Unions and left-wing political parties are calling for the immediate withdrawal of President Macron’s pension reforms, which would raise France’s retirement age from 62 to 64.

Brandon Jourdan: Production, video, and editing
Associate Producer: Daniel Murphy

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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Millions join national strike in France against Macron’s pension reform”
  1. *Idée pour la consommation et la culture du vin : laisser d'abord reposer le vin pour que l'alcool s'évapore en tant qu'agent de conservation, des heures de jour-e. Puis le rendre sain et digeste comme un jus et l'affiner avec des substances saines par la fermentation. Comme autrefois, lorsque les récipients en terre cuite n'étaient pas aussi bien fermés.

    En raison de la déforestation planifiée par hectares, la viticulture.*

    En Allemagne de l'Est, les arbres fruitiers ont également été abattus pour être importés par des entreprises "occidentales" comme celles des Pays-Bas. Fait par la presse et les "stratèges".

    Cela dépend aussi de la manière dont on le fait, comme pour le tabac – les cigarettes ne sont que de la publicité avec et pour beaucoup d'argent – mais il est possible de sucer des feuilles de tabac non traitées comme une herbe médicinale ; ce qui est dangereux, c'est le condensat, donc ici un substitut de tabac avec seulement de la nicotine.


    Idea for drinking and cultivating wine: Let the wine stand for hours before the alcohol evaporates as a preservative. Then healthy and digestible like juice and refined with healthy substances through fermentation. Like in the early days when clay jars were not so tightly sealed.

    Because of planned deforestation by the hectare, viticulture.

    In East Germany, fruit tree areas were also deforested for imports from and by "western" companies such as from Holland. This was done by the press and "strategists".

    It also depends on the way tobacco – cigarettes are only persuaded by advertising with and for a lot of money – but untreated tobacco leaves can be sucked like medicinal herbs; the dangerous thing is the condensate, – so here tobacco substitute with only nicotine.


    Idea para beber y cultivar el vino: Dejar reposar el vino durante horas antes de que se evapore el alcohol como conservante. Después, sano y digerible como el zumo y refinado con sustancias saludables mediante la fermentación. Como en los primeros tiempos, cuando las tinajas de barro no estaban tan herméticamente cerradas.

    Debido a la deforestación planificada por hectáreas, la viticultura.

    En Alemania del Este también se deforestaron zonas de árboles frutales para la importación desde y por empresas "occidentales" como de Holanda. Esto fue hecho por la prensa dirigente y los "estrategas".

    Tambien depende de la forma de tabaco – los cigarrillos solo son persuadidos por la publicidad con y por mucho dinero – pero las hojas de tabaco no tratadas se pueden chupar como hierbas medicinales; lo peligroso es el condensado, – asi que aqui sustituto de tabaco solo con nicotina.


    Идея для питья и выращивания вина: дайте вину постоять несколько часов, пока спирт не испарится в качестве консерванта. Затем полезное и легкоусвояемое, как сок, и обогащенное полезными веществами в результате брожения. Как в ранние времена, когда глиняные кувшины не были так плотно закупорены.

    Из-за плановой погектарной вырубки лесов виноградарство.

    В Восточной Германии также вырубались площади под фруктовые деревья для импорта из и "западными" компаниями, например, из Голландии. Это делала ведущая пресса и "стратеги".

    Это зависит и от способа употребления табака – сигареты убеждают только рекламой с большими деньгами и за большие деньги, – но необработанные листья табака можно сосать как лекарственные травы; опасен конденсат, – так что здесь табакозаменитель только с никотином.


    Nápad na pití a pěstování vína: Víno nechte stát několik hodin, než se z něj odpaří alkohol jako konzervační prostředek. Pak je zdravé a stravitelné jako džus a kvašením se zušlechťuje zdravými látkami. Jako v dřívějších dobách, kdy hliněné nádoby nebyly tak těsně uzavřeny.

    Kvůli plánovanému odlesňování na hektary se vinohradnictví.

    Ve východním Německu byly odlesněny i plochy ovocných stromů pro dovoz ze "západních" firem a od "západních" firem, například z Holandska. Dělo se tak na popud vedoucího tisku a "stratégů".

