More Die From Medical Insurance ‘Prior Authorization’ Than Before ACA – Wendell Potter (6/7)

More Die From Medical Insurance ‘Prior Authorization’ Than Before ACA – Wendell Potter (6/7)

Wall Street demands medical insurance companies maintain their profits under the Affordable Care Act, which means they get even more aggressive in denying coverage and creating insurance models that under-insure patients – Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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38 thoughts on “More Die From Medical Insurance ‘Prior Authorization’ Than Before ACA – Wendell Potter (6/7)

  1. People in the US talk about delays under systems with universal single payer healthcare. I lived in the UK for 27 years before moving to the US. I never once got denied healthcare, never once had to wait for care. Since moving to the US, I've faced denial of claims, delay after delay to get procedures approved, and I once got a $6,000 bill for a test that my doctor accidentally sent to a lab that my insurance didn't cover. Anyone who wants to keep for-profit insurance is literally suicidal, because the US insurance industry is literally trying to kill us.

  2. Benefit Buydown – This should be a phrase on everyone's lips when discussing private insurance. This is the insurance companies' "usury", the trading of people's lives for profit.


    Potter is a former CIGNA Health Insurance executive turned whistleblower in 2009. The information he provided then was extremely beneficial. However, sometimes when we see corruption every day for decades, we begin to see it everywhere, even when it is not there. Sometimes we become jaded. He has now become a whistleblower AGAINST the ACA. That is too bad. Mr. Potter can be helpful in asking the right questions, and informing the public about how to find answers. FACTS ARE IMPORTANT!

    Mr. Potter’s time CAN be more effectively used to engage elected officials, churches, community organizations, and public influencers to engage the broader community in practical information.

    As someone who spent decades of my professional life in various aspects of health care I am concerned whenever I see people being misled and even deceived.

    • It’s easy to pray on people’s fears. The question here is: WHAT IS THE HIDDEN OR THE ‘REAL AGENDA?’ We need to stimulate interest, engagement, and action.

  4. All known 20 Countries that have Universal HealthCare and other good Social Programs are
    are not Socialist Countries.That's a Phony Bogieman Propaganda to funnel Taxpayers money into you Figure where?
    People's Taxes go for People ,Infrastructure,
    Waterway's,Bridges, Roads,Inviroment, etc.etc.!
    Japan for one have meals for their children in Schools. And All Have a DEFENCE BUDGET.! . Some will think that is all wrong to do!
    And I'm also sure of that statement!

  5. Insuline, life supportind medication, cost me a co payment of $350 two xs a month. Am retired and can not afforded. Walmart sell 75/25 for less than 30 dollars. My Insurance is offering the cheapest one for 540 dollars. Clearly I had to buy Walmart which is Cheaper and am able to pay for! Do I have an insurace? I had to paid 350 dollars for Blood Work. Do I have an Insurance? I have medicare and GHI? Also a union plan for dental and Medications? Can not use the dental in Pa and I still do not have adequate coverage for desperately needed Physical Therapy. Defenetely Support Medicre Full Coverage for Sll! No BS abut no money. We have being Wasting Trillions in Unnessessary Wars and Military Hardweare!

  6. Well I have insurance that most to all won't take, because the insurer doesn't pay on time or doesn't pay at all. This leaves me not being able to see any doctors. Plus it doesn't cover much of the dental work. Doesn't cover glasses, just the examination which doesn't help me because I need new glasses. Even on a 8,000 a yrs income.

  7. In a country that lives and breaths greed I would be astonished if the insurance companies weren't killing their clients in need. Why are Americans surprised when their greed based system that is encouraged at every turn costs them their son or daughter? Americans are so firmly convinced of their superior system that they allow their bought and paid for Democrat and ReTHUGlican politicians to pay lip service to change while making those changes impossible to make. These corrupt politicians do this by side lining true progressive politicians and passing laws that make change illegal such as the laws they passed to make it illegal to import cheaper life saving drugs from Canada or even to renegotiate for lower drug prices. As this is happening Americans are dying daily from not having the huge amounts of money for grossly inflated drug prices and insurance costs. When will Americans start to stand up for themselves and start demanding better. Elect Mr. Sanders or even Mrs. Warren because even if she isn't as progressive on this issue as some would like at least she'll be making and changing laws to put some of these crooks into prison. They belong in prison while another Progressive can bring in Universal Healthcare because they'll be less impeded once some of these crooks are in prison.

