Most Americans Want Medicare for All, Without Private Insurers

Most Americans Want Medicare for All, Without Private Insurers

Bob Pollin & Michael Lighty hold that Medicare for All does not have into include private insurers like Medicare does today.

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38 thoughts on “Most Americans Want Medicare for All, Without Private Insurers

  1. Basically, if you think this is going to magically come from nothing, that's not reality. Get ready for taxes to go up on everyone – that actually pay taxes. This means that instead of your middle-class paying 28% or so, you are going to be paying 58%. If you think this won't raise taxes on the middle-class, you are not paying attention. The poorest will continue to effectively pay nothing and get it all back – usually end up getting more than they paid in back. That's reality.

    This is going to cause almost everyone in the country to be EXTREMELY OVERDEPENDENT on government to subsidize their life in almost all facets. Most people in these socialized systems – some of their systems anyway – not only tax their citizen's income, they also have VAT as well. They need the government to provide all this shit, because the taxes are so high. The taxes are so high, so government can squirt their titty milk into people's mouths.

    This only works if countries don't have to spend larger parts of their GDP on defense. They can only not spend on that, because the United States subsidizes that for them. If we started spending more of our GDP on providing this kind of stuff to all citizens, the whole house of cards falls apart.

    Reality comes at you fast.

  2. I can't think of any other developed country not having some kind of Medicare for all. And the US is one of the most socially unjust developed countries.
    Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) the USA is #25 –
    And it doesn't count that Norway debt is 34.84%, US 108% GBP. The USA $1.5 trillion of student loan debt, but there are no tuition fees for state-funded universities in Norway. Americans are badly brainwashed.
    ‘It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled’? – Arguably Mark Twain.
    "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." – Adolf Hitler
    The biggest problem Health Service around the Globe is doctors and Pharmaceutical industry refusing to move from 19th-century trial and error based clinical trial RCT to science-based medicine. Additionally, the majority of diseases are still treated using wrong 20th-century Autoimmunity hypothesis. In the latest 20 years thousands of researches and studies have been disproving it:
    Since 2002 The Marshal Protocol is available and used with great results, not just treatment, but the cure of majority “uncurable” deceases:
    Regardless great success it is still considered experimental treatment because RCT newer been done. Problem is that RCT with a control group on placebo cannot be done for treatment which lasts for 3-4 years. But the fact is that no RCT is required because there is a huge control group – all rheumatoid, diabetic, oncology and neurologic specialists patients on conventional symptoms easing treatment instead of curing real cause of deceases. Society badly needs progressive changes in the healthcare system. It would greatly improve the quality of life a big part of society and save billions in the process.

  3. Who would not want free stuff? ME. keep your free stuff, because it's not. Left wing word salad, served to please the pallet of the low IQ types. Look after your own health and pay the consequences when you don't. LIFE IS NOT FAIR! accept this fact,

  4. Why not single payer food? Why not single payer housing? Why not single payer everything? Let the rich pay for it, after all the poor are working for the rich, isn't it too much hassle for them already?
    The argument is simple, most people want free stuff. If you give them free stuff they'll take it. But it doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do. Our healthcare system is THE WORST currently because we lack choice and there's way too many regulations on hospitals and insurance companies.

    Why is anyone not fighting for increased consumer choice and lower regulations on the hospital and insurance sector? If capitalism works for food by way that everyone can afford it, surely it must work for healthcare. It's all about choice, which consumers don't have enough of. It is the politicians who want to concentrate the power in their hands which they have been doing since democracy was invented. Please note that America got rich when nothing was a right, not even air. America got rich only on the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All other phony rights have all been invented by politicians who want power and in democracy free stuff which you don't pay for buys you power.

    I hope people realize the freedom they surrendered to the almighty government has led us to this day. It is the government who decides who gets rich and who gets poor. It is the government who tells you that you have to choose between these two-three insurance companies, you can't choose out of state. So it is right to be angry on the rich people because most of them didn't become rich by innovation, but by use of the power of the government. If we take back these powers which we gave to the federal government, these phony rich guys will disappear and people will only become rich because they worked hard and innovated.

