT DID IT WOULDN'T BE CAPITALISM!!! WE ALREADY TRIED THIS WITH KEYNESIANISM, NOW HERE WE ARE AGAIN!!!

  5. In america we had these policies in the 1820s…The system crashed, ..again in the 1880's…The system crashed…..again in the 1920's…The system crashed…Everyone knows the next crash is coming…There's alot of penned up rage out there….A France type of response, is certainly possible…complete with the guillotine….I'm against any kind of violence, but we live in a violent culture…A bi-product of inequality….That's the contradiction of capitalism, the capitalists chase low wages around the world, exploiting the poorest, at the same time, driving down wages of those they wish to sell their products too. It's unsustainable, everything about capitalism, especially what it does to the environment…Tick-Tock…..

  6. U.S. capitalism does not have 20 years/1 generation. Frankly, you'll be LUCKY to have a 'gated-community', Police-State, oligarchic lifestyle down that road.

  7. Not every millionaire is a totally greedy shit, sure… but capitalism still has to go, OK?
    The working-class will likely promise not to hang these 'enlightened' ones… Best deal for you people. Take it.

  8. Tax cuts and increased spending! 20-years of ongoing wars in multiple theaters! Borrowing to pay for the wars! What could possibly go wrong? sinister music NOOO! NOT THE COMMIES! AAAAARRGH! IT'S ALL ENVY! THEY JUST WANT TO TAX AND SPEND! BUT NOT LIKE WE DO! Ha ha.

  9. I can't understand the level of greed these people operate on, hoarding more money than they could ever spend in their lifetime and refusing to contribute a single cent to taxes for the society they live in. I have no issue paying tax, my only gripe is I wish it was used to help people with things like health care and not fund a bloated military budget.

  10. The poor will eventually rise up and the rich cant fight a civil war against the many. The poor will not join the military to defend you. They will not serve you and you wont be able to leave your home without being robbed or beat up.

  11. Mister Pearl seems like a very decent person but he doesn't understand how our economy actually works he would do better to just give the money away that he would pay in taxes to worthwhile charities because federal taxes don't fund federal spending mr. Perot should contact the levy economics Institute or Professor Stephanie Kelton at Stony Brook University

  12. Deceptive. Bourgeois talking points. You speak as if there isn't already an aristocracy. As if Warren Buffet is a good guy… reasonable. As if they want to change the system. Poor ppl pay taxes. Payroll taxes, sales tax, income tax. I had no deductions to lower my tax rate. I paid for health ins all my life, but unable to afford the actual health care. The poor poor middle class are partly or mostly responsible for stagnant wages. They don't want to pay for their lifestyles any more than the "rich" do. Yet, I pay 50% of my net income to rent alone… I think you could call that property tax. Yet, despite that, I've never lived in an apt that was maintained… you could call them "shitholes". Don't expect any GD sympathy for the fkng MIDDLE CLASS.

  13. Since there are no limits on profits, it would be necessary to take back some of those ridiculous profits. 60 million Americans voted for a dictator who openly promised "I could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue" and "I just grab them by the p__sy!". Trump's harem wives and slavish surrogates allowed their men to degrade women from Christine Ford to Stormy Daniels. Trump: "We have more Money than Anybody else By Far.." Mitch McConnell: "We're Broke and we need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits". It really needs to be illegal for ALL politicians to lie in political ads and debates. I don't understand how it's not considered fraud.

  14. Why should we pay taxation in the first place? To pay back interest on loans taken from which I am not a recipient? I should give my money over to thieves and murderers to go steal and murder others on foreign soil in the name of freedom and democracy? No thank you I will not be an accessory to such things.

  15. What I heard was some rich people have read history & want to keep their money so they’ll throw us poor a bone to keep us from revolting. No thanks, not interested in the platitudes of the rich. We need a revolution & we need it now.

  16. Federal income tax was originally for rich land owners to be taxed on their profits from renting their property. It's not written in for the "regular Joe", we sign those IRS papers when we start working giving them consent (agreement) for them to collect taxes. IRS is also private not a government agency like the Fed Reserve.

  17. As nice as his intentions may be. There are still several problems with this. There is still an issue with the underlying system that both rich and poor people alike are not addressing. As long as the aim of the game is to make a profit, then isn't someone somewhere ALWAYS going to be exploited.

    Also, its fine for rich and poor Americans alike to come together and say "yes we are going to pay our fair share of taxes and have a more equitable society", but if that is only available to those who reside in the heart of the empire, i.e, if the rest of the world still gets exploited for its minerals (for example Africa is running a deficit of around $100bn a year) then how is that fair?

    And then, there's the planet itself. Is a for-profit, mineral extracting, wealth extracting macro-economics system still viable? Should we still be looking to adopt that model? This guy wants to go back to the 1950s in terms of equity. While I admire his empathy towards others, isn't it possible to do something even better than that? Why are we as humans in this world still thinking so small?

    I don't think a Utopia (or some heaven ideal) is what I'm looking for. Just progress from where we are. People coming together and saying, "Ok, the current system has taken us this far, but it is now obsolete". Time to move on

  18. Will the patriotic millionaires petition for a fair income distribution, maybe on a global level, Or do they just want a slightly fairer tax system which will roll on as it has for the last few centuries, which is not a cure to the ills of capitalism really?

  19. Their plan is to monopolize, feudalize through privatization.
    Once they monopolize or own everything. The laws will always stand on their side. What was once public will be sold off when bust hits, becoming private.

  20. Can you imagine 1 person in 1,000 having money and 999 not? Walled compounds in a generation? I think more like walled compounds burned to the ground in 10 years. The problem is that lots of people don't think about what's fair like Mr. Pearl does

  21. This group isn't doing it out of the goodness of their heart, they are doing it, because if they don't do something about income inequality, the workers will revolt and take all of their money. The way that is being kept bottled that anger, is by bribing politicians and taking over democratic institutions… FDR's greatest achievement, according to him, "I saved capitalism."

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