    Záleží také na způsobu, jakým se tabák – cigarety pÅ™esvÄ›dčují jen reklamou s a za velké peníze – ale neupravené tabákové listy se dají cucat jako léčivé byliny; nebezpečný je kondenzát, – takže zde tabák nahradit jen nikotinem.


    Idee für Wein trinken und Anbau: Wein erst stehen lassen das Alkohol als Konservierungsstoff verdunstet, Stunden Tag-e. Dann gesund und bekömmlich wie Saft und veredelt mit gesunden Stoffen durch Gärung. Wie früher anfänglich als Gefäße Tonkrüge nicht so fest verschlossen waren.

    Wegen geplanter hektarweiser Abholzung Weinbau.

    In Ostdeutschland wurden auch Obst- Baum- Gebiete abgeholzt für dann Importe von und durch "west"- Firmen wie aus Holland. Gemacht durch Ver- leit- presse und "strategen".

    Es kommt auch auf die Art und Weise an wie bei Tabak – Zigaretten so nur eingeredet durch Werbung mit und für viel Geld – aber unbehandeltes Tabakblatt lutschen wie Heilkraut möglich; das gefährliche ist das Kondensat,- also hier Tabak- Ersatz mit nur Nikotin.

  2. À la sueur de ton front tu mangeras ton pain (à cause de ta mauvaise gérance) (Genèse 3,17-19). By the sweat of your face, will you earn your food (due to your bad management) (Genesis 3,17-19).
    Make works enjoyable than a chore. Work 3 days a week and lower the standard of your living because the Macron-chip is already here.

  3. Pensions is just the straw that broke the camel's back, he has been raping the French people for six years, the little rothschild man. Revolution is our culture, our blood. Even our national anthem is a revolutionary song. We inspired the first American revolution, why not the second? We don't have guns, but we know how can heads easily fall off.

  4. Canada is at 65 for pension. And the way things are going a part-time job, plus, to live comfortably. HahA.

  5. France takes the example of the brainwashed British who accepted the retirement age at 67 and which will increase to 70 and maybe the limit will be – you will die at work.

    The obedience of the British about the retirement age is beyond imagination and says everything about this human species.

    We are in the 21st century – the highest technology, science is at the highest level, etc. etc. instead of decreasing, the retirement age increases regularly and often – why?! because there are people who accept to be slaves all their lives, even to die at work…for some villainous billionaires who make diabolical laws.

    In the management of the EU, there are only some mentally retarded people who make and impose diabolical laws for all citizens, considering them as creatures who must produce wealth for those in charge ,even with work until death …Only money matters, not the human being

  6. Matthew 6:24 (KJV) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

  7. Tout le monde déteste la police ! …..Gawd Damn that resonates!!!! Too bad the yankee is such a slobbering dog of empire. Skeptical of the black block?… Just start digging (3’ x 9’) and get your females used to walking long distances at night. Also just a modest proposal the flesh of a child is mighty tasty. Ambition of a few the sloth of many the pain of all the luxury of pity. With their sweet talk they promise us the world but leave us crumbs we ask for a fraction and they just make more bombs. Make way for the lords and ladies of the clown kingdumb! A world regulated by favored idiots. Those that want to save the children harm the children. The leader is a follower and the follower is a leader that is dead if there is a hell it is inside your head! NO GODS NO MASTERS!!!!

  8. Of course Macron does not care. He get automatic win in elections. he knows the opinions of people is meaningless. Same here in the US Elections are rigged!

  9. What about Nato invasion into eastern Europe ,clearly provoked Russia respond in Ukraine. ,that is ok?There is a war next to and what they are thinking is about their retirement .World up side down.

  10. Viva Democracy in France 🇫🇷 and France 🇫🇷 people!! Stay positive stronger positive for your Right!!!

  11. Excellent people of France 🇫🇷 they are In Right side !!!!100/00000000000% 👈💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

  12. I LIKE IT! 
    Viva la France
    Viva la revolución
    The people of France are demonstrating how to resist the oligarchic state.

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