  5. So the host is basically asking a loaded question: how can you "sell" single-payer to legislators, i.e. how can you get legislators to actually enact policy that their constituents want. That is ONLY a legitimate question because it tacitly assumes that the people in general (read 'working class') have NO representation in Congress (or anywhere else in the US government). That is not only an assumption, but an actual fact. Indeed how DO you get legislation passed when the facts of the proposed policy DO NOT MATTER to those asked to enact the policy?

  6. Our Federal taxes do NOT fund our federal spending. The money that is spent for our federal programs is never 'raised’ first through federal taxation. To the contrary, federal spending is what brings that money into existence to be spent. In fact, when a well meaning, yet economically illiterate progressives, says: " but we need to raise taxes first" in order to "pay for" Medicare-for-All, they are literally giving cover to Pelosi & Trump for justifying the implementation of the PAYGO (pay-as-you-go) austerity tax law, which would actually "cut programs" and "raise taxes" on the 99% working class, and kill any future progressive New Deal spending programs!

  7. The bottom line is…. Capitalism is hurting most of us and needs to go. It won't go quietly, it will be bloody. People have no idea how hard the vested interests will fight, and they are the ones in charge of the government and the military and the surveillance state and THE MONEY.

  8. Completely restructure Wealthcare?? Aren't we gonna talk about healthcare reform??
    How many of your friends or family are on daily medications?? Have the instances of diabetes, ADHD, cancer, obesity, infertility, etc. increased ??
    When did we ever think that combining two publicly funded opposed administrations?? Who would pay for foods sprayed with or modified to kill pest and other organic matter? Oh pick me please!!!! Now herbicide's are absorbed the rest just washed off into your wells, rivers, streams, oceans and reservoirs. Don't all the fish and animals drink this poison?? Do they have a choice??? Ahhhh !!! Humans do we can drink bottled water!!! Why?? Well they poison the water so they can charge us again with bottled water!!! Wait so they charge you for eating and drinking poison?? Yup! Oh just you wait an see nope they sprayed the sky's again!!! What?? With what?? So these Corporation's have been allowed or licenced by who's Government?? They create massive harms to the air, water and Earth. Then charge us for the cleanup!! My child here is your lunch a mc murder burger and a jumbo high fructose corn syrup drink🤔. Cost the same as a bottle of water and an apple!!?! Back on track!! Healthcare!!! I have a primary doctor?? What?? This primary charges then refers you to another charge again and again. You know how much you pay??? A Lot!!! You do not see it because health insurance pays!!! I have been to one doctor one time in 8 years!! My health is very good. Now I pay the same as the murder burger, fructose water that smokes 7 packs of cigarettes each day??? I have not took a drug including aspirin since ? Recreationally​ yeah I have depending on your definition of drug! Billions of dollars are waisted on the maintenance of illness!! We never hear of the Natural Remedies and yes Cures of the past. Researched and used for hundreds if not thousands of years.. Why?? No profit in selling you apples, carrots, basil, garlic or cinnamon my friends!!? Here eat these pills every day for the rest of your life!!! PROFIT!! Advertising more soda, burgers, chips, processed foods poisoning society so we can sell them life maintenance medication!!

  9. everyone with half a brain knows that medicare for all is the ONLY solution, but what I don't understand is why Pollin is NOT talking about the other side of the coin, specifically that since medicare for all is deflationary (people from ins industry will lose jobs) what is being proposed to mitigate this (whether a tax cut or moving these people to the green new deal sector).

  10. Just do it right……a right, universally applied,. In a truly universal system the only question is how can we help. Absolutely don't leave a single crack, or the crony capitalist will force capitalist ideals of supply demand, priorities, rationing…….nope doesn't matter who you are, in any way shape or form, lifestyle, intelligents, it plays zero role.

  11. I'm 74 & I can't afford supplemental insurance. Medicaid has turned me down because I make $50 over limit per month. It is a constant struggle to survive. I can't work because of some health issues.
    YES IT WILL REQUIRE MILLIONS OF US IN THE STREETS. This is greed of insurance companies vs health of people.

  12. Single-payer healthcare is the way to go. I lived in Japan for 12 years & Japan has national health insurance that is based on the 70/30 ratio that most privatized companies here in the United States.

    The government covers 70 percent, however, there are NO deductibles, medical costs are kept low due to government regulations, no preexisting condition clauses & monthly payments are income-based, percentage payments.