  8. It's not 'god's will' it's 'corporate will' that is responsible for people's death when denied life saving procedures..and of course, not without the apathetic response of ' look the other way' from the public willing to ignore it.

  9. When you finally get medicare for all make sure it covers everything 100%, no questions asked. This means pills, teeth everything. ……….Tulsi 2020………

  10. As a British citizen I think that the U S healthcare System is a criminal conspiracy and mast go to single payer system. I have had scans and various other test NON PAYMENTS REQUIRED some small charges for spectacle and some drug's as I am over sixty all but spectacles and dentists treatment is FREE

  11. The health care industry is terrified of the govt launching a “good practice” health insurer that wouldn’t be run for excess profits.
    Similarly, why doesn’t the govt run a “good practice” bank? We have a mixed economy, why isn’t there room for a state provider of these essential services.

  12. We need to get rid of insurance companies period they are leeches
    We need to go to single payer or medicare it make me so angry they
    Tell the doctors how long hospital
    Stay should be bottom feeders and
    Total scum so glad I live in Chiang Mai
    And don’t have to pay 1200 dollars no
    Way the rich CEO”s can go to the deep pits of hell

  13. The ACA (Obamacare) is very similar to the Swiss healthcare system with one massive difference. The Swiss system uses private *non-profit health insurers and is heavily government regulated. The ACA fails do to US *for-profit insurers breaking the system and buying political power. Fail fail fail America.

  14. My neighbor just die
    She didn't have health insurance..
    We find out
    She was turn away many times
    For check up.
    Or her medicine never been pick up
    From the pharmacy
    No insurance…
    She was 40years old.
    She told me once
    When she dies one day
    She will come back and hunt those who kill her…
    I believed her.

  15. We don't get or receive anything from you cant say we are contributing to the increased debt.And my husband works and pays taxes he makes less than 100.000 a year.Wonder how many politicians have to live that way.

  16. THERE AIN'T NUTH'N TO FIX. You can't fix a fraud, you can only replace it. Remember what Buckminster Fuller said: "To change something, don't fight the existing reality. Create a new model that makes the old model obsolete."
    Quit debating which lie is less fake. Medicare For All: An Economic Empowerment Imperative.
    Full stop!

  17. False narrative!

    ACA has been systematically dismantled, stonewalled, and degraded since its inception. Republicans in control throughout the Obama Admin haven't given it a chance! Virtually every meaningful adoption by President Obama went contested during his run. They wouldn't even allow him to appoint one single judge in the Supreme Court, though that was his duty, and right by tradition. A$$whøles!

  18. Our healthcare sucks. America only cares anout the people who have wealyh and social standing. These insurance companies are crooked and break the law all the time. Prior authorization is a way of culling out the poor. Tjis is immoral. My mother worked for an insurance co. Andshe told me about the sleazy decisions they made to not have to pay for so many treatments.

  19. For what we pay and get in return, the U.S. is easily the worst health care system in the world. The high costs would be justified if were number one in health outcomes. But we routinely rank somewhere between 30-40 world wide.

  20. I was in business for 25 years and what it looks like to me is that the insurance companies are acting as a retailer. The provider bills the insurance company and in the case of the ACA, they mark the cost of the care up and then bill the government. If that isn't bad enough, then they go back to the providers and negotiate a bulk discount.

    My insulin ( a 100 year old drug) went from $350 per month to $450 epipens. The insurance companies refused to pay for the lower cost insulin and pay for only the higher cost insulin.. What does this tell you? The insurance companies are in for a cut of the higher cost drug. Higher price, more profit..

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