    For example, we (my wife & I) made about ¥48 Mil (about 48k) a year & our monthly insurance payment (for a family of four) was about $280 a month & that was for FULL medical, dental & vision coverage.

    My wife & son spent 5 days in the hospital for his birth & aftercare. The total cost for the birthing, care & 5-day hospital was about 5k & after insurance paid we paid about 1.5k.

    Compare that to the United States where a (vaginal) BIRTHING ALONE costs between 19-23k & that is giving birth & getting out.

    The U.S. healthcare is a sociopathic system that doesn’t serve the purpose of a healthcare system, rather it serves as a means of exuberant profits for oligarchs.

  13. Medicare for all is definitely the way to go. To hell with the greedy for profit insurers the gouging will never stop and the profits not the peoples wellbeing is all that matters to them. We have seen this over and over again time to eliminate the parasite middle men paper shufflers constantly driving up the costs without delivering any care. It just doesn't work.

  14. Medicare is a nightmare from hell. You will be told what you can and cannot have. I know. I have taken care of both parents. Medicare does deny care. I thank God that they also had other insurance, so when denied care, I could go with other insurance. People will be sorry if that ever takes place. Most Americans do NOT want Medicare for All.

  15. Isn't the flaw that yes you pay 14 percent less of household income but you taxes goes up? Bernie said that the difference would be positive for households and businesses. That is where the debate begins, And the fear is if you are doing financially well and can afford a good plan now, your quality of care goes down. Didn't Pres. Obama say you could keep your current Dr. and plan but that was false in practice? Politically, Joseph is right. What ever happened to Justice Democrats and their chants to overturn Citizens United and stop this kind of political bribery. Another smoke screen?

  16. I'm truly shocked that we still need to "convince" anybody that Medicare for all isn't a HUGE cost saving benefit for the American people! Not to mention morally correct. We are guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States of America Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. What is "Life" if not Health care from birth to death!? This is a "no brainer"!

    The system we need is very simple. First: It must be a "single payer" system. I.E. the government funds the ENTIRE system. Second: It must be PROPERLY FUNDED! So no one falls thru the cracks!! Third: All citizens of the United States of America are covered from birth to death, PERIOD! (I particularly don't mind if all PEOPLE within the boarders of the United States are covered from birth to death!) After all, people are MORE IMPORTANT than money!!! And finally: Access to care should have NO restrictions in pursuant to the good health of the individual. Non-nessary medical procedures are secondary but covered. And "we the people" decide what "non-nessary" procedures are!

    The cost of this system would save Billions a year, AND cover everybody!!!! Like I said, a no brainer! And please, please, please don't bring up cost!!!!! Again, we would actually SAVE MONEY with this system WHILE getting much better care AND covering EVERYBODY!!! Now, if Donald Rumsfeld can announce that: The Pentagon can't account for over 2 Trillion dollars!!!! And that was 9/10/01. And NOBODY bats an eye!!! Also, considering that number is MUCH higher now!! Don't tell me we CAN'T afford a well funded Medicare system for all!!!! With the money the Pentagon "can't account for" we could have…
    -paid for Medicare for all.
    -ended homelessness in America.
    -ended starvation in America.
    -had free collage tuition for public colleges.
    ….and still had plenty of money leftover. Never touching the money the Pentagon CAN account for!!! 🤨🤔. WTF AMERICA??? WAKE UP!!!

  17. Thank you Mark! It is people like Bob and Michael that restore my faith in humanity. Thank you so much for your integrity and willingness to fight for the common good. May your strength continue as the fight warms up! Cheers

  18. Marc playing dumb (makes that too often). How are you going to SELL Medicare for All to corporate controlled legislators? Now way, now how. No democratic, humanistic economical healthcare system in corporate predatory capital controlled USA.

  19. Private insurance = brigands.
    Corporations love private insurance because it gives them control over their employees. Insurers love private insurance because it allows them to steal money.
    There doesn't seem to be any further benefit to health or people, quite the opposite.
    Who doesn't see this?

  20. Yeah people want long waits…unmotivated govt. employees and all the other rotten eventualities that comes with a govt run system…..sure. What we have is a mess but the answer is not govt.

  21. I’ve been through 13 major surgeries since I was rear ended. It’s bankrupted me twice and might force me to seek medical asylum in another country. MedicareForAll would solve my problems